City Heights Area Planning Committee – Draft Minutes of the meeting of April 4, 2016
Fartun Adan, Kelvin Barros, Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Kendra Green, Ken Grimes, Tuan Luu, Taylor McDonald, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Andre Sanz, Jessie Sergent, Patty Vaccariello and Abdullahi Yusef were present. Krista Berry-Ortega, Eric Diaz, Mark Kassab, Sam Supranovich and Jim Varnadore were absent.
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM. Due to lack of quorum, the Chair called item #4 of the agenda: (Special business) and turned the meeting over to Tuan Luu of the Election Subcommittee who gave a summary of the winners of the March 7 2016 election: Fartun, Krista, Russ, Kindra, Ken, Taylor, Juan Pablo, Andre, Jessie and Patty were then seated. Jim was seated in abstentia.
Item #1 The Chair then retook the floor, recognized the new members, established a quorum and called the regular meeting back to order.
Item #2: The Chair modified the agenda by adding a presentation by San Diego Unified School District as a revised item 8.1 with the rest of the agenda being renumbered accordingly. Ken motioned and Mazda seconded to approve the revised agenda. Passed unanimously.
Item #3: The draft minutes of March 7 were accepted without modification.
Item #5: Linda Pennington, David Bowen, Randy VanVleck and Maria Cortez made off-agenda comments
Item #6: Rudy Vargas introduced Shanika McCarty; both will represent City Heights for Councilmember Emerald’s office. Both made comments on Councilmember’s activities and upcoming events.
Item # 7: Jesse, Ken, Marc, Mazda, Russ, Tuan and Patty made Committee Member comments.
Item #8.1: Lee Dulgeroff and staff members from San Diego Unified School District presented an informational overview of the design plans for the combined rebuilding of Wilson Middle School and Central Elementary on the current Wilson site. Questions were asked about various elements by the audience and the Committee.
Item 8.2: Avital Aboody and others made a presentation about developing a temporary open-air food and craft market on a site at El Cajon Blvd and Fairmount Avenue. Questions were asked by the audience and Committee. A representative of Price Charities, current owner of the semi-vacant lot, clarified the short term use of the lot since no permanent development has been considered for the foreseeable future.
Item 8.3: Tuan nominated Terry Stanley to fill the vacant School/Non-Profit-17 seat. Show of hands of the Committee members was unanimous in approval and Terry was seated.
Item 8.4: Kelvin nominated Sandra Alvarado and Marc nominated Wendy Miller for the vacant District 3-17 seat. After a show of hands by the Committee members, Sandra won by a vote of 9-3-1 (chair not voting) and was seated.
Item 8.5: Jeff Powers and Donna Frye made a presentation on a ‘Citizen’s Plan’ to be proposed on the November election ballot. After much lively discussion and clarifications by the presenters, the Committee and audience members, Ken motioned and Kelvin seconded to support a motion paper distributed to Committee members as presented. After debate, the vote was called and a preliminary count was 8-5-2 (chair not voting). Abstaining: Fartun and Terry (no reason was given). The acting Secretary then asked for clarification on one vote. With clarification, the vote was amended to 7-6-2 (chair not voting) and the status of the vote was unclear. The Chair was advised that Roberts Rules would consider the motion approved and stated that the vote was 7-6 and the motion passed. Further research by the Secretary and the Chair revealed that the CHAPC by-laws state that in order for a motion to pass, a majority vote is required by the members in attendance at a meeting in which there is a quorum. With 15 members in attendance at the time of the vote, 7 yes votes would be insufficient to pass the motion. The motion failed.
Item 8.6: Kelvin, Sandra and Jesse volunteered to be on the Officer Nominating Committee.
In closing, The Chair noted that the time and date of the Mid-Month meeting as listed on the agenda is incorrect due to the unavailability of the meeting location. A replacement time and date will be established by the Chair and noticed to the community.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.
Draft minutes of the
meeting of March 7, 2016
3910 University Ave, San
Diego, CA 92105
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM. Kelvin Barrios, Krista Berry-Ortega, Russ Connelly, Erick Díaz, Kenton Finkbeiner, Georgette Gómez, Mark Kassab, Bob Leif, Tuan Luu, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Samuel Supranovich, Patty Vaccariello, Kiley Wallace, and Abdullahi Yusuf were present. Sally Lemmie was absent.
2. Bob offered, Russ seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The Committee voted 13/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The minutes of February 1, 2015 were corrected.
4. Ricardo Flores, Linda Pennington, Jeff Powers, Georgette Gomez, and Bob Leif offered public comments.
5. Rudy Vargas and Julio Rivera distributed the District-9 Newsletter and reported the statuses of Wightman Park, Fire Station-17, and SDPD bicycle patrols.
6. Russ and Mazda offered committee comment.
7.1 Mark Daitsch of Price Charities and Architect Rob Quigley reviewed the history of the old Person Ford site and the new YMCA. They introduced the Price Charities parcel on the East side of Fairmount Avenue North of El Cajon Boulevard and asked for suggestions. There was a discussion and members offered suggestions.
7.2 Chris Kluth from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) presented the Association’s current plans for a bike lane parallel to SR-15 from Adams Avenue to Camino del Rio
South. This is part of a 13-mile long bike improvement plan that includes a Howard-Orange link, a Landis-Orange link, and a Meade Avenue Link, to be funded from the sales tax. The plan will be posted at the SANDAG website by March 15. The Environmental Impact Report is complete and will be offered to the SANDAG board in April. As the design is not final, there was a request for a second hearing at CHAPC. Mr. Kluth agreed.
7.3 The chairwoman introduced the City’s proposal for a stop sign on Pepper Drive at the intersection with Columbine Street. After discussion, David offered, Jessie seconded a motion to recommend denial of the proposal. The Committee voted 9/0/1 and the motion passed.
7.4 Committee member Kylie Wallace and Amie Hayes from Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO) offered a power point presentation about the history of City Heights from its original establishment in 1912 until the present time.
7.5 The Chairwoman reported that the incumbent for the District 3-17 seat had not met the attendance requirements of the bylaws and entertained a motion. David offered, Russ seconded a motion to declare the District 3-17 seat vacant for lack of attendance. The Committee voted 9/0/0 and the motion passed.
8. The meeting was adjourned 8:35PM to reconvene on April 4, 2016 at the time and place noted above.
Draft minutes of the
meeting of February 1, 2016
3910 University Ave, San
Diego, CA 92105
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:34PM. Krista Berry-Ortega, Kenton Finkbeiner, Georgette Gómez, Mark Kassab, Bob Leif, Tuan Luu, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Samuel Supranovich, Kiley Wallace, and Abdullahi Yusuf were present. Kelvin
Barrios, Russ Connelly, Erick Díaz, Josefina Garcia, Sally Lemmie, Ahmed Malinomar, Mark Tran, and Patty Vaccariello, were absent.
2. Mark offered, David seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The Committee voted 12/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The minutes of January 4, 2015 were corrected.
4. Ricardo Flores, Christine Schindler, Georgette Gomez, and Jim Varnadore offered public comments.
5. Rudy Vargas and Julio Rivera distributed the District-9 Newsletter and reported the status of Wightman Park funding.
6. Bob, David, Kylie, Mazda, Georgette, and Tuan offered committee comment.
7.1 The Chair noted the resignations from the School/Non-Profit-16 seat, the School/Non-Profit-17 seat, and the District-1-16 seats. After discussion, Bob offered, Mark seconded a motion to declare the seats vacant. The Committee voted 12/0/0 (Acting chair not voting) and the motion passed.
7.2 John O’Conner from the Boulevard BIA offered a presentation about a plan for a two-lane curb cut into the North boundary of the new school facility to be built on the Wilson Academy campus
and allowing two-lane right turns from El Cajon Boulevard into the new campus. After discussion Georgette offered, Bob seconded a motion to continue the matter for two months. The Committee voted 12/0/0 (Acting chair not voting) and the motion passed.
7.3 Lindsey Godwin from Ocean Discovery Institute offered a presentation about the status of the ODI facility in City Heights. It expects to take another year to construct, followed by a soft opening in the Spring of 2017. ODI asked the Committee to recommend making Thorn Street East of Van Dyke Avenue. After discussion which included a discussion of making Thorn Street into a cul-de-sac, Jessie offered, David seconded a motion to recommend the City make Thorn Street one-way East of Van Dyke Avenue and to examine the cul-de-sac option. The Committee voted 12/0/0
(Acting chair not voting) and the motion passed.
7.4 Mike Maersk offered a presentation about upgrading the car wash on University Avenue at Swift Avenue including a request for a variance from the minimum coverage ratio requirement. The Committee and the audience asked questions, and there was a discussion. As the matter was an information item, no motion was offered.
7.5 Cathy Wilder from Pro-Kids Golf Academy offered a presentation about increasing the lighting at the golf course in Colina Park. There were questions from Committee and the audience, and there was a discussion of the item. After discussion, Bob offered, Krista seconded a motion to recommend approval. The Committee voted 12/0/0 (Acting chair not voting) and the motion passed.
7.6 Erick, the Election Subcommittee Chair offered a status report on the election, and asked to volunteers to work at the polls.
8. The meeting was adjourned 8:20PM to econvene on March 7, 2016 at the time and place noted above.