Meeting for July was Cancelled due to holiday
C.H.A.P.C. Minutes for June 5, 2023
1. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:35PM and called the roll. Rahmo Abdi, Marcellus Anderson, Dan Castanon, Russ Connelly, María Córtez, Francisco García, Alexander Hemphill, Edwin Lohr, Mazda Mehraz, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Sussan Ornelas, Randy Torres Van Vleck, Patty Vaccariello, Mark van Milligan, and Jim Varnadore formed a quorum. Savannah Bradley, Denisse Lopez, Carolyn Tran, and Evihn Vasily were absent.
2. There were no corrections to the minutes of May 1, 2023.
3. Patty offered and María seconded a motion to approve the agenda as tendered. The motion passed 16/0/0.
4. Members of the mayor’s staff and the Council member’s staff offered comments and announcements; and answered questions.
5. Julieta Ornelas and Becky Rath spoke about the Cannabis Equity proposal at City Council, and Assembly member Akilah Weber’s staff member made announcements.
6.1 The Chairman called for a volunteer to take District-4, 2025 seat #1. There were no volunteers.
6.2 The Chairman called for a volunteer to take District-4, 2025 seat #2. There were no volunteers. He asked the Committee to seek candidates.
6.3 The Committee discussed a City decision to install a stop sign on Manzanita Drive at Glenfield Street. No action was taken.
9. The Chairman briefly recapitulated his résumé.
10. Committee members offered comments. David noted that the City continues to ignore the value of the Community Planning System. Edwin reported on progress to find a suitable meeting venue for the Committee.
11. The meeting was adjourned at 7:27PM.
C.H.A.P.C. Minutes for May 1, 2023
1. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:13PM and called the roll. Marcellus Anderson, Dan Castanon, Russ Connelly, María Córtez, Francisco García, Alexander Hemphill, Edwin Lohr, Wendy Miller, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Susan Ornelas, Mark van Milligan, Jim Varnadore, and Patty Vaccariello formed a quorum. Rahmo Abdi, Savannah Bradley, Denisse Lopez, Carolyn Tran, Randy Van Vleck, and Evihn Vasily were absent.
2. There were no corrections to the minutes of March 6 or April 3, 2023.
3. Jim offered and Patty seconded a motion to approve the agenda as tendered. The motion passed 14/0/0.
4. Members of the mayor’s staff and the Council member’s staff offered comments and announcements; and answered questions.
5. Patty reminded the Committee about using Green Bins and Kitchen Pails.
6.1 The Chairman called for a volunteer to take District-4, 2025 seat #1. There were no volunteers.
6.2 The Chairman called for a volunteer to take District-4, 2025 seat #1. There were no volunteers. He asked the Committee to seek candidates.
6.3 The Chairman gave the gavel to David, chair of the Officer Search Committee. David called for volunteers to be Chairperson. Marcellus and Russ volunteered and offered brief résumés. David called the roll and the tally was Marcullus ??? and Russ ???, and Marcellus was elected. David called for volunteers to be first vice-Chairperson. Edwin volunteered and was elected unanimously. David called for volunteers to be second vice-Chairperson. Denise Lopez, who had earlier volunteered in writing was elected unanimously. David called for volunteers to be Secretary. Jim volunteered and was elected unanimously.
6.4 The Chairman asked the Committee to approve two Committee members, Marcellus and Francisco to sit on an ad-hoc committee with members from the adjacent Community Planning Groups to devise a plan for managing the next update of the Mid-City Communities Plan. That update is expected to begin in 2023. After discussion, David offered, María seconded a motion to approve the Chairman’s recommendation. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion passed.
6.5 The Chairman noted that the Committee notifies the City with the names of individual and alternate who will represent the Committee at the Community Planners Committee meetings. He recommended Marcellus and Edwin be named. The Committee voted 14/0/0 to approve the Chairman’s recommendation.
6.6 The Chairman noted that the July meeting is scheduled for July 3 and will likely interfere with Committee member plans. After discussion, the Chairman suspended the July meeting. There was a discussion about the September meeting which will occur on Labor Day and the December meeting which will not have a venue. Those meetings will be decided later.
7. Jim distributed notes from the April CPC meeting. The Chairman offered other announcements, including noting that the C.O.W. will be held in June.
8. The members offered comments and announcements.
9. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47PM.