City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - May 2015 - July 2015


Minutes of the meeting of July 6, 2015

3910 University Ave,
San Diego,CA92105


1. The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM.  Kelvin Barrios, Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Georgette Gomez, Mark Kassab, Bob Leif, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, and Kiley Wallace were present.  Erick Diaz, Josefina Garcia, Sally Lemmie, Tuan Luu, Ahmed Malinomar, Samuel Supranovich, Mark Tran, Chairwoman Patty Vaccariello, and Abdullahi Yusuf were absent. Marc Munic accepted the gavel.


2. Russ offered, Robert seconded a motion to adopt the agenda.  The Committee voted 11/0/0
(Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


3. The minutes of June 1, 2105 were corrected and adopted.


4. Randy Van Vleck announced the groundbreaking for the El Cajon Boulevard Transit Plaza improvements.  Maria Cortez announced National Night Out, August 4.


5. Rudy Vargas distributed the district Newsletter, and noted that the City Council had approved a plan to redevelop the triangle of land bounded by 54th Street, Chollas Parkway, and University Ave. 


6. Georgette noted that the planned HOV lanes on SR-94 are delayed.  Caltrans and SANDAG will delay releasing the EIR to study community recommended alignments.  Kenton announced that the City Heights Arts Commission will meet July 21, 6:30PM at the library.  Russ reported on events at the Community Planners Committee meeting including that the City might want to sell bonds to
fund new fire stations.  He further reported that City staff has developed a new algorithm to allocate CDBG monies.


7.1 Kenton nominated, Georgette seconded Ms. Krista Berry to the vacant District 4-16 seat.  The
Committee voted 10/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.2 Sean Paver City of San Diego Public Utilities Dept. described a proposed dirt road between Ash Street and SR-94 for sewer maintenance. After discussion, David offered, Jessie seconded a motion to recommend approval of the road.  The Committee voted 11/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.3 Mr. Michael Medrata described a proposal to convert a 4-unit apartment building at 3860 35th
  Street to condos and requested approval of a waiver of the tentative map.  In the discussion the committee proposed installing motion-sensitive rear flood lighting and 14-inch tall street address numbers on the rear of the building.  The applicant accepted the suggestion.  After discussion, David offered, Russ seconded a motion to recommend approval of the tentative map waiver with the lighting and numbers conditions the applicant had accepted.  The Committee voted 10/0/1 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.4 Gretchen Sorensen from Civic San Diego reported on the status of the Sally Wong building.  The
City is seeking a non-historic decision from the Historic Resources Board.  Sorensen will e-mail the available historic studies to the committee.  Kiley offered, Russ seconded a motion to continue the matter. The Committee 11/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.5 Michael Lengyel and Danny Fitzgerald of Civic San Diego discussed a plan to redevelop the O’Connor Church Goods building on El Cajon Boulevard into a multi-use, food/beverage/events facility.  The main use is expected to be business incubation.  25% of tenants will be non-profits.


7.6 Public Works Dept. employees David Lee and Mark Pierezini offered a presentation on curb extensions (pop outs) at 38th and Wightman.  The Committee discussed the proposal and offered suggestions.


7.7 Phil Rust from the Public Works Department described a plan to re-surface Fairmount Avenue
between Home Avenue and Redwood Street.  The Committee discussed the proposal and offered suggestions.


8. The meeting was adjourned 9:05 PM



Minutes of the meeting of June 1, 2015

3910 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92105


  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM. Kelvin Barrios, Russ Connelly, Eric Diaz, Kenton Finkbeiner, Georgette Gomez, Mark Kassab, Bob Leif, Sallie Rice-Lemmie, Tuan Luu, Ahmed Malinomar, Mada Mehraz, Marc Munic, Leslie Renteria, Jessie Sergent, Samula Supranovich, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Patty Vaccariello formed a quorum. Josefina Garcia, David Nelson, Mark Tran, and Kiley Wallace were absent.

2.  Robert Leif motioned and Russ Connelly seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The committee voted 15/0/0 (Chair not Voting). Motion passed.


 3. Minutes for May 1, 2015 were corrected and adopted.


4. No off agenda public comment.

5.  Julio Rivera and Rudy Vargas  from Council District-9 reminded the audience about the African Culture Fest that was scheduled for Jun 6th at the Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park. Patty inquired with the council reps if the county 2-day per week water restrictions were going to be observed by The City as well. The answer was, “no , the city was currently on a level 2/3-day water restriction, and that the state was cutting water use by 19%.” Bob Leif, David Bowen, and Sallie Lemmie made comments with the council reps regarding sidewalks and cleaned up properties. They were thanked. Michael Prinz from City Planning spoke about a completed El Cajon Blvd study and a walking tour on May 2, a workshop on the data and community comment would be sometime in July. Stephanie
Allen made an introduction as the new Vargas council representative.


6. Bob reminded the audience of a meeting On-SANDAG June 12 401B St #800 for SR94/805/15 improvments. Leslie announced her resignation and that her final meeting would be in July. Russ
further commented on the SR94 meeting and updated the audience on the meeting that had taken place in May. Stressing that the community needed to be present at these meetings with more input. Ahmed made mention of a mural project on the Quick Corner at 39th and University that was not flattering to the community, and that covering the mural would take place soon to improve the
neighborhood image. He mentioned National Night out on August 6 at Teralta Park. Patty made mention of her summer absense, and that Marc Munic would take over the meetings.


7.1 Russ Connelly was appointed to the CPC by Patty. Bob moved that Russ be elected as the delegate and that Patty be an alternate. Jessie seconded. 16/0/0. Motion passed.


7.2 A list of potential pro/cons for two city-owned properties that will be sold; located at University and 40th, and El Cajon Blvd and Central/I-15. The list was generated over a few emails sent out by Patty. The emails were compiled and summed up in a 2 page list. The list was discussed with Michael Prinz, Jay Powell, and Cybil Thompson (Real Estate Assets Agent hired with the city). Money from this sale will go to the general CIP fund for roadways. This does not confine the money to City Heights, the money can be used elsewhere in the city per the discussion with City
Planning. The list which is available via Patty V was motioned as ammended to be sent with the intent for further community input at the time of sale. Georgette ammended the sale not move forward until the community was notified of the potential buyers. 13/2/1. The motion passed.


7.3 Tia Anzellotti and Adina Venn of the United Way introduced the committee to a learning trail and mural project for Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park. The project was not received well and both reps were told to come back to the committee after they had received ample input. Russ motioned to disapprove of the plan and return with community input with a better project that the committee can see that the community had large input with. Jessie seconded. 13/2/1. Motion passed.


7.4 Marcela Escobar-Eck spoke on behalf of The Rock Church along with pastoral staff and community members that would attend the facility at the Pierson Ford facility  at 4001 ECB with the intention of obtaining a CUP. Kenton motioned to approve the CUP, Sallie seconded. 10/4/2. The motion passed.


7.5 A presentation by Maya Rosas on the Vision Zero initiative including the potential for new crosswalks. A ‘hazard report’ would be released soon from this group.


7.6 Addition of stop signs on 40th/Thorn in Castle on north and south bound at this intersection. Kelvin moved to approve, Bob seconded. 6/3/7. Motion fails, stop signs will not be inserted.


7.7 Declaration of Dist 4, 2016 seat vacancy. Georgette motioned to vacate, Russ seconded. 13/0/0. Numbers may reflect that some board members left due to time constraints. Motion passes.


8. Adjournment. 9:25 PM. The board will convene again on July 6, 2015 at 6:30PM. No mid month meeting was held.     




Minutes of the meeting of May 4, 2015

3910 University Avenue

City Heights, CA 92105


The meeting was called to order at 6:31PM.  Kelvin Barrios, Russ Connelly, Erick Diaz,
Kenton Finkbeiner, Georgette Gomez, Mark Kassab, Robert Leif, Sallie Lemmie, Tuan
Luu, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent,
Mark Tran, Patty Vaccariello, Kiley Wallace, and Abdullahi Yusuf formed a
quorum.  Josefina Garcia, Samantha Ollinger, Leslie Renteria, and Samuel Supranovich were absent.


2. Robert offered, Kelvin seconded a motion to adopt the agenda.  The committee voted 16/0/0 (Chair not voting) and the motion passed.


The minutes of April 6, 2015 were corrected and adopted.


John Hartley offered an announcement about Clean Elections.  Kathy Riser noted that the application of the Rock Church was not yet ready to bring to the Committee.  Randy van Vleck announced an art exhibit at the new YMCA on May 29, 12:00 - 6:00PM.


Julio Rivera from Council District-9 distributed the district newsletter, reported that some additional money was added to the City Heights Recreation Center budget, and noted that soon high-speed internet would be provided at the Library.


Jessie announced the coming SDAYO fundraiser, May 29, 2015 at 6:30PM in Lee’s Garden Restaurant.  David reminded the Committee about the process for repairing sidewalks.  Kenton announced the City Heights Art Commission meeting on May 21, 6:30PM at the Library.  Kiley reported on a walkabout at 43rd and El Cajon Boulevard to decide art improvements.  Mark Tran
reported that the San Diego Chapter of the American Planning Association had issued an award to the Central Avenue skate park project.


7.1 City Project Manager Jesus Garcia reported the status of a project on Orange Avenue between 49th and Winona to improve pedestrian crossing.  After discussion, Georgette moved, Ahmed
seconded a motion to recommend approval of the project and to include flashing light displays at the intersection.  The Committee voted 16/1/0 and the motion passed.


7.2 Gretchen Sorenson of the Civic San Diego staff reported the status of sidewalks and street lights in Colina Park.  There are some budget difficulties that interfere with completing the project as originally designed.  The project is to go to City Council in June, to be bid in July, and to start construction in the Winter.  After discussion, Georgette moved, Ahmed seconded a motion to recommend approval of continuing the project, minimizing damage to the streets, and pursuing funding to complete the work as originally designed while exploring the use of solar without delaying the project.  The Committee voted 17/0/0 (Chair not voting), and the motion passed.


7.3 Kelvin Barrios, Chair of the Officer Search Sub-committee took the gavel and conducted the election of officers.  Patty Vaccariello was elected to the Chair (18/0/0).  Marc Munic was
elected to the first vice-Chair (18/0/0), Mark Tran was elected to the second vice-Chair (13/4/0). Kenton Finkbeiner was elected as Secretary (17/0/0).  The Chairwoman resumed the gavel.


7.4 Senior Project Manager Guy Green of Ortiz Corporation described Water & Sewer Group Job-963, to be installed on various streets in City Heights.  There were discussion, questions, and
answers.  Several Committee members noted complaints in earlier Ortiz work and urged the contractor to work more closely with the community and with adjacent property owners.


7.5 Bridget Enderle from SANDAG reported the status of the North-Park Mid-City Bike Corridor project, noting that it included 13 miles of bikeways and that about 5% of San Diegans live
within half a mile of a bikeway.  She also announced an open house would be conducted July 15 at a time and place to be determined.  There were discussion, questions, and answers.  No motion was


7.6 City staff member Brian Vitelle described the Otay-1 Pipeline project and gave a status report.  There were discussion, questions, and answers.


7.7 Jeff Powers who represents a coalition of interests opposed to the One Paseo project in Carmel Valley distributed materials and asked the Committee for a resolution he had included
in the materials.  There were discussion, questions, and answers.  Janelle Riella from the applicant spoke in favor of the project and urged the Committee to take no action.  After discussion, Mark Tran
moved, Ahmed seconded a motion recommending that the City Council re-consider its approval of the One Paseo project and also re-establish the Community Planning Groups integrity in the planning process as is envisioned in Council Policy 600-24.  The Committee voted 11/0/0 and
the motion passed.


8.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:40PM to convene again June 1, 2015 at the time and place listed above.  If called, a mid-month meeting will be held Monday, May 18, 2015 at 6:30PM in the Mid-City Police Substation.  Separate agenda will be issued and posted.


Posted by fmpark on 05/27/2015
Last updated on 08/24/2015
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