City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - February - April 2022

C.H.A.P.C. MINUTES – April 4, 2022

1 - In the Chairman’s absence, the First vice-Chairman, as acting Chairman, called meeting to order at 6:35PM and called the roll. A quorum was present.


2 – There were no corrections to the minutes of March 7, 2022.


3 – The 2022 Election sub-Committee chair accepted the gavel, reported the election results, and seated new members. Departing members stepped down from the Committee.


4 – The First vice-Chairman called the roll. Asma Abdi, Rahmo Abdi, Marcellus Anderson, Scott Anglim, Dan Castañon, María Córtez, Francisco García, Brian Green-Carson, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Phoung Nguyen, John Segóvia, Brendon Sickler, Randy Torres-van Vleck, Carolyn Tran, and Jim Varnadore were present to form a quorum. Paula Ezcurra and Kenneth Furukuwa were absent.


5 – The agenda were accepted as tendered.


6 – Council District-9 staff member Ben Mendoza, Supervisorial District-2 staff member Ana Laura Mendoza offered staff comments.

7 – Alma Escobedo, Steve Lamprides, Paul Jamason, offered off-agenda comment. María Córtez and Francisco García offered Committee comment.

8.1 – The Chair announced a vacancy in the District-1 2023 seat and called for nominations. Mr. Evihn W. Vasily asked to be nominated. Edwin offered and Brian seconded the nomination. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and Mr. Vasily was seated.

8.2 – The Chair introduced a City request for a new stop sign at the intersection of Menlo Avenue and Olive Street. After discussion Brian offered and Dan seconded a motion that the Committee recommend approval. The Committee voted 13/1/0 and the motion passed.

8.3 – Mr. Shariar Afshar discussed his recent purchase of the vacant lot at the Northwest corner of El Cajon Boulevard and 43rd Street, and asked the Committee to suggest short, medium and long-term uses.

8.4 – City staff member Monica Arredondo from SDFD offered a power point presentation about a fire station planned for the intersection of Fairmount Avenue and 47th Street. Deputy Fire Chief Gibson and staff members Elif Cetin, J. Arnhart, F. Macdowell, F. Dabbous participated. Steve Lamprides and Linda Coffman spoke against the selected site and against the project cost.

8.5 – The Chair called for volunteers on the Officer Search sub-Committee and explained the procedure. Randy Torres-van Vleck, Rahmo Abdi, and Marcellus Anderson volunteered and were appointed.

9 – There was no additional Committee comment.

10 – The meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM to reconvene at 6:30PM on Monday, May 2, 2022.


CHAPC  MINUTES – March 7, 2022


1 - Acting in the Chairman’s absence, the First vice-Chairman called meeting to order at 6:34PM. Asma Abdi, Rahmo Abdi, Scott Anglim, Rosa Calavario, Russ Connelly, María Córtez, Paula Ezcurra, Keni Furukuwa, Brian Green-Carson, Francisco García, Edwin Lohr, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Phoung Nguyen, Mick Rossler, Patty Vaccariello and Jim Varnadore were present for a quorum. Marcellus Anderson, John Segovia and Randy Torres-Van Vleck were absent.


 2 – There were no corrections to the Minutes of February 7, 2022.


 3 – Patty offered, David seconded a motion to accept the agenda as tendered. The Committee voted unanimously to pass the motion.


 4 – Council District-9 staff member Ben Mendoza reported about the City’s Point-in-Time-Count of homeless individuals. He reported the contacts between the staff and People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) to further the City’s recent protocol to send Assistance teams rather than police officers to respond to reports of homelessness. He also reported on the schedule to amend the City Charter provisions (often called the “People’s Ordinance”). The provisions grant free trash collection to single family homes but not any other buildings.


5 – David Bowen offered off-agenda comment.


6.1 The acting Chairperson introduced Mr. William Perno from Social Advocates for Youth (SAY) who offered a power-point information presentation about changes to the City’s regulations governing marijuana outlets. SAY opposes illegal marijuana outlets and recommends they be closed. It recommends closer City control over legal outlets. Mr. Perno reviewed the proposed changes in detail and also reported on the increasing use of vehicle delivery of marijuana to customers. After the presentation, the Committee and the audience discussed the matter and exchanged opinions about it. No motion was offered.


6.2 – The acting Chairperson called for a review of certain proposed provisions of a pending update to the City’s Municipal Code. The Committee members offered no suggestions for the City to consider.


6.3 – The election was in progress and no report was available. The matter will be reported via e-mail.


7 – The chairperson offered no report.


8 – David Nelson noted that the difference between the responses of the Police department to reports from low-income areas like City Heights and more affluent areas like Kensington where he lives.


Several members lamented the absence from the March election ballot of a formal candidate for the Youth Seat. They hoped a qualified individual would write in a name.


9 – The acting Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 7:34PM to convene again at 6:30PM Monday, April 4, 2022.



                                                      Minutes of February 7, 2022


Russ called the meeting to order and called roll at 6:32 PM. Paula Ezcurra, Francisco Garcia, Patty Vaccariello, Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Maria Cortez, Asma Abdi (7:24), Mazda Mehraz, Rosa Calvario, Phoung Ngyen, Randy Torres-Van Vleck, Roddy Jerome, Rahmo Abdi, Russ Connelly, Scott Anglim and Michael Rossler were in attendance. David Nelson, Brian Green-Carson, Keni Furukawa and Marcellus Anderson were absent.


1. After roll call, the sign in sheet was disclosed per Brown Act and Council Policy 600-24 guidelines.


2. Minutes of January 3, 2022 were approved unanimously.


3. Patty motioned and Maria seconded approval of the agenda. Passed unanimously.


4. Council President Sean Elo-Rivera gave updates on items that affect the 9th District including the City budget, homeless & housing and the environment. He and staff members Julio Garcia and Ben Mendoza answered questions.


5. Public Comment: Patty talked about the Euclid Gateway and its need for maintainence, William Perno gave comment about proposed revisions to the Marijuana Retail Ordiance and Taylor McDonald gave details on the City Heights Business Association.


Business Agenda:


6.1 Enrique Gandarilla and Jose Cervantes of the City Heights Business Association talked about the trash removal program sponsored by their group. Discussed were the status of approximately 100 trash cans, their placement and the frequency of trash removal and other CHBA maintaninence in their district. Also discussed were issues with illegal dumping and misuse of the CHBA trash services. Patty, Mick, Jim, Maria, Francisco, Randy, Mazda, Phoung as well as community members Taylor McDonald and Av-Co Mai asked questions and gave comment. Jose requested that the community contact him directly about any issues with the program. No action taken.


6.2 Russ discussed the proposed revisions to Council Policy 600-24 that were presented to Community Planners Committee by Council Member Joe LaCava. The CPC formed a AdHoc Subcommittee that drafted responses to the various proposed revisions. Discussed were the proposed revisions, CPC responses and the impacts on Community Planning Groups. Paul Jamison and committee members Jim, Patty, Randy, Francisco, John and Phoung asked questions and gave input. At the suggestion of the Committee, the Chair tabled any response on the proposed revisions until further updates, revisions and clarifications are given to the CPC and the CHAPC.


6.3 As a member of the Election Subcommittee, Russ updated the Committee and the community on the ongoing work tword the 2022 elections on March 7th. He mentioned the attendance requirment and the deadline for applications on February 25, 2022 at 5:00 PM.. Paula mentioned the hours of the election will be 4:30-7:30 PM. A brief review of the 2021 elections was done and suggestions were made regarding improved translation and signage of the CHAPC and district boundaries for the 2022 elections.


7. Chair’s Report: Russ updated the committee on the request from a previous meeting that the Planning Department act on our request to modify the terms for the Youth Seats as soon as possible, preferably before the upcoming election. The request was approved by the Planning Department and a formal signoff on the changes should occur before the election deadline. He also mentioned work by the Kensington-Talmage Planning Group regarding input on development of a parcel at 43rd and El Cajon Blvd. The March meeting will include input on potential Municipal Code revisions to be considered in 2022 by the Planning Department.


8. Randy, Maria, Rosa, Jim and Edwin made committee comment. Roddy tendered his resignation due to a move from the area and the committee thanked him for his several years of service.


9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM. 

Posted by fmpark on 03/02/2022
Last updated on 10/07/2022
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