City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - November 2019 - January 2020


Minutes of January 6th, 2020


1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The following committee members were present: Jake Banfield-Weir, David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Brian Green-Carson, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Lisa Nguyen, Dhaha Nur, Blair Overstreet, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Patty Vaccariello, and Russ Connelly. Committee members absent were: Edgar Balderas, Brenda Diaz, Francisco Garcia, Jose Hernandez, Roddy Jerome and Hamdi Noor. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has explained the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.


2. Committee has approved the November minutes.

3. The committee unanimously approved the agenda.


4. Off-Agenda Public Comment: Eric Tolmeyer, from the City Heights CDC, gave update on the future mixed-use properties (also known as the Sally Wong building and previous temporary fire station) located on University Avenue near the SR-15. Demolition is expected to begin at the end of the month or early February. The contractor is currently waiting for the permit. At the early design phases of the mixed-used with affordable housing and commercial units. The previous temporary fire station site will be an open area for community visioning opportunities and forums. Ross Naismith, an eastern area community planning representative is running for the District 9 City Council seat. Vianney Ravulcaba, from the City Heights CDC, along with Circulate SD are hosting a community planning group 101 on Jan 27th, 6PM, in the same room as the committee meetings. Forum will feature different planning group members, dinner, interpretation, and child care. Patty Vaccariello announced that the Islenair community had a successful packer clean up. Five tons of trash and recycling were collected. David Nelson commented the new parking changes on Poplar Ave. are working very well and to check out the cannabis place which opened about a month ago on Home Ave. He also highlighted the $2,000 price for a permit to fix a sidewalk and for recycling fees on electronics and mattresses. Blair Overstreet announced to the public the availability for translation and interpretation services for the public audience. David Bowen reminded the committee and audience of the March 3rd Primaries and promoted working for the Census for April.


5. Staff Report and Comment: Ana Medina, from City Council President’s Office Georgette Gomez, announced the shift in community representatives, with Gloria Cruz areas being covered by the other council representatives. Currently working on the budget priority memo therefore any infrastructure priorities that one wants to highlight need to be received by the Councilmember. The State of the District address will be happening on Jan. 29th, 6PM.


6. Business Agenda:

6.1. Appointment to fill the School/Non-Profit 2020 Seat: Seat will be open in the election thus only serving for the January, February, and March meeting if filled this month. No one volunteered and seat not filled. Item was tabled.


6.2. Declare vacant the At-Large 2021 seat: The Chair announced the lack of communication and completion of the COW training from the current At-Large 2021 member. Patty Vaccariello motion to declare open the At-Large 2021 seat, with Maria Cortez as second. Motion Passed (13/0/0) with the Chair not Voting.


6.3. Update on Euclid Sidewalks Project: Daniel Kay, from Civic San Diego, gave an update on the project. The project is using former Redevelopment Bond proceeds designated ($1,000,000) for the CIty Heights Planning Area with Bob Suntherlin being the primary point of contact. The project focuses on the west side of Euclid Avenue, between Dwight Street and Thorn Street. The project will see significant utility relocation issues (boxes) and will work around ADA compliance and grating. Preliminary estimates and concept was shown, costing over the $1 million dollar budget, but is working with city staff to find more funding rather than sacrificing the design. Sidewalks will be improved and 2 continental street crossings will be added, to be determined by a traffic study. They are working with property owners and street trees may be added in the future depending on the finalized budget. Current time line is 4-6 months for processing and to place project up for bid, and 8-10 months for the construction period. Civic will return to the Committee for further input, cost descriptions, and preliminary design elements in about 3-4 months.


6.4 Otay Pipelines 1 & 2 Project Overview: spokesperson on the project is Vic Salazar Communications with Lori Sutton and Gabriel Torres as presenters. The project was presented to the committee 3 years ago covering the design. Curbside and gutter improvements and resurfacing of streets will be happening in the project area. The project has since been scaled down and the map presented does not completely reflect the current project. The project will stretch 5.2 miles, 1.2 less than previously presented. Pipeline project has been abandoned the area near Euclid Ave. The crossings on Interstate 15 has been eliminated and the crossing on Landis St. at the 805 into North Park has also been eliminated. Project started today with confirming utilities and design. The third part of the project is on University Ave. from Highland Ave. to 43rd St. Notifications will be sent to those who live within 300ft of the project area. Updates will be given via a website sign up. Project will total 500 working days with an October to May moratorium, and estimated completion in 2 years. Updates will be given to the Committee in the upcoming months.


6.5. Update from 2020 Election Subcommittee: Blair made an announcement regarding upcoming election. Must be on the sign-in sheet by the February meeting to qualify. March 2nd is the election day. Seats open include residential, non-profit/school, at-large and business. Applications are available and the election begins 2 hours before the start of the March meeting and goes to 8:00 PM. Deadline to apply is February 21st at 5PM. Fliers were passed out. She also requested to help spread the word about the election and to contact Wendy if one would like to help during election day. Election Sub-Committee members include Maria Cortez, Wendy Miller, Blair Overstreet, and Roddy Jerome.


7. Chair’s Report: Stop signs in Cherokee Point have been approved. Stop signs will replace the current yield and will be located at Cherokee and Myrtle. Committee may expect several action items in February with Info items in March.


8. Committee Member reports and Comments: David Nelson, Patty Vaccariello, Blair Overstreet, and Brian Green-Carson made comments.

9. Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM


No meeting was held in December 2019


City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes of November 4, 2019


1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM.. The following committee members where present: David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Brenda Diaz, Francisco Garcia, Brian Green-Carson, Jose Hernandez, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Lisa Nguyen, Hamdi Noor, Dhaha Nur, Blair Overstreet, Michael Rossler, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Patty Vaccariello, and Russ Connelly. Absent where: Jake Banfield-Weir, Scott Paquette, Edgar Balderas. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has addressed the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.


2. Committee has approved the minutes with corrections noted.


3. The committee unanimously approved the agenda.


4. Public Comment: Vianney Ruvalcaba, from the City Heights Development Corporation, wanted to thank the committee for the language item allocated to the Planning Department’s budget. Kate Callen promoted Barbara Bry for Mayoral Candidate as a volunteer. Kevin Cohlts and Johnny Lee, self promoting for the City Council District Nine race. Patty Vaccariello shared leftover Halloween candy and made a request for Somali interpretation for the next meeting. Maria Cortez announced the next meeting for the Teralta Neighborhood Alliance. Blair Overstreet asked for clarification with the language regarding the interpretation provided by the Planning Department.


5. Staff Reports: Christopher “Stopher” Vallejo, with the City Council President Georgette Gomez’s Office, announce the approved agreement with CALTRANS to sub-lease the kiosks on the SR-15 transit center decks. Promotion of the GET IT DONE app, either on the computer or phone since the NextDoor website is not a city owned website, thus any complaint made on the website will not be accounted.


6. Business Agenda


6.1 B-17003 El Cajon Blvd. - Highland to 58th Street Upgrades:

Nagin Afagh from the City of San Diego’s Public Works Department and Dan Utter (Deputy Civic Engineer) updated the committee on the project including  street improvements, pedestrian crossing improvements, and traffic calming measures such as high intensity activated crosswalk signals. Purpose of the project is to improve pedestrian safety. Discussed intersections included the following cross streets along El Cajon Blvd: 45th St, Chamoune Ave, Highland St, and Menlo. Improvements have been discussed with Hoover High School and the school will be making improvements to their sidewalks and driveway. Menlo Ave will be receiving improvements on all 4 corners. Project is currently in the design phase and with intended construction beginning Fall of 2021. Total cost is estimated at $2.78 million, currently funded through the design and via TransNet. The addition of street trees are currently not within the scope of the project. Brian Green-Carson motioned to approve the project as presented and requested street trees as a means for green areas to be added in the future.Patty Vaccariello seconded the motion. (15/1/0) Motion Passed. Chair not voting.



6.2 Review element on the 12th Land Development Code Update Part 2:

Laura Black from the City of San Diego, looking for reviews, suggestions and comments from community planning groups for the next CPC meeting on elements for the 12th Land Development Code Update Part 2. The Code looks at Cannabis facilities. Issues discussed were the change in how receptors are determined, measured via legal path of travel versus a straight distance. There is no change to industrial zoning requirements and the committee discussed the regulation on billboards. The committee chair will draft a letter to the CPC Chair about restricting the use of twirling street side signs and other forms of advertising.


6.3 Review Recommendations of Community Planning Group reform task force:

Proposed changes to department procedures have been recommended by a task force to tighten up how community committees are administered. Maya Rosas, from Circulate San Diego, clarified the recommendations and was a member on the task force. The following number items were reviewed and discussed: 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 10, 21, 24-26, 27, 29, 31, 33-35. Item 4 was deemed unnecessary as roster, minutes, and annual reports are maintained and kept by the chair. Item 7 was struck as it would not benefit the community to place a time limit on meetings. Item 9 requires recording of meetings and wording with the items leads to more questions than clarification on roles, responsibilities and transparency. Item 15 was struck as it would create more work and does not account for the variations between planning groups and communities. Item 20 was struck as it would create more work and asks for excessive information of committee members. Item 21 regarding term limits and breaks in service was discussed. A straw poll ensued to gauge set break period between terms from either 1 or 2 years. (8 votes for 1 Year, 6 votes for 2 Years). 1 year recommendation was accepted. Items 24-26 were discussed and clarified by the Chair as items that were stricken previously by the CPC. Item 27 was struck as it requires members to state economic interest, which is unnecessary as the procedure is for oneself to recuse from voting if personal economic interest is involved in an item per 600-24. Item 34 & 35 were struck. Comments will be sent to the CPC by the Chair.


6.4. Formation of 2020 Election Subcommittee:volunteers include Wendy Miller and Blair Overstreet. More committee members to be added at another date.


6.4.1 Follow up on October request to move election date:There was a concern raised in the previous meeting regarding the election date and suggestions to move the date. It is usually discouraged to move committee dates as it lowers attendance of both the public and committee. It may also become a burden to the election sub-committee. After discussion, no change was proposed to current CHAPC election schedule.


7. Chair’s Report: Letter of Resignation given to the Chair by Randy Torres - Van Vleck. The next agenda will seek to fill the school/non-profit 2020 seat.


8. Committee Comment: Roddy Jerome commented.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:06 PM


Posted by fmpark on 11/18/2019
Last updated on 02/07/2020
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