City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes Feb 2007-April 2007

February 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee

February 5, 2007 – 6:30pm

Metro Career Center
Conference Room – 3910 University Ave.

Agendas, Minutes and general information can be found at:


1. The meeting was called to order by Stefanie Harris, Chair. Present: Joyce Brown, Laurie Carlock, Larry Dennstedt, Thomas Du, Kathy Evans-Calderwood, Jim Gilbert, Valentina Hernandez, Mark Kassab, Cassandra Lewis-BeeversAhmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Russ Connelly, Leon Ray, Jessie Sergent, Michael Sprague, Patty Vacariello, Jim Varnadore. Absent: Wanjiru Golly

2. Public Comment – non-agenda items only – David Bohun, Alfred Loguires and Audey Arabo

3. Government Reports were given by; Elyse Lowe from Jim Madaffer’s office, Pam Ison and Katrina Crawford from Toni Atkins’ office, Eddie Meyer from Lori Saldana’s office, and Todd Gloria from Susan Davis’ office.

4. Committee Member Announcements and Reports were heard.

5. Approval of the minutes for January. Russ Connelly moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Laurie Carlock. Motion approved 14/0/3 (chair not voting).

6. Approval of the Agenda. Jim Varnadore made the motion to approve, seconded by Patty Vacariello. Motion approved 17/0/0 (Chair not voting).

7. Chair’s report – 1) Updated the committee on the Brown Act Workshop that was held by the planning department, and how this will effect the City Heights Area Planning Committee.

8. Business: Action Items

8.1. Water Rate Presentation – Three representatives from the Water Department explained the proposed rate adjustments. There were many questions and concerns from the committee that were answered. - Information Item only.

8.2. City Heights CDC Draft Resolution Regarding the Development of the Route 15 Centerline Bus Rapid Transit Stations and Operations. Jim Varnadore made the motion that the CHAPC request for City Council to assure that the new 2007 Regional Transportation Plan include: 1) Dedicating the I-15 center median for Mass Transit, preferably light rail, 2) Diversion of truck traffic from I-15 to I-805, and 3) Mitigation of noise and pollution at adjacent elementary school, seconded by Patty Vacariello. Motion approved 17-0-0 (Chair not voting)

8.3. Budget for Elections Sub-Committee. The elections sub-committee would like to request funds for printing and mailing costs related to the upcoming CHAPC Elections. Michael Sprague reported how CHAPC has operated for past elections. All funds are held by the Town Council, and there is an option of requesting that the city do mailing if possible. Mark Kassab volunteered paper, and Community Housing Works can do printing at no expense as long as paper was provided. The election subcommittee chair was directed to follow up on said offers. – No action taken.

8.4. Vision Plan – Request for approval from CHAPC to proceed, in partnership with City Heights PAC, Price Charities and other City Heights entities, with the concept to create a new plan to be used in conjunction with the Vision Plan to guide continued development in City Heights. – Michael Srague moved to support the intended partnership for the Vision Plan, seconded by Joyce Brown. Motion Approved 11-5-1 (chair not voting)

8.5. Declare the School/Non-Profit seat vacant. Wanjiru Golly, representative of the School/Non-profit seat has missed four CHAPC meetings so far this year, the past three were consecutive and unexcused. – Michael Sprage moved to declare the seat vacant, seconded by Larry Dennstedt. Motion approved 15-0-1 (chair not voting).

9. Adjournment to the next general CHAPC meeting March 5, 2007, 6:30pm, Metro Career Center, 3910 University Avenue, Conference room.

10. Adjournment to next Mid-Month Meeting, February 20, 2007 for continuing review of our Bylaws. Mid-City Police Sub-Station. 4310 Landis Street, mezzanine Conference Room. Patty Vaccariello is the contact person for the Mid-Month meeting at for more information or to request to be added to the sub-committee’s e-mail list.

For additional information or to be added to the General Meeting Agenda e-mail list, contact CHAPC Chair- Stefanie Harris (619) 795-0363 or at

March 2007

April 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee

MEETING NOTES April 2, 2007

1. Call to order. Present: Kathy Evans-Calderwood, Laurie Carlock, Russ Connelly, Larry Dennstedt, Jim Gilbert, Stefanie Harris, Valentina Hernandez, Mark Kassab, Cassandra Lewis-Beavers, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Leon Ray, Jessie Sergent, Michael Sprague, Patty Vaccariello, Jim Varnadore. Absent: Joyce Brown, Thomas Du

2. Public comment was received from Pat Calloway, Maria Cortez, Jay Powell, David Bowen. Staff comment was received from Todd Gloria. Committee member comment was received from Gilbert, Hernandez, Connelly, Vaccariello, Carlock, Harris, Calderwood, Nelson, Ray, and Varnadore.

3. After discussion, Varnadore moved, Calderwood seconded to approve the draft minutes for the March meeting. The committee voted 12/0/3 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

4. The election subcommittee Chair reported the results of the March election. The Committee Chair expressed the Committee’s appreciation for the subcommittee’s work and discharged the subcommittee. The chair expressed the Committee’s appreciation to the outgoing members, Calderwood, Carlock, Dennstedt, Gilbert, Ray, and Sprague; and they stepped down. The Chair welcomed electees Liz Avalon, Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Jude Mendez, Mohamed Omar, David Taylor, and Abdullahi Yusuf. They took their seats and introduced themselves.

6. After discussion and a call for volunteers, the Chair appointed Harris and Sergent as a subcommittee to solicit volunteers to run for officer positions.

7. Varnadore moved, Vaccariello seconded to continue agenda item 8.5 (filling School-non/profit 08 seat). After discussion, the committee voted 16/0/1 (chair not voting) and the motion passed. Vaccariello moved, Sergent seconded approval of the amended agenda. The Committee voted 16/0/1 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

8.1 The Committee heard an application for CUP renewal at existing cell phone site located at 3850 Westgate Place. After discussion about mitigation which included emphasizing shrubs rather than trees and urged expanding the landscaping near the equipment cabinet as well as painting the antennas to blend with the landscape, Connelly moved to approve the renewal of the CUP with the landscaping/painting requirements and ?? seconded. The Committee voted 16/0/1 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

8.2 Bahena residence application continued at the applicant’s request.

8.3 The Committee heard an application for a Neighborhood Development Permit at 5119 Sterling Court. After discussion which included a strong recommendation that the City confirm that the proposal meets the parking requirements, the Committee voted 17/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM

Posted by fmpark on 06/05/2007
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