City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes Aug-Oct. 2007

August 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee

MINUTES August 6, 2007

1. The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM. Joyce Brown, Russ Connelly, Stefanie Harris (6:45PM), Valentina Hernandez (7:37PM), Cassandra Lewis-Beavers, Mark Kassab, Ahmed Malinomar, David Nelson, Mohamed Omar, Jessie Sergent, David Taylor, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore present. Liz Avalon, Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Mazda Mehraz, Jude Mendez, and Kasra Movahedi were absent.

2. Public Comment was received from Theresa Quiroz, Kathy Evans-Calderwood, and Pat Calloway.

3. Government Reports were received from Melissa Devine about a possible Community Plan Amendment; from Pam Ison about the School District long range facilities master plan, and about joint-use fields in City Heights; and from Todd Gloria about activities sponsored by Congresswoman Susan Davis.

4. Committee Member Announcements were received from Nelson about the recent meeting of the Colina del Sol Recreation Council, and from Brown about I-15 centerline rapid transit. At Brown’s request, the Chair appointed Sergent to represent the Committee at future I-15 rapid transit meetings. Connelly reported about the recent joint meeting of the Park & Recreation board and the Planning Commission on the topic of "equivalencies and alternatives".

5. There were no corrections to the minutes.

6. Connelly moved, Vaccariello seconded approval of the minutes. The Committee voted unanimously in favor.

7.1 Staff member Vicki Burgess reported to the Committee about the Mid-City Public Facilities Finance Plan and its pending changes. She handed out a current status report on facilities finance.

7.2 The project at 2873 39th Street was withdrawn by the applicant.

7.3 Deputy City Attorney reported to the Committee on a recommendation by some communities to disallow rooming houses in single family zoned areas but allow them in other zones.

7.4 Vice-chair Vaccariello reviewed the draft bylaws for the committee and accepted further suggestions. The item was remanded for further study and recommendation at the September 2007 meeting.

8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28PM.

September 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee

Corrected MINUTES September 5, 2007

1. The meeting was called to order at 6:37PM. Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Stefanie Harris, Valentina Hernandez (7:33PM), Cassandra Lewis-Beavers, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Kasra Movahedi, David Nelson, Mohamed Omar, Jessie Sergent, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore present. Liz Avalon, Joyce Brown, Mark Kassab, Jude Mendez, David Taylor, and Patty Vaccariello, were absent.

2. Public Comment was received from Mar?­a Cortez about a meeting with school district trustee Shelia Jackson.

3. Government Reports were received from Kim Nguyen about the Council District-3 newsletter and about the City Council consideration of a marriage equality matter presently before the courts.

4. Committee Member Announcements were received from Nelson about the needle exchange program, from Movahedi about the Ethiopian New Year celebration on September 8, and from Connelly about the restoration of the Fairmount Park neighborhood entrance sign .

5. Corrections to the minutes of August were accepted.

6. Connelly moved, Charry seconded approval of the agenda. The Committee voted unanimously in favor.

7.1 Metropolitan Wastewater Department representative Tim Bertch reviewed the current activities at the Point Loma sewage treatment plant, and the actions and costs expected under an upgrade to secondary treatment levels. Mr. Bertch answered members questions.

7.2 The project at 2873 39th Street was withdrawn by the applicant.

7.3 The Committee heard an application for a tentative map waiver and a waiver of the requirement for under grounding utilities in connection with an application to convert the apartment building at 4354 52nd Street to condominiums. After discussion, Nelson moved, Connelly seconded to recommend approval of the map waiver, recommend denial of the under grounding waiver, and add certain safety amenities which the applicant accepted. The Committee voted 7/4/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

7.4 Second vice-Chair Connelly began a review of the draft bylaws for the committee, which had been remanded from the August 2007 meeting for further study. In the course of the review, a disruption from an audience member occurred and the audience member could not be brought to order. The Chair called the meeting adjourned.

8. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50PM.

October 2007

City Heights Area Planning Committee Minutes October 1, 2007

present: Chair Jim Varnadore, Jose Cervantes, Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Stefanie Harris, Valentina Hernandez, Mark Kassab, Cassie Lewis-Beevers (arrived 7:45), Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Jude Mendez, Kasra Movahedi, David Nelson (left 8:25), Mohamed Omar, Jessie Sergent, DJ Taylor, Patty Vaccariello, Abdulahi Yusuf.

Absent: Joyce Brown

1. Call to order – 6:35 pm

Public Comment - none
Staff Reports and Comment - none
Committee member reports and comment - Commentary was heard from David Neslon and Kasra Movahedi. Kasra reported that the Crossroads PAC had approved funds for streetlights and sidewalks on University between 54th and 70th.
Corrections to the previous meeting minutes - The minutes of September 5 and September 17 were accepted as amended.
Adoption of the agenda- adopted unanimously.
Business agenda
7.0. 2873 39th Street. - The Committee heard an informational presentation on a single family home proposal that will be heard at a future meeting.

7.1. 2540 Highland Avenue (PTN104691) – The committee heard the applicants request for variance to floor area and setbacks associated with and application to construct a single family residence. Motion to recommend approval by Valentina Hernandez, seconded by Jesse Sergent. Motion passed. Aye: 17, No: 0, CNV.

Cassie Lewis-Beevers arrived at 7:45 pm.

7.2. City Heights Square Community Plan Amendment – The Committee heard a request from Rick Juarez of Price Charities that the Committee approve the initiation of the process to amend the approved City Heights Square Planned Development Permit to allow residential rather than commercial development on the site. Discussion ensued regarding other projects completed by Price Charities in the area and committee members feelings regarding the successes and failures of different aspects of those projects and how the completed projects reflected what the community had been led to expect from the projects at the time of approval. Motion by David Nelson, seconded by Patty Vaccariello and Mark Kassab to approve initiation of the process to amend the approved City Heights Square Planned Development Permit. Motion passed. Aye: 14, No: 4 CNV

David Nelson left at 8:25 pm.

7.3 Adoption of additional language for the draft bylaws. The committee reviewed additional language for the committee bylaws. A brief discussion ensued. Motion by Kasra Movahedi, seconded by DJ Taylor to approve the additional language as written. Aye: 16, No: 1, CNV. (Hernandez opposed). The committee then discussed whether owners of home based businesses located in City Heights should be considered eligible to hold one of the seats on the committee reserved for businesses. Motion by Ahmed Malinomar seconded by Kasra Movahedi to amend the bylaws to allow owners of home based businesses to hold reserved business seats on the City Heights Area Planning Committee. Friendly amendment by Mark Kassab (accepted by first and second) to require that any home business owner be in business for a minimum of two years prior to holding a reserved business seat on CHAPC. Motion failed. Aye: 7, No: 9 ,CNV (Avalon, Charry, Connelly, Harris, Lewis-Beevers, Mehraz, Mendez, Taylor, Yusuf opposed. Cervantes, Kassab, Malinomar, Movahedi, Omar, Sergent, Vaccariello in favor. Hernandez not present in room).

8. Committee adjourned

Posted by fmpark on 11/05/2007
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