City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes May to July 2011

City Heights Area Planning Committee

 Meeting May 2, 2011 corrected minutes

Present:  Charry, Connelly, Dahir, Finkbeiner, Flannagan, Kassab, Malinomar, Mehraz, Nelson, Ollinger, Sergent, Hong Tran , Mark Tran and Yusef.  Absent: Moss, Vaccariello and Varnadore.

  1. Call to order – 6:30pm – Russ Connelly 1st Vice Chair sitting in for Chairman Jim Varnadore.
  2. Agenda- Ahmed Malinomar 1st, Jessie Sergent 2nd, unanimous.
  3. Officer search subcommittee
    1. Saynab Dahir: announcement of candidates

                                                    i.     Chair – Russ Connelly – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

                                                   ii.     First Vice – Patty Vaccariello – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

                                                  iii.     2nd Vice – Samantha Ollinger – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

                                                  iv.     Sec. – Kenton Finkbeiner – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

                                                   v.     Treasurer – Mark Kassab – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

                                                  vi.     Appointee to City Heights Project Area Committee

  1. Jenny Flanagan
  2. Patty Vacceriello – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

                                                vii.     Appointee to Cross Roads PAC – Jim Varnadore – CONFIRMED BY VOTE

  1. Off agenda Public Comment
    1. Joyce Summers – Centre City Development Corp.

                                                    i.     Marti Emerald State District 7 address

                                                   ii.     Ad hoc redevelopment meeting

  1. SB286 – Focus shift from elimination to reform
    1. Blight
    2. Prohibit taxes for certain facilities
    3. Expansion of redevelopment and combination
      1. SD Redevelopment Corp.
      2. May 16th meeting – compile responses
      3. Staff Member Comment-
        1. Courtney Thompson – Todd Gloria’s office

                                                    i.     Budget – hearings from this Wednesday to mid next week.

                                                   ii.     Coffee with Todd- Sat Jun 4th at City Heights Library 10-1130AM

                                                  iii.     Redistricting – schedules of different meetings

                                                  iv.     Ed Dillard – passed away in April

  1. Aaron Allen – Juan Vargas’ office

                                                    i.     Redistricting – Board of Equalization Districts

  1. May 14th, Jacobs Center, 2-5pm
  2. June 20th, Jacobs Center, 2-5pm
  3. Committee Member comment
    1. Samantha Ollinger – San Diego County Bicycle Coalition
    2. Hong Tran – IRC free computer training
    3. David Nelson – Redevelopment

                                                    i.     Downtown has not done a good job with CCDC, and feels that they should not expand to City Heights and Barrio Logan

  1. Ahmed Malinomar – Movie night a success
  2. Kenton Finkbeiner– Signal issues and back up.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. David 1st, Ahmed 2nd for March and April Minutes.  Approved with corrections.


  1. Business Agenda

8.1 Chris Lee – Healthy Communities:

                                                    i.     Lead safety and Healthy Homes Program

                                                   ii.     “Healthy Homes/Housing”

8.2 Pipeline Rehabilitation for Oak Park– Luis Schaar, City of San Diego

                                                  iii.     8.1 miles of pipeline replacement

                                                  iv.     Handouts made available with all specs

                                                   v.     $8 million cost

                                                  vi.     Ownership

  1. Easements

                                                vii.     Contracted out, RFP’s in July.

                                               viii.     Ahmed – Why 8 million?

  1. Design, Permits, Approval, Warranty Work, estimates will be higher than actual cost.

8.3 Policy Initiatives on Miramar Landfill – No representation present/item tabled.

8.4 Alston & Bird request for cell phone tower license renewal at 4735 Myrtle

                                                  ix.     Seek input before planning commission

                                                   x.     Process 4 planning development permit

  1. Set back from residential area
  2. Sprint/Nextel – 3G

                                                  xi.     Ahmed 1st, Mark 2nd – 12-1-1 (chair not voting) – VOTE PASSES

8.5 Reimbursement to Election Sub Committee members – No reimbursements/item tabled

8.6 July reschedule of CHAPC meeting due to holiday

                                                xii.     Monday July 18th, 6:30pm – Combination of mid month and regular meeting

Adjournment – 7:38pm


City Heights Area Planning Committee: 

 Corrected Minutes of 6/6/2011.

Present: Charrry, Connelly, Dahir, Finkbeiner, Flannagan, Malinomar, Mehraz, Moss, Nelson, Sergent, Mark Tran, Varnadore and Yusef.   Absent: Kassab, Ollinger, Hong Tran and Vaccariello.


  1. Call to order at 6:30pm
  2. Adoption of Agenda, Jim 1st, Ahmed 2nd
  3.  Off agenda public comment:

Joyce Summers – demolition of Dancing Waters and replacing with a commons area

36 residential mixed use condo tower being put in.

Gov. Brown on redevelopment reform bill - AB1250

Sound Bytes – Horton Plaza at noon on the 7th

June 21st – Open house for Horton Plaza Park at Old Planet Hollywood building


Michael Sprague – CHTC: Redistricting tomorrow night.


  1. Staff Reports
  2. Darren Greenhalgh

                                                    i.     Whightman St Mini Park – needs new funding

                                                   ii.     Home Ave. Park – MND finished, state grant involved, redevelopment money involved. 2 years to completion

                                                  iii.     Central Ave. Mini Park –

                                                  iv.     Fire Station 17 – consultant agreement finished, notice to proceed in 2 weeks

                                                   v.     Police Pistol Range – site development permits, k-9 stuff, replacement of ranges, 1st round of comments taken, 2nd round comments soon, EIR soon, meet with CHAPC in fall.

                                                  vi.     Comment - Jim Varnadore – noise issues and EIR development for Home Ave., skate park, FS17 and fuel station management. 

                                                vii.     Comment - Mazda – FS17 location is bad. Look at relocation.

                                               viii.     Comment - Guy Mock – Home Ave. Park: When will park construction start? 8 months from now.

  1. Cynthia Harris – Marti Emerald’s Office

                                                    i.     Budget was passed – 8 fire engines reinstated July 1st. Library hours maintained.

                                                   ii.     Mandatory water restrictions lifted.

                                                  iii.     Community Gardens – Garden zoning by right. Garden permits. Water meter fee no longer required.

                                                  iv.     Bike Path planned from Trojan to Euclid.

  1. Courtney Thomson – Todd Gloria

                                                    i.     Community Coffee – Sat June 25th Bodi Veterinary Clinic in North Park from 10-1130am.

  1. Deanneka Goodwin – Susan Davis US Congress

                                                    i.     Neighborhood Day

                                                   ii.     Neighborhood Congress

                                                  iii.     New Jobs brought into the area: Scripps Research, NASCO ship building projects

                                                  iv.     National Defense Act

                                                   v.     Comment  - David Bowen – Post office: Stop North Park office from being closed

  1. Committee Member Comment
  2. Amanda – Facelift June 11 all morning.
  3. Jim – Mid City CIP Conformance Review to Planning Commission: Recommendations will be adopted.
  4. David Nelson – Fire station architecture suggestions, acknowledging Jim Varnadore for all his work.
  5. Mazda – Fatalities on University Ave.
  6. Saynab – World Refugee Day: June 25th 1-2pm City Community Park, Sponsor and Elder
  7. Ahmed – 1stto respond to accident Mazda mentioned
    1. Correction of the Minutes – Forgot to print them, tabled till next month.

 Mistakes in the minutes; will be corrected on presentation next month.



  1. Business Agenda

8.1   Good Will Industries – Breanna Flanagan

                                                       i.     Renovation of the Home Ave facility

                                                      ii.     Comment - David Nelson – Exterior landscaping complaints

                                                    iii.     Comment - Jim Varnadore – Landscape plan suggestions, facility function changes(?),  larger facility location.

                                                    iv.     Guy Mock – Coin laundry possibility, trees existing and their preservation

8.2 City Wastewater Dept. – Matthew DeBeliso

                                                      v.     Sewer Group 787 –

  1. Fall 2011, 3.5 miles of sewer main
  2. 3.5 million dollars
  3. 7-5pm working hours
  4. Slurry Seal
  5. Amanda – Azalea Park Assoc meeting recommendation meeting
  6. Suggestions on slurry seal and fiberglass
  7. Comment - Guy Mock – Ridgeview Association presentation suggeested

8.25Caltrans 94 HOV/BRT Project – Ron Caret: Manager, Andrew Rice, Ellen Jenning, Michelle Trudeau

                                                    vi.     1 HOV lane in each direction from 5 to 805

                                                   vii.     Reconfigure of non-standard 15 freeway connection ramps.

                                                  viii.     Comment - David Bowen – interchange business problems, if you make an HOV please do not close it in.

                                                    ix.     Comment - Guy Mock – Are there plans on connecting the transportation systems and not going around City Heights?

                                                      x.     Height of Alt. 2 structure? No info.

8.3 Balboa Park – Plaza de Panama proposed changes (action)

                                                    xi.     Council Design Program – Jay Shumaker

  1. Car bypass – Bad Idea.
  2. Alcazar Lawn – turning parking lot into a driveway

                                                   xii.     Gordon Kaufman, Kristen Byrne – Pro bridge development

  1. Elimination of cars from all plazas.
  2. 7,000 cars per plaza per day
  3. 40 million, 15 of it paid by bond (parking rev. bond)
  4. 2015 completion for the centennial.

                                                  xiii.     SOHO – Bruce Coons

  1. Support removal of cars, not support the bypass.

                                                  xiv.     David Nelson – Motion to not support the concept of the bypass bridge.

  1. Discussion: Mazda: How can we support something they are not sure of the developers themselves?
  2.  David 1st, Jim 2nd
  3. Motion passes. 12-1-1 (CNV)

8.4   Filling Vacancies

                                                   xv.     Dist 2-12: No resident to fill, now any qualified candidate can fill:

  1. Robert Leif – property owner, very pro improvement; against eminent domain.
  2. David Bowen –

Robert Leif wins by paper ballot.

                                                  xvi.     Dist 3-12: None; continued to next meeting

                                              xvii.     Dist 4-12: None; continued to next meeting

8.5 September 2011 alternative meeting dates for CHAPC –

                                               xviii.     Ahmed moves for the 19th of Sept. 2011 – Chair: Patty V. 2nd Passes unanimously.


  1. Adjournment at 8:54PM


City Heights Area Planning Committee minutes of July 18, 2011.  Present: Charry (6:40), Connelly, Finkbeiner (6:35), Kassab, Leif, Malinomar, Mehraz (6:40), Nelson, Ollinger, Sergent, Hong Tran (6:40), Mark Tran, Vaccariello, Varnadore, Yusef.  Absent: Dahir, Flanagan, Moss.

Item 1. Meeting began at 6:30pm

Item 2. Approval of the Agenda; Item 7.4 moved to 8/1 agenda.  – Patty Vaccariello 1st, Mark Tran 2nd.   

Item 3. Off Agenda Public Comment

               Katherine Eaton – Azalea Park National Night Out August 2nd, 4-7pm

               Gale Hong of Price Charities – City Heights Square progress

               Guy Mock – Site of former Chinese Church on 47th street in Webster having erosion problems

Item 4. Staff Reports

               Cynthia Harris – Marti Emerald: Neighborhood Beat

                                             Browned-out engines are back online

               Courtney Thomson – Todd Gloria: Repaving issues throughout City Heights update

Item 5. Committee Member Reports

Patty – CH Redevelopment Project Meeting: 2.5 Mil USD to Colina Park and Euclid Ave for sidewalks

Jessie – Update on multicultural center graduates

Samantha – “Streets for People”

Ahmed – CHOP event recap and reminder of meetings on 3rd Wed at 6:30pm at Police Station

Item 6. Correction to previous month’s minutes

               May – 6.c.i – change statement to “not”

               June- 4.a.ii – change EIR to MND

Item 7.1 – 54th/Euclid bicycle path – Gaetano Martedi – 200 car spaces to be removed, Trojan to El Cajon Blvd;  would be connected with left over funds after initial project was completed: Completion to be in 3 months from start. Randy Van Vleck spoke in support of the bike lane.

Item 7.2 – Verizon application for cell phone tower continuance at 4586 Federal Blvd. – Permit renewal, 90 days to submit plan to city (Aug 29th). Contact: Shelly Kilborne.  Item referred to mid month meeting to review design options for site.

Item 7.3 – PTN239133 Walgreens application for a liquor license.  CUP: 8am-10pm, 10,463 sq ft store.

CHAP Conditions: No singles of beer or fortified beverages, no sales of containers 40oz or less, no more than 3% of floor space (313 sq ft), No window advertisements, 10 year CUP.

Ahmed 1st, David 2nd, Motion passes 11:2:1:1 (chair not voting)

Item 7.5 – Safe Routes letter of support to Caltrans – Patty 1st, Robert 2nd.  Passes unanimously.

Item 7.6 – Seats open on CHAPC board:

Katherine Eaton was elected to Dist 3-12 seat because seat became “unrestricted” for remainder of term.

               Seat 4-13: No candidates stepped forward; to be filled at future meeting.

Adjournment at 8:32PM.


Posted by fmpark on 05/13/2011
Last updated on 08/03/2011
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