City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes- November 2021-January 2022



                                                    Minutes of January 3, 2022


Russ called the meeting to order and called roll at 6:31 PM. Paula Ezcurra, Francisco Garcia, Patty Vaccariello, Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Brian Green-Carson (6:55), Maria Cortez, David Nelson, Mazda Mehraz, Rosa Calvario, Phoung Ngyen (6:40), Randy Torres-Van Vleck, Marcellus Anderson, Russ Connelly, Scott Anglim and Michael Rossler were in attendance. Asma Abdi, Ken Furukawa, Roddy Jerome and Rahmo Abdi were absent.


1. After roll call, the sign in sheet was disclosed per Brown Act and Council Policy 600-24 guidelines.


2. Minutes of December 6, 2021 were approved unanimously as corrected.


3. Patty motioned and Maria seconded approval of the agenda. Passed unanimously.


4. Ben Mendoza of Council President Elo-Rivera’s office gave staff comment.


5. Becky Rapp gave public comment about proposed revisions to the Marijuana Retail Ordiance and Taylor McDonald talked about possible formation of a City Heights Maintence Assessment District.


Business Agenda:


6.1 John Segovia requested to be appointed to the Youth-2023 seat and introduced himself and his qualifications. The Chair mentioned that his application was received and verified. Patty motioned and Jim seconded to appoint John to fill the seat. The vote was 14-0-0 with the Chair not voting and John was seated. No one stepped forward to be appointed to the Youth-2022 seat and that part of the item was continued.


6.2 Mike Clark the owner of the property at 3553 Landis Street talked about the request for an easment vacation on his property. After discussion, David motioned and Brian seconded to approve the request for the street vacation. The vote was 16-0-0 with the Chair not voting and the motion passed.


6.3 Mazda Mehraz discussed the problem of missing trash cans along University Avenue. He commented that the City Heights Business Association has assessed businesses for the cost of the cans and he has requested they be returned to their locations but has not been satisifed with the response from the CHBA. It was requested by the committee that the Chair ask the CHBA to attend the February meeting to explain the program and their position. Mazda motioned and Brian seconded to send a letter to the CHBA stating that the CHAPC supports the businesses in the BID and requests that the CHBA restore trash cans along University Avenue as soon as possible and to clean University Avenue six days per week per their contract with the businesses. The vote was 14-2-0 with the Chair not voting and the motion passed.


6.4 The City Traffic Enginneering Department sent the Chair a letter on the intent to place a stop sign at Ridgeview Drive and Laurel Street. After much discussion by the committee as well as local and neighborhood residents, a motion was made by Francisco and seconded by Brian to reaffirm the request to place a stop sign at the proposed location. The vote was 14-3-0 with the Chair not voting and the motion passed.


6.5 Sonya Robinson and Bill Powers of Protect Our Communities made a informantional presentation on clean energy, net meetering and SDG&E’s recently renewed contract with the City of San Diego.


6.6 Election Subcommittee update: Russ mentioned that postcards and emails have been sent out. The subcommittee is working to get the word out and applications are beginning to come in. He also reminded everyone in the meeting of the need to sign in to be recorded as attending for the purpose of proving attendance for election purposes.


7. Russ updated the committee on the request for the previous meeting that the Planning Department and the City Council act on our request to modify the terms for the Youth Seats as soon as possible, preferably before the upcoming election.


8. Francisco, David, Patty, Brian and Mick made committee comment.


9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.



Minutes of December 6, 2021


Russ called the meeting to order and called roll at 6:34 PM. Paula Ezcurra, Francisco Garcia, Asma Abdi, Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Brian Green-Carson, Maria Cortez, David Nelson, Mazda Mehraz, Rosa Calvario, Roddy Jerome, Phoung Ngyen (7:10), Randy Torres-Van Vleck. Ken Furukawa (6:41), Marcellus Anderson (6:42), Russ Connelly, Rahmo Abdi, Scott Anglim and Michael Rossler were in attendance. Patty Vaccariello was absent.


 1. After roll call, the sign in sheet was disclosed per Brown Act and Council Policy 600-24 guidelines.


2. Minutes of November 1, 2021 were approved unanimously as presented.


3. Maria motioned and Roddy seconded approval of the agenda. Passed unanimously.


4. Stephanie Estrada of the Mayor’s Office as well as Ben Mendoza and Julio Garcia of Council President Elo-Rivera’s office gave staff comment.


5. Becky Rapp gave public comment about proposed revisions to the Marijuana Retail Ordiance and Brian Green-Carson reported on a traffic accident involving him at Euclid Avenue and Wightman Street.


 Business Agenda:


 6.1 Sara McMullen of the City’s Capital Improvements Program spoke about progress on reconstruction of the City Heights Pool. She stated that the pool and several other ajacent structures were being replaced/upgraded and that construction was slated to end in the winter of 2021-2022 with no known reopening date set specifically. Mazda, Jim and Asma asked questions regarding details of the facility once it is reopened. (Info item-no action taken)


 (Due to technical difficulties, item 6.2 was trailed until later in the meeting)


6.3 The Committee discussed the matter of youth seats, which had been continued from the October 2021 meeting. Discussion included past performance of those holding the seats, future participation, outreach to advertise open seats and possible expansion of the age range of those participating. Yasmeen Obeid, Nancy Nguyen, John Segovia, Pebblz Luv, Esther David, Makhfira Abdullahi, Safia Haidari, and Denisse Lopez of the community made comments. Committee members Roddy, David, Rahmo, Maria, Francisco, Randy, Brian, Phoung, Mazda, Asma and Jim also made comments. After discussion, Randy offered, Jim seconded a motion to retain the youth seats. The Committee voted 18/0/0 with the Chair not voting and the motion passed. After further discussion, Randy moved and Kenneth seconded to recommend that the Planning Department and the City Council expand the age range of youth seats to between 16 and 24 years of age. The Committee voted 10/8/0 with the Chair not voting and the motion passed. After further discussion, Brian offered and Kenneth seconded a motion to fill the youth seats at the January 2022 meeting. The Committee voted 18/0/0 with the Chair not voting and the motion passed.


 6.2 Paul Simmons of Curt Pringle and Associates representing Leisureland Mobile Home Park made a presentation regarding the proposed fire station planned for 47th street near Fairmount Avenue and asked the Committee to recommend to the City that it conduct a complete Environmental Impact Study on the location and project. David, Francisco and community member Dianne H. made comments. After discussion, Brian offered and María seconded a motion to recommend that the City do a complete Environmental Impact Report. The Committee voted 4/10/1 and the motion failed.


 7. Chair’s Report: The Chairman reported on the status of the sidewalk project on Euclid Avenue: There are delays with permits and money. Staff member Daniel Kay believes the work will be completed in FY-23. The Chairman further reported proposals to change the content of Council Policy 600-24 which governs the community planning system and 600-9 which governs the operations of the Community Planners Committee. The Chairman also reported on the status of the Election Subcommittee, the March election and reminded the audience about the need to be recorded on the sign up sheet if anyone is wishing to be recognised as attending for purposes of running in the next election.


 8. Randy, Kenneth, Francisco and Maria made committee comment.


 9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM. 





Minutes of November 1, 2021 Meeting


Call to Order: Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM. Francisco Garcia, Rosa Calvario, Asma Abdi (7:50), Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Scott Anglim, Brian Green-Carson (7:29) Maria Cortez, Roddy Jerome, Kenneth Furukawa, David Nelson, Rahmo Abdi (7:31) Marcellus Anderson, Mazda Mehraz, Mick Rossler, Patty Vaccariello, Randy Torres-Van Vleck, Paula Ezccura and Phoung Nguyen were present.


Corrections to the minutes from October 4th, 2021

  • Accepted as presented.


Approval of the Agenda

Russ notified the committee that the presentor for item 6.2 had contacted him and requested that the item be pulled from the agenda as they have been notified by the City of changes to their project and are not ready to present at this time. Agenda approved unanimously with modification.



Staff Comment:

Andy Field, Director of Parks and Recreation Department gave a presentation on the following:

  • Focus on equity, Biodiversity,Covid impacts and solutions, Reopenings - ‘come play outside’ program, Philanthropy, Infrastructure, Staff in City Heights, Inventory, Colina del Sol pool, Beneficiary areas/facilities, Joint use locations (Schools like Rowan) and Maintenance.


Stephanie Estrada from Mayor’ Todd Gloria’s Office:

  • Partnership with Governor’s office and Caltrans - Homelessness Cleanup Program, Sanitation, Climate initiative- municipal energy strategies, City is hiring, Fairmont Avenue Fire Station and Parks Master Plan.


Julio Garcia from Council Member Sean Elo Rivera’s Office

  • D9 Event (homelessness forum), Council Office hours - virtual options available, Chollas Park development meeting Invite, “Get It Done” app.



Off-agenda Public Comment:

  • John Segevia, Yasmeen Obeid and Denise Lopez spoke about continuing the Youth Seats and John’s possible candidacy for one of the seats.



6.1 Appointment to fill the District 4 2023 and At Large 2023 Seats (Action item)

  • Phuong Nguyen submitted an application for the D4-2023 seat. He introduced himself and his background. No other candidate stepped forward. Patty motioned and Randy seconded to select Phoung to fill the seat. Vote was 16-0-0 with the Chair not voting and Phoung was seated.

  • Paula Ezccura submitted an application for the At Large-2023 seat. She introduced herself to the committee. No other candidate stepped forward. Brian motioned and Patty seconded to select Paula to fill the seat. Vote was 17-0-0 with the Chair not voting and Paula was seated.


6.2 (Item removed)


6.3 7-Leaves Cafe 4460 University Avenue (Info item)

  • Daisy Tong and Michael Tran spoke about the concept for their new restaurant and concerns about a drive-thru , area businesses and traffic in the area. Will come back when plans are more concrete.


6.4 MTS Bus Project - 47th Street Presentation & Input (Info item)

  • Peter Casellini - gave a presentation about a projected Bus Depot/Maintainence Facility. Showed the projected area they are trying to acquire. Some people expressed concern about the potential industrial zone, size and placement. Peter emphasized they would do due diligence, emphasized the 100% zero-emission goal and will include the CHAPC in future scoping of the project..


6.5 Presentation - California Citizen’s Redistricting Commission (Info item)

  • Andrew Amorao - Gave Presentation:Criterium about line drawing by order and population - Can’t be partial to politicians, Online tools for more public input. He gave a timeline.


6.6 Committee Selection of First Vice Chair and 2022 Election Subcommittee (Action Item)

  • Jim Varnedore volunteered to fill the position. Vote was 17-0-0 with the Chair not voting and Jim was confirmed as First Vice Chair.

  • Paula, Scott, Keni and Phuong volunteered to sit on the 2022 Election Subcommittee.


Chair’s Report

Russ mentioned discussion/action on Youth Seats will occur at the December meeting.


Board Comment -

Keni, Maria, Brian, Roddy and Mick made comment.


Adjournment – 8:47 PM



Posted by fmpark on 10/29/2021
Last updated on 02/08/2022
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