Draft - Minutes of April 3, 2017
1. Acting Chairwoman Krista Berry Ortega called the meeting to order at 6:34PM. Krista Berry Ortega, Russ Connelly, Ken Grimes, Tuan Luu, Taylor McDonald, Mazda Mehraz, Jessie Sergent, Terry Stanley, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore were present. Fartun Adan, Sandra Alvarado, Erick Diaz, Kenton Finkbeiner, Kindra Green Carson, Mark Kassab, Marc Munic, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Andre Sanz, Patty Vaccariello, were absent.
Russ offered, Terry seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The Committee voted 10/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The Minutes of February 6 and March 6, 2017 were approved.
4. The Election Subcommmittee chair introduced and seated Roddy Jerome, María Córtez, Brian Green Carson, David Nelson, Rickie Brown, and Aracely Martínez, elected in March.
5. Bob Lief, Nick van Minnen, and Mahmudali Libanhidig offered off-agenda comments.
6. Kelvin Barrios and Gloria Cruz from Council District-9, and Elizabeth Ocampo from the Planning Department offered staff comments.
7. María, Mazda, Taylor, David, and Jim offered announcements and comments. Russ
reported on the recent meeting of the CPC.
The SANDAG staff offered a power-point presentation about the Orange-Howard bike corridor and an update on the Landis Street bike corridor. Committee members and the audience asked questions, and there was discussion and suggestions.
8.2 The Committee considered the Secretary’s notes from the Mid-month meeting concerning the City’s draft proposal for changes to the Land Development Code (Chapters 10 – 15 of the Municipal Code). After discussion, Taylor offered, Russ seconded a motion to accept the Secretary’s notes and to recommend them to the City. The Committee voted 11/0/1 and the motion passed.
The Committee reviewed a City proposal to install head-in parking on the West side of Wilson Avenue between Wightman Street and Landis Street. After discussion David offered, Terry Seconded a motion to recommend that the City install the proposed parking. The Committee voted 10/0/0 and the motion passed.
8.4 The Acting Chairwoman asked for volunteers for the Officer Search Subcommittee.
David Nelson and Rickie Brown volunteered and were appointed.
9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38PM.
Draft - Minutes of March 6, 2017
1. Chairwoman Patty Vaccariello called the meeting to order at 6:36PM. Fartun Adan, Krista Berry Ortega, Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Kindra Green Carson, Ken Grimes, Tuan Luu, Taylor McDonald, Mazda Mehraz, Marc Munic, Andre Sanz, Jessie Sergent, Terry Stanley, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore were present. Sandra Alvarado, Erick Diaz, Mark Kassab, Juan Pablo Sanchez, were absent.
Krista offered, Jessie seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The Committee voted 13/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. The Minutes of December 5, 2016 were approved.
4. Maria Cortez and Bob Lief offered off-agenda comments.
5. Kelvin Barrios and Gloria Cruz from Council District-9, and Elizabeth Ocampo from the Planning Department offered staff comments.
6. Tuan asked questions about the election. He will reduce his remarks to writing and bring them to the Committee. Jim offered committee comment.
Steve Laub, representing 7/11 Corporation outlined the company’s plan to build a new store at 35th/El Cajon Boulevard. The Committee and the audience asked questions, conducted a discussion, and offered suggestions. As the matter was an information item, no vote was taken.
7.2 The Committee considered the Secretary’s reports that incumbents in School/Non-profit-18 seat and the District 3-18 seat had missed enough meetings to meet the bylaws requirement for a Committee review. After review and discussion, no motion was offered and no action was taken.
At the Chairwoman’s request, Committee members and the audience suggested speakers and other presentations that the Committee might like to have at future meetings. The Chairwoman compiled a list.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM.
Draft - Minutes of February 6, 2017
1. Chairwoman Patty Vaccariello called the meeting to order at 6:31PM. Fartun Adan,
Sandra Alvarado, Krista Berry Ortega, Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Tuan Luu, Taylor McDonald, Mazda Mehraz, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Andre Sanz, Jessie Sergent, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore were present. Erick Diaz, Kindra Green Carson, Ken Grimes, Marc Munic, Mark Kassab, Terry Stanley, were absent.
Russ offered, Jessie seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. The Committee voted 10/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
3. Council member Georgette Gomez offered remarks including a desire to increase street lighting and sidewalks. She reviewed her Council Committee assignments and some of the work she expects to accomplish.
4. David Nelson, David Bowen, Maria Cortez, and Francisco Garcia offered off-agenda remarks.
5. There was no staff comment.
6. Russ offered a report from the January CPC meeting. Taylor, Tuan, Juan Pablo, Jim, and
Patty offered committee comments.
Josh Johnson, the project manager for the installation of street lights and sidewalks in Colina Park indicated that the work is about 70% complete. The work included installing about 18,000 linear feet of conduit for the street lights. Sidewalks on Euclid Avenue will begin installation when a decorative
fence is fabricated.
Ms. Lindsay Reese, the principal of the Diego Hills Charter School briefed the Committee about locating the school at 4348 54th Street, and answered Committee member questions. After discussion, Jim offered, Russ seconded a motion to recommend approval of a conditional use
Ms. Eyerusalem Kalati, owner of Cali Café & Hookah Lounge, offered a presentation about the business and its application for a Type-42 ABC license, and she answered Committee member questions. Officer Robert Stinson from SDPD reported on his investigation conducted preliminary to deciding on a Statement of Public Convenience or Necessity (PCorN). In the course of the discussion it became evident that the property does need a PCorN but does not need a use
permit before it applies for an ABC license. After discussion Russ offered, Jessie seconded a motion to recommend denial of the requested PCorN. The Committee voted 11/3/0 and the motion passed.
The Committee heard a report from the Election Subcommittee
8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16PM.