City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes May 2008 to July 2008

May 2008

City Heights Area Planning Committee
Minutes, May 5, 2008

Metro Career Center Conference room
3910 University Avenue

Call to order at 6:30 pm.
Present: Liz Avalon(6:38), Heather Bentley, Jose Cervantes, Bill Clossen, Russ Connelly, Valentina Hernandez (6:38), Tim Jung, Mark Kassab, Jeanette Neely, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Hehraz, Kasra Movahedi, David Nelson (6:34), Jesse Sergent, DJ Taylor, Patty Vaccariello, Abdulahi Yusuf,

Absent: Sam Charry, Mohamed Omar

Adoption of the agenda
The agenda was adopted unanimously.

Off-agenda public comment
A request was made that more agendas be available at the meeting for the public.

4. Staff reports and comment

Kim Nguyen, representing Councilmember Atkins office gave an update on water quality. Nick Norvelle, representing Congresswoman Davis's office gave an update on the universal vote by mail bill and efforts to keep federal emergency medical supplies located in San Diego.

5. Committee member reports and comment

Valentina Hernandez reported on the Swan Canyon Cleanup. Jesse Sergent reported on the graffiti strike force. Heather Bentley discussed the upcoming facelift. Kasra Movahedi reported on the Crossroads PAC. Jim Varnadore informed committee members of the Community Orientation Workshop occurring May 17.

6. Corrections to the minutes for April 7, 2008

Corrections to the previous meetings minutes were noted.

7.1 Redirection of sewer flows in three areas (information)

Albert Shohikish and Bill White from Metropolitan Wastewater gave the presentation. They discussed the canyon studies that have been completed to determine whether it is cost effetive to remove sewers from several canyons in City Heights and place the sewers under the streets. The review showed that the costs were too high, so no changes would be made. They also stated that there would be no changes to the access routes to existing manholes in the canyons because the maintenance equipment was small enough to pack in without a vehicle.

7.2 Application of Waldorf School for an amended Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to extend the expiration date and increase the size and number of students at the school (action)

Bert Chase from the Waldorf School explained the proposed school expansion and new buildings. The plan is to expand the school to include high school students ,increase class sizes in all grade levels, and to build two new buildings. Questions arose regarding noise, traffic, parking, and building design. Motion by Russ Connelly to continue the item.

Moved: Connelly Second: Sergent Vote: 14/3/0 CNV

(Bentley, Hernandez, and Nelson opposed)

7.3 Request of Craig Zimmerman for traffic control on Landis Street near Menlo Avenue (action)

Craig Zimmerman discussed his request for either stop sign or speed bump traffic controls to resolve excessive speeding on Landis Street. He then withdrew his request and agreed to work with Toni Atkins office regarding stop sign controls.

7.4 Report from Jack in the Box about the JIB at Fairmount Avenue and 43rd street (information) [See also Item 7.5]

Mark Kassab recused himself from this item.

Steve Schneider, representing Jack in the Box, discussed a planned Jack in the Box development at University and 41st street to replace the location at Fairmount and University. The proposed location would replace a Uhaul storage lot and would be developed with a new modern and upgraded style of Jack in the Box restaurant. Committee members stated concerns regarding parking, traffic, and that the development would not meet the intended multifamily/mixed-use density of development that is called for in the community plan.

7.5 Application for Community Plan Amendment, rezoning, etc. at 4302 University Avenue (Action) [See also Item 7.4]

Mark Kassab recused himself from this item. David Nelson left the meeting at 8:05 pm.

Rich Juarez of Price Charities described the proposed development and the developers response to questions regarding job generation, office space, live-work opportunities, residence styles, green building design, and the projected project costs and TIF returns. Architect David Lorimer further described the project design. Patty Vaccariello moved approval of the Community Plan Amendment, revisions to existing permits, and rezoning.

Motion: Vaccariello Second: Taylor Vote: 15/0/0 CNV

7.6 Public Facilities Finance Plan - First vice-Chair (action)

Patty Vaccariello distributed information on the Finance Plan and described possible alternatives for the intersection of Euclid and University. Russ Connelly moved to drop item T9 and accept the subcommittee recommendations.

Motion: Connelly Second: Cervantes Vote: 16/0/0 CNV

7.7 Review Committee draft bylaws - First vice-Chair (action)

Patty described suggestions made by the city attorney regarding the draft bylaws. Russ Connelly made a motion to approve the bylaws as recommended.

Motion: Connelly Second: Kassab Vote: 16/0/0 CNV

7.8 Report of the Officer Search Subcommittee, nomination and election of officers, and appointment of liaisons (action)

Officers were elected by secret ballot. Results as follows.

Secretary: Liz Avalon (16 votes) Tim Jung (1 vote)

2nd Vice Chair: Russ Connelly (12 Votes) Heather Bently (5 votes)

1st Vice Chair: Patty Vaccariello (unanimous)

Chair: Jim Varnadore (unanimous)

Committee appointments were as follows.

Needles - defunct, no appointee

City Heights Square - Liz Avalon, David Nelson, DJ Taylor, Patty Vaccariello

Paseo - Mazda Mehraz, Jessie Sergent

Redevelopment PAC - Patty Vaccariello

Crossroads PAC - Kasra Movahedi

8. Adjournment. The Committee adjourned and will reconvene on June 2, 2008.

June 2008

City Heights Area Planning Committee
Minutes, June 2, 2008

Metro Career Center Conference room
3910 University Avenue

1. Call to order at 6:30 pm.

Present: Liz Avalon, Heather Bentley, Bill Clossen, Russ Connelly, Valentina Hernandez, Tim Jung, Mark Kassab, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Jeanette Neeley, Mohamed Omar, Jesse Sergent, DJ Taylor (6:50), Abdulahi Yusuf

Absent: Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Kasra Movahedi, David Nelson, Patty Vaccariello, Jim Varnadore

2. Adoption of the agenda

Item 7.4 (Waldorf School) was proposed for removal from the agenda. The amended agenda was adopted unanimously.

3. Off-agenda public comment

There was no public comment.

4. Staff reports and comment

Kim Nguyen, representing Councilmember Atkins office reminded everyone to vote. Nick Norvelle, representing Congresswoman Davis's office reminded everyone to vote, and provided an update on the Housing Bill, Memorial Day, and the GI Bill.

5. Committee member reports and comment

Valentina Hernandez reported on the City Heights Facelift. Heather Bentley informed the committee that they can mail in a postcard to receive City development notices. Bill Clossen stated that the Farmer’s Market location has been moved to Wightman. Tim Jung commented on the City Heights Facelift. Russ Connelly told the Committee about the Police Community Workshop.

6. Corrections to the minutes for May 5, 2008

Corrections to the previous meetings minutes were noted.

7.1 Redirection of sewer flows in three areas (information)

No representative was in attendance, therefore no report was given.

7.2 Central Police Maintenance Facility status and progress report from Marta Williams of SDPD and Darren Greenhalgh of Engineering and Capital Projects (Information).
Darren Greenhalgh stated that two items were put off to the future. One was the replacement of modular offices for K9/SWAT and the other was the curb, sidewalk, and street trees on Home and Federal with a Public Art element. He said that requests for funding were made but the funding has not been allocated. Costs for completion are estimated at $6 million. The request is an unfunded item in the Police Department CIP budget. The Committee asked whether it would help to break the items into smaller components to receive funding.

7.3 Pedestrian Master Plan status and progress report from Sherry Ryan of Alta Planning (information)

Maureen Gardner from the City of San Diego, Sherry Ryan, project manager from Alta Planning, and Bridget Enderly from Alta Planning provided information regarding the Pedestrian Master Plan. Phase 1 of the Master Plan is complete and they are starting Phase 2. They will be developing a report with needs lists for each community and will have a workshop in City Heights on September 27th. They are currently working to identify deficiencies in the walking environment. The focus will be on unsafe crossings, sidewalk gaps, missing curb ramps, obstructed crosswalks, and poor walkability. They then handed out a map for people to identify and fill in areas of need. They also stated that they need to identify neighborhood stakeholders.

8. Adjournment. The Committee adjourned at 7:30pm and will reconvene on July 7, 2008.

July 2008

City Heights Area Planning Committee
Minutes, July 7, 2008

Metro Career Center Conference room
3910 University Avenue

1. Call to order at 6:30 pm.

Present: Liz Avalon, Heather Bentley, Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry (6:40), Bill Closson (7:10), Russ Connelly, Valentina Hernandez, Mark Kassab, Jeanette Neely, Mazda Mehraz, Kasra
Movahedi, David Nelson, Jim Varnadore

Absent: Tim Jung, Mohamed Omar, Jesse Sergent, DJ Taylor, Patty Vaccariello, Abdulahi Yusuf,

2. Adoption of the agenda

The agenda was adopted unanimously.

3. Off-agenda public comment

Katie Peach of the Citizens for Responsible Planning spoke regarding the Quarry Falls development proposal in Mission Valley.

4. Staff reports and comment

Nick Norvelle, representing Congresswoman Davis’s office informed the committee about
upcoming events including a water forum, a sports workshop, and a small business workshop.

5. Committee member reports and comment

Kasra stated that the City Heights Farmers Market got a grant to match EBT dollars spent. Russ stated that the Chollas Creek recreation council will oversee development of the park on Home Avenue. Valentina reported on the opening of Cherokee point and informed that there would be a group attending the school board meeting. Heather stated that Facelift went well and that
there would be another Facelift event in October. Jeanette reminded the group about National
Night Out on August 1st and stated that the Ridgeview neighborhood would be doing an event for it. David reported on busses for the 1-15.

6. Corrections to the minutes for June 2, 2008

Corrections to the previous meetings minutes were noted.

7.1 Presentation by the County Tax Assessor-Collector on the operation of that office (information)

Dan McAllister, the Treasurer-Assessor discussed property tax revenue, delinquencies, and the new tax bill format. He also discussed community banking and San Diego County’s Local
Banking Initiative.

7.2 Application of Waldorf School for an amended Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to extend the expiration date and increase the size and number of students at the school (action)

Bert Chase, design architect for the Waldorf School discussed the landscape plan. A suggestion was made to avoid use of Mulberry trees and to focus on low-pollen landscaping. Bill Darnell, traffic engineer for the project, discussed the traffic study and pick up and drop off plans. He stated that impacts would be within acceptable levels of service (LOS) for the road type.

Public input was heard from Theresa Quiroz, who stated that the traffic study is misleading that the number of cars will have a bigger impact on quality of life than appears on the traffic study because simply having an LOS based on street classifications does not take into account the existing characteristics of the location.

Russ Connelly asked what the city’s classification for the street is, and suggested that additional study may be needed because two schools were dropping off and picking up at the same time, not just one. Mr. Darnell said he would find the information.

Motion by Russ Connelly to continue for one month for additional clarification on traffic issues.

Moved: Connelly Second: Mehraz Vote: 8/4/0 CNV

(Bentley, Hernandez, Neely, and Nelson opposed)

7.3 City Heights Community Development Corporation presentation on plans for redeveloping the block bounded by Myrtle, 43 rd and Fairmount (information).

Larry Graff from the CHCDC and Scott Thomas from Zagrodnick and Thomas Architects attended and presented plans for the Fairmount Avenue Mixed Use project. Mr. Thomas discussed density bonuses, use of the alley for parking, and mix of live/work, retail, office, and affordable 2-3 bedroom units. He stated that approval for variances on height and zoning would be ministerial because they are providing affordable housing.

The committee asked questions regarding scale, parking, density, type of affordable housing. Concerns were expressed regarding the plan having insufficient parking and excessive development compared to what a private development would contain.

Public comment included a question regarding computer rooms (which they will have), adjacent schools, and an appreciation for providing redevelopment in this location.

7.4 Review and consider nominating a project for Community Vision Award (action).

Julie Young from the City Heights CDC suggested that the committee nominate the CHCDC project on 39th Street. No action was taken.

8. Adjournment. The Committee adjourned and will reconvene on August 4, 2008.

Posted by fmpark on 09/05/2008
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