- thinker
- Respected Neighbor
- 106 Posts
May the spirit of the season be with each and every one of you, my neighbors in Circle C (yes, Annonemus, you also).
May you enjoy the peace and prosperity with which we have been blessed and have a happy new year.
Special thanks to everyone whose efforts have resulted in greater homeowner involvement in choosing the direction for our neighborhood.
And a special plea to those who have opposed the neighborhood activism that has characterized the past year in Circle C: please stay involved in the process and remember that we are your neighbors and have much more in common with you than that which has separated us.
Bless you all.
Bill Gammon
Wishful thinking
May you rot in Hell, Bill Gammon.

- 2russ
- Respected Neighbor
- 417 Posts
Thanks Bill
We all wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and enjoyable holiday. You have given us the keys to our community and I know you will be proud of how we use this new freedom.
Ours is a great neighborhood, with good hearted people, most of whom will never know or appreciate what they had lost or never had. That's pretty much they way that it happens in life. Next year, we can look forward to starting the long road to self-rule.
We would never have been able to do this without your leadership and voice.
Thanks You
Russ Hodes

- lucky1
- Respected Neighbor
- 67 Posts
Posting such hatred has no value except to show you have NO class.
You should be ashamed! Are your kids reading this and learning this behavior?