Church of God, Beth-EL

Pets, Noise, Trash, etc.

Posted in: Hickory Hills

Um actually yeah.. it does say someing about that. New legislation in our area says that dogs cannot obstruct a neighbors sense of enjoyment in their area. It states CLEARLY since 2012, that a dog barking longer than 5 minutes is in fact considered a nuisance. Basically the key here is to control your animals if you have them. Nobody likes a barking dog. Period. My dogs don't bark longer than a couple minutes, and if they do, I'm outside telling them to hush up and quit bothering the neighbors, BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT THE NEIGHBORS. Someone obviously didn' teach you well enough to know that dogs barking IS REALLY ANNOYING. My biggest problem though is when people leave their dogs outside from 12am to 5am just barking and barking and barking FOR HOURS like nobody else in the world except for themselves exist or needs to sleep. Riddle me this, why do you have a dog if you just leave it outside to be miserable and bark all night long? Do you enjoy pissing people off? Or do you just not care about your dog in the first place? I'm sure that poor dog would much rather be sitting next to you, its owner, getting the love and attention that it deserves, getting treats for good behavior, being trained and petted constantly. Played with everyday and taken for walks. If you cannot do that, then maybe you shouldn't own a dog? Yes having a pet and giving them all the love they not only NEED but DESERVE is much much more than most people give to their pets. Most people would rather just put the dog out in the yard all day and night to be ignored, to bark at everyone else and become the neighbors problem. I've had many many dogs and NONE of them barked longer than a couple minutes because that meant it was time for my attention to them again. So to answer your question, YES IT CLEARLY STATES THAT ANIMAL CONTROL WILL CONTROL BARKING AND YOUR NEIGHBORS CAN SUE YOU IF YOU DON'T KEEP THEM QUIET. Why not do a bit of research first and do some growing up before making yourself out to be a child yourself?  

I agree! I am only wishing my neighborhood even had an HOA.. If my dogs start barking I'm outside either bringing them inside or telling them to be quiet because I have respect for the neighbors. My neighbors don't have the same consideration and leave their dog outside barking from 12am to 5am and then all day and all night... really I only notice when I'm trying to sleep from 12 to 5am and its rediculous. 

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Complaining to the landlord doesn't always work. When I did, I was told to move to somewhere that was not pet-friendly.

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