City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes May to July 2006

May Minutes

City Heights Area Planning Committee - May 1, 2006


1. Call to order and introductions, Ahmed Malinomar and Lisa Peck
2. Corrections to the agenda. Request by Jim Varnadore to add Estrella
Project to the Agenda, however, not time sensitive and will be added in
3. Off-agenda public comment:
1. Jody Carey regarding the filling of District 2/At Large seat. He
like the seat open to the public.
2. Maria Cortez of Teralta West area update/complaint regarding Kano
Food's excessive signs in window, 11pm curfew of liquor sales and
requested a letter be written to Code Compliance and the ABC.
3. Capt. Ralph of Station #17 Fire Station reported May is Earthquake
Month, Memorial Day safety, their need for new equipment, response
compared to other stations, busiest station in San Diego, need to
priority in budget hearings.
Staff Reports;
Pam Ison -Toni Atkins Office will be leading May 10-12th Urban Corps
graffiti/ clean up in the 42nd and Thorn St area.
Melissa Devine - Area Planner reported changes in the Planning
and Council Policy 600-24 and Guidelines. She addressed the At Large
vacancy and consistency with our current By Laws and options for a
Special Election, changing our By Laws. or a possible action item in
June. Chair suggested the discussion continue at the Mid-Month meeting.
Member announcements, Michael Sprague. announced a clean-up May 31st at
Fairmount, Poplar, and Jamie's Way call him at 255-7902 for info.
4. Approval of the minutes of the April 2006 - the committee did not
time to review the March or April Minutes and they will approved at the
June meeting. The committee needs minutes in a timely manor before the
meeting in order to approve or make changes.
Jim Varnadore volunteered to provide the March Minutes.
5. Business agenda
5.0 The Business Improvement District re-presented the PROW Program.
Discussion included; wider sidewalks 5' not 4', concern about Code
Enforcement, restricted use of product types, after a presentation and
examples provided regarding how PROW had worked in other areas. David
Nelson moved, Valentina Hernandez second, to approved 13/4/1 with 5'
"non-meandering" sidewalks.
5.1 Euclid Ave Tower, two volunteers requested by Kimberly Gerhard of
Redevelopment Agency, Patty Vaccariello and Jessie Sergent volunteered
and were appointed for a one session meeting to decide the color of the
5.2 Requested stop signs at Central and Landis and Winona and Polk.
Motion by Patty Vaccariello and second by Michael Sprague to deny at
Central/Landis and approve at Winona /Polk - 15/1/2.
5.3 Telecommunications Facilities, 3850 Westgate Place was presented by
Sheley Kilbourn. A recommendation from Fairmount Park Neighborhood
Association was read by Russ Connelly for a 30' mono pine with improved
landscaping and relocation of the structure to another site on the same
property. Motion by Michael Sprague, second by Jessie Sergent, to
the recommendation by the FPNA Vote 16/0/2
5.4 4058 51st St 22 unit condo conversion, was presented by the owner
Darien Hutson, the committee appreciated his efforts to improve
Motion by Jim Varnadore, seconded by Leon Ray, to approve the map
and deny the undergrounding waiver. Vote 12/4/0, plus regular
5.5 3684 42nd Street -7 unit condo conversion, owner Mohamid Emami.
Motion by Jim Varnadore second by Leon Ray. Vote 10/6/2, plus regular
6. Special Business Agenda, CHAPC Board Elections; Chair - Sprague,
Vice-Chair - Harris, Second Vice-Chair - Vaccariello Secretary -
Treasurer - Dennstedt. Our thanks to Melissa Devine and Todd Gloria for
helping with the Election.
Congratulations and Thanks to all.
Adjourned meeting at approximately 9:30pm

June Minutes

City Heights Area Planning Committee
June 5, 2006
1. Call to Order at 6:30pm and a quorum was established
2 Public Comment - Non-Agenda items, Jose Cervantes, SDG&E regarding
energy savings programs, City of San Diego regarding Redirection of
- will return when plans are ready, library needs more computers for
children’s computer room.
3 Government Reports - Elise Lowe from District 7, returned after
injury, welcome back- update. Pam Ison from District 3 Bridge Ceremony
upcoming and update.
4 Committee Member Announcements and Reports - Non-Agenda. Larry
Dennstedt and David Nelson gave a report regarding the I-15 Corridor
Force consideration of future development sites.
5. Approval of the Minutes:
5.1 March - Ray/Sergent approved 11/0/5
5.2 April - approved 14/0/2 with corrections of Sprague/Carlock to
declare District 2 as At Large and request to properly noticed seat
before election can be held failed 4/10/1.
Add candidates David Bowen and Russ Connelly and that runoff of top two
candidate was not spelled out in filling vacancies and not done.
5.3 May - approved 13/0/3 with corrections of Du’s request to serve on
Euclid Tower Task Force be added.
6. Approval of the Agenda:
1) 8.5 and 8.6 removed by the chair at the request of the applicants.
2) Motion Varnadore/ Sergent to remove item 8.9 from the agenda, the
motion failed 8/6/2.
3) Motion Du/Carlock to approve the agenda failed 7/5/4.
4) Request by the chair for a motion by an abstaining voter - non
5) Request by the chair of makers and group to hear action items and
presentation items and return to issue of 8.9 and approval of the
when scheduled on the agenda, Vaccariello dissenting
6) Motion to approve the agenda heard with item 8.9 - Nelson/Carlock to
approve 10/6/2.
7. Chairs report will be made if time allows
8. Business: Action Items:
8.1 Reconsideration for a stop sign installation at Central/Landis
to reconsider failed 8/6/3
8.2. 52nd /Dawson Project - Motion to approve 16/1/1 by
Varnadore/Vaccariello to approve the 152 market rate housing units, 88
unit senior units with density transfer and reduced parking, and the
54,000 sq. ft. of commercial development but not as a Phased Site
Development Permit - Process 2 but as a Process 3 with CUP that would
return to the group when each additional phase is to be build.
8.3 Model School Project Presentation - Information Item Only - new
representative Susan Teinsky.
8.4 4262 Estrella Avenue - request to amend an existing CUP that
renting to senior citizens only to include seniors 55 an older and
with disabilities at any age. Applicant not present. Motion
Evans-Calderwood to approve 11/5/1. Issues were raised regarding the
advisability of adding disabled people under the age of 55.
8.7 Condo Conversion - 5014 Auburn Drive - Motion to approve 10/6/2 map
waiver and not undergrounding Varnadore/Ray with inclusionary on-site
parkway between street and sidewalk and usual additions.
8.8 Request for information only regarding possible implementation of
proposal in the Community Plan for Fairmount Avenue one-way north will
carried over to the next meeting.
8.9 Motion not to reconsider the District Two/At-Large seat appointment
at the April 2006 meeting - Nelson/Dennstedt 12-5-1
9. Current appointments to committees for future consideration -
10. Adjournment to the next General Meeting, 6:30pm, Monday - July 3,
2006 at the Metro Center, 3910 University Avenue.
11. Adjournment to next Mid-Month Sub-Committee Meeting, 6:30pm, June
2006 - Mid-City Police Sub-Station, 3910 Landis Street, Mezzanine
Conference Room.
For additional information or to be added to the General Meeting Agenda
E-mail List please contact Michael Sprague - 619- 255-7902

July Minutes

City Heights Area Planning Committee
Draft Minutes for July 3, 2006
6:30 pm
Metro Career Center
3910 University Ave - Conference Rm.

1. Meeting began at 6:30pm with announcements and information items
A quorum was established at 7:15pm Absent; Brown, Dennstedt, Gilbert,
Hernandez, Mehraz, and Peck (third successive absence).
2. Public Comment
3. Government Reports - Todd Gloria of Congresswomen Susan Davis’s
4. Committee Member Announcements and Reports
5. Approval of the Minutes for June 2006 -Nelson/Harris motion to
with corrections 10/1/1
6. Approval of the Agenda -Motion to approve Nelson/Sergent/Unanimous.
7. Chairs Report -
1) Rosters, advise members of public vs private
2) Police surveillance locations role of the CHAPC. The committee
wanted more information about the surveillance locations at next

3) Election Voters List, advised
4) Letter to City Attorney regarding the June 5, 2006 meeting,
clearified. 5) joint meeting with the City Heights Project Area
(PAC) - July 17, 2006 in place of the mid-month meeting to determine
color scheme for the possible reconstruction of the Euclid Tower
8. Business: Action Items
8.1 Request for a Site Development Permit - 2431 1/2 Laurie Lane - for
Environmentally Sensitive Lands & a Variance to increase the
maximum lot coverage in order to construct two, 1600 sq. ft. single
family units on two lots with a total lot area of 17,500 sq. ft. -
applicant not
present, continued.
8.2. Condo Conversion - 4045 33 rd St., 10 units -Request for a
Map and Undergrounding of Utilities Waiver. Varnadore/Ray 7/3/1 motion
recommend; waiver of tenative map, undergrd utilities on site, street
numbers 4" on back of building, and motion sensitive alley lighting.
8.3 Condo Conversion - 4354 52nd Street, 14 units - Request for a
Map and Undergrounding of Utilities Waiver. Varnadore/Sergent 5/6/2
motion to approve fail to; waiver of tentative map, undergrd utilities
site, street numbers(4") on rear of buildings, motion sensitive
floodlighting in alley inclusionary unit on site rather than allowing a
fee in lieu.
8.4 Safe Routes to Schools nominations of possible candidate schools
anew round of potential funding, Cycle 7. School sites recommended in
particular order were: Edison, Wilson Middle, Cherokee Point, Marshall,
Jackson, and Ibarra
8.5 By-Law update was presented by Vice-Chair Stefanie Harris.
8.6 Request to participate in update of the "visioning plan" for City
begun in 2001. Participants would include the City of San Diego, the
Project Area Committee, Price Charities, and outreach to additional
groups. when more information was available. Consensus of the group was
to proceed with the process and schedule as an action item when a full
proposal was available for review.
8.7 Request for information only item regarding possible implementation
the proposal, in the Community Plan, to make Fairmount Avenue one-way
north, starting at Thorn. Consensus was to request additional
from the City when we believed we would have sufficient time to take up
the item in the future.
8.8 CHAPC holiday meeting dates for 2006/2007 - Meeting date for
September will be Thursday - September 7 - and January 2007 will be
Thursday January 4, 2007.
9. CHAPC appointments to Committees:
9.1 A. Crossroads Project Area Committee (PAC) to appoint to a July to
July voting term 11/0/2 .
B. Varnadore/Vaccariello motion to appoint Thomas Du to a one year
term - Unanimous
Current CHAPC appointments
9.2 A. City Heights Project Area Committee (PAC). Motion by
Varnadore/Nelson for one year term for appointments as a voting member
B. Motion to appoint Kathy Evans-Calderwood - Due/Sergent 9/3/1
9.3 Police Maintenance Facility - Michael Sprague - work near
9.4 Rosa Parks Safe Routes to School - Presentation at next meeting.
9.5 COMPACT - Motion to appoint Varnadore to a one year term -10/1/2
Other current appointments are: Hwy I-15 Corridor Study Group - David
Nelson - scope of work may be expanded. Discussion, Larry Dennstedt
in study group. Continue
10. Adjournment to the next General Meeting, 6:30pm, Monday, August7,

at the Metro Center, 3910 University Avenue.
11. Adjournment to next Joint CHAPC & PAC - Project Area Committee
Meeting 6:30pm, July 17, 2006 - Metro Career Center, 3910 University
Conference Room.
Stefanie Harris is the contact person for the mid-month meeting at for more information or to be added to the
Sub-Committee's e-mail list.

Posted by fmpark on 09/30/2006
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