Circle C Neighbors

Good News

Posted in: Circle C
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  • cdietz
  • Respected Neighbor
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
New Street Sign Polls!

I was the only Candidate at the last BOD meeting. Playscapes were not brought up. But you will be glad to hear that a new time clock is being purchased for the pool employees along with new uniforms. Also, we are getting 17 street sign polls replaced at $325 each! $5500 would get us started on a humble playscape somewhere.

  • Stock
  • texsman
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 8 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

Those poles are rusted off at the base
partly because of the sprinkler system.
As a candidate your should verify before speaking.
  • Stock
  • pvoss
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 37 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

And....Maybe....The Board should have thought about what the CCHOA really needed when the Board made the independent decision, without consulting the residents/members, to defend the Gammon claim WITHOUT FILING A CLAIM ON THEIR INSURANCE.

The insurance would have covered the nearly $97,000 defense costs of the Gammon claim. The Board had an insurance policy, but they chose to not use it. Instead, they chose to pay nearly $97,000 cash (this # came directly from Teri Giles, bookkeeper) rather than file a claim in which they had a small deductible and adequate coverage.

Yes, the Board should have considered using the money more wisely for items such as:

1. Important infrastructure items such as ''poles''.
2. Improved communications and internet communications sytems.
3. Playscapes that have been promised for years.
4. Improved pool and recreational facilities.

No, your Board (Rigsbee, O'Reilly, and Bartlett) didn't ask how you wanted to spend your money.

Also, the insurance coverage for the CCHOA lapsed in January 2004 and the Board didn't know it until early February 2004. Yes, the coverage lapsed. This information, again, came directly from Teri Giles, bookkeeper, and my conversation with the insurance agent for the CCHOA.
Maybe the Board could use your money more wisely. Ask them to meet YOUR needs by appropriately managing the affairs of the CCHOA. Vote for and elect Board members who will manage appropriately.

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