Minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2013
3910 University Ave
City Heights CA 92105
The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM. Ahmedei Cheikgurei, Russ Connelly, Kenton
Finkbeiner, Angeli Hernádez, Sally Lemmie, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Jenny Anna Miller, Guy Mock, Amanda Moss, Marc Munic, Jeanette Neeley, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Hong Tran, Jim Varnadore, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Patty Vaccariello formed a quorum. Emily Cox, Mark Kassab, Gerardo Perez, and Katia Rodriguez absent.
2. The Chairwoman requested two changes to the agenda. Russ offered, Amanda seconded a
motion to amend and adopt the agenda. The committee voted 17/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The minutes of August 5, 2013 were accepted as tendered.
4. Robert Leif offered an update on the Barrio Logan Community Plan update. David Bowen noted the application for an ABC license at 4950 University Avenue. Gail Hom noted the progress of
the proposed Gathering Place.
5. Rudy Vargas from CD-9 distributed a newsletter and reported the progress of several pending projects. Thomas Sepulvado offered an update of activities at Mr. Vargas’s office.
6. Guy reminded the meeting about the Taste of City Heights. Mazda asked about a cell antenna installation at 4101 University Avenue. He also noted the status of the City’s ban on vehicles parked for sale. Jeanette announced the City Heights Town Council election November 5. The Chairwoman reported on the status of a pending appeal of a Hearing Officer determination in the case of an ABC license application and reported that the Committee had named the completion of
Wightman Street Park, the construction of Fire Station-17, and the installation of sidewalks on Euclid Avenue as priority projects for the 9th Council District to accomplish.
7.1 The Committee heard a power point presentation by the Lation Youth Council on the results of its survey of off-sale alcohol sales in City Heights. During the question period afterward, the LYC
noted that ABC enforcement was complaint-driven, that the LYC obtained license information from the ABC website, and discussed ABC enforcement in general. Staff member Vargas noted the
ABC phone number and internet address.
7.2 The Committee heard a power point presentation by the City’s water utilities department about proposed fee increases. Information is available at The Committee discussed the matter with the presenting staff members who answered questions.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM to meet again November 4, 2013 at the time and place listed above. If called, a mid-month meeting will be held Monday, October 21 at 6:30PM in the Mid-City Police Substation. Separate agenda will be issued and posted.
Minutes of the meeting of September 4, 2013
3910 University Ave
City Heights CA 92105
The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM. Russ Connelly, Emily Cox, Kenton Finkbeiner, Angeli
Hernádez, Mark Kassab, Guy Mock, Amanda Moss, Marc Munic, Jeanette Neeley, David Nelson, Katia Rodriguez, Jessie Sergent, Jim Varnadore, and Patty Vaccariello formed a quorum. Ahmedei
Cheikgurei, Jenny Flanagan, Sally Lemmie, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Gerardo Perez, Hong Tran, and Abdullahi Yusuf absent.
2. Russ offered, Jessie seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The committee voted 14/0/0
(Chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The minutes of August 5, 2013 were accepted as tendered.
4. Linda Pennington announced the schedule for the construction of the Gathering Site near 43rd/Thorn Street.
5. Rudy Vargas from CD-9 distributed a newsletter and reported the progress of several pending projects. Julio Rivera from the CD-9 staff introduced himself.
6. Committee members Russ Connelly, Emily Cox, Katia Rodriguez, Amanda Moss, and Chairwoman Patty Vaccariello reported the progress of several pending City projects and offered other announcements.
7.1 The Committee heard a presentation by Peter Martin about water purification and the City’s program to adopt it. There was discussion about the details.
7.2 The Committee heard a presentation by Civic San Diego about the bond funds remaining after Redevelopment was disestablished and what projects that money might fund. The Committee discussed the matter.
7.3 The Committee reviewed projects from the City’s Capital Improvement Plan and other projects originated in the Community. After discussion, they chose projects to recommend for implementation in FY-15. The Chairwoman will assemble the recommendations and send them to the City.
7.4 The Committee considered which of its FY-15 CIP recommendations to send to Council member Emerald to be emphasized as very important. The Chairwoman will forward the Committee’s
recommendation to CD-9.
7.5 The Committee discussed a list of individuals who had volunteered to be part of the City’s Volunteer Code Enforcement effort. After discussion, Jim offered and Kenton seconded a motion to recommend that the City enroll the Committee members who had volunteered. The Committee voted 9/0/0, and the motion passed. After further discussion, Russ offered, Kenton seconded a motion to add Glenn Martinez and _________ Vasquez, who are not Committee members. The Committee voted 8/0/1 and the motion passed.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 9:19PM to meet again October 7, 2013 at the time and place listed above. If called, a mid-month meeting will be held Monday, September 16 at 6:30PM in the Mid-City Police Substation. Separate agenda will be issued and posted.
Minutes of the meeting of August 5, 2013
3910 University Ave City Heights CA 92105
The meeting was called to order at 6:31PM. Ahmedei Cheikgurei, Emily Cox, Jenny
Flanagan, Angeli Hernádez, Mark Kassab, Sally Lemmie, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Guy Mock, Amanda Moss, Marc Munic, Jeanette Neeley, David Nelson, Katia
Rodriguez, Jessie Sergent, Hong Tran, Jim Varnadore, and Patty Vaccariello formed
a quorum. Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Gerardo Perez, and Abdullahi Yusuf absent.
2. Jessie offered, Jeanette seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The committee voted 14/0/0
(Chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The minutes of July 1, 2013 were accepted as tendered.
4. David Bowen announced National Night Out at Teralta Park.
5. Rudy Vargas from CD-9 distributed a newsletter and reported the progress of several pending projects. He also announced that the office was looking for interns intersted in serving on an elected official’s staff.
6. Committee members David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Hong Tran, Katia Rodriguez, Sally Lemmie, Mark Munic, Jeanette Neeley, Emily Cox, Ahmed Malinomar, Jim Varnadore, and Chairwoman Patty Vaccariello reported the progress of several pending City projects and offered other announcements.
7.1 The Committee heard a presentation by Gary Pence of the City’s Streets Division about traffic control including traffic signals, stop signs, and yield signs.
7.2 The Committee heard a presentation by Gary Pence of the City’s Streets Division about traffic calming and the various measures adopted to calm and slow traffic.
7.3 The Committee heard a request from Jeff Graham about Civic San Diego, its management of the former Redevelopment Agency, the City’s interaction with the State Department of Finance about how to dispose of Redevelopment assets, etc. He also discussed the Civic San Diego Long Range Property Management Plan required by the statute that ended Redevelopment. There were questions and answers between Mr. Graham and the Committee. A list of projects being managed is at.
The Committee also heard a presentation about New Market Tax Credits, a Federal Program to assist jurisdictions in a way similar to affordable housing tax credits, except that NMTCs are targeted at commercial areas and businesses. The Committee and the audience asked questions and there was a discussion of the concept.
7.4 The Chairwoman discussed her decision to appeal the hearing officer decision to allow permits for an ABC license at 4950 University Avenue, and she asked the Committee to ratify her decision. After discussion, Amanda moved, Emily seconded a motion to approve the Chairwoman’s decision. The Committee voted 14/0/2 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
7.5 A dicussion of particulate pollution was continued indefinitely.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12PM to meet again September 4, 2013 at the time and place listed above. If called, a mid-month meeting will be held Monday, August 19 at 6:30PM in the Mid-City Police Substation. Separate agenda will be issued and posted.