- jedwards
- Respected Neighbor
- 38 Posts
I agree (kind of)
I agree (kind of)
Feb 6, 2004
The response was overly brutal, especially when ignorance of the dues issue is the likely culprit.
I think many of the ''get a rope'' group simply find it painfully frustrating that the ''sheep like'' homeowners can't easily see or appreciate the significance and magnitude of the issues at hand.
That doesn't excuse the rude response, but I think it explains it.
-By Robert (ru4ut2)

- jedwards
- Respected Neighbor
- 38 Posts
I also agree to some extent
I also agree to some extent
Feb 6, 2004
I agree there is far more rhetoric than is necessary. There are several folks here who just flame constantly regardless of issue or evidence, so I can understand how some people get a bit defensive. That being said, I don't think it is necessarily only the ''oust the board group'' on the giving or receiving end. And as for Lisa Sun, the famous or even infamous ls909, she is in a class all her own......
-By Steven Urban (sarge999)

- jedwards
- Respected Neighbor
- 38 Posts
Feb 6, 2004
Thanks, Robert and Steven. I appreciate the input and your opinions on the subject. I don't often monitor this site, but it seems that everytime I come here, there are sparks flying all over the place. We are all Circle C'ers, so hopefully what we have in common outweighs our differences.
-By Rusty Page (fuurd)

- ls0909
- Respected Neighbor
- 420 Posts
Another Rock Hard Evidence
Website Coordinator:
When I studied the 50 homes regarding the overcharged homeowner association dues, I didn?’t contact any of those 50 homeowners. I obtained their ?“private?” information ?– their account numbers ?– from the Plat Maps at http://www.traviscad.org
It is hard for me not to put the real homeowners?’ names and account numbers in the post when I labeled them as HARD EVIDENCE. I don?’t want some homeowners think that I was making up the figures to fool them.
The following is my own ?“private?” information. I am not afraid to show it to the world. Therefore, please kindly do not delete it.
Lisa L Sun
6709 Edwardson Cove
Austin, TX 78749
Lot 25 BLK AA
1997 & 1998
Charged & paid: $306.60
Should be charged: $245.27
Overcharged: $61.33 = 25%
1999 & 2000
Charged & paid: $314.10
Should be charged: $251.27
Overcharged: $62.83 = 25%
Charged: $368.66
Should be charged: $276.40
Overcharged: $92.26 = 33%
Charged: $394.00
Should be charged: $304.04
Overcharged: $89.60 = 29%
In February 2001 after I discovered the DECEPTION, I refused to pay the billing amount; I only paid the amount that I should be charged. The Association sent me notices of Lien Process. I told the BOD that I would see them in the court if they put a lien on my property. I never got one.