Chisholm Valley Neighborhood Association


Posted in: Eggers Acres
I'm curious to know what do you think about this web page. Do you feel that it is easy to navigate? Is there something that you really like or dislike about the site? What can be added to make it better?

This site...

This site is o.k. Sometimes it's hard to figure out where you can find the information you are looking for, it might just take some time to get use to it....
Website Updates

I have made recent changes to the website home page. I have reduced the number of community links and have added pages to sections of the Community and Police/Safety Pages. Creating pages allows us to better manage topics of interest and their respective website links . I have changed the name of the newsletter to NEWS!. It is simple and bold.

If anyone has experience or ideas on how to make this website run more efficiently, or would like to be responsible for a community or police/safety page, please contact me. Two heads are always better than one!

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