City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes November 2023 - January 2024

C.H.A.P.C. minutes for January 8, 2024


1 The Chairman, Marcellus Anderson, gaveled the meeting to order at 6:39PM and called the roll. Marcellus Anderson, Russ Connelly, Dan Castañon, María Córtez, Francisco García, Alexander Hemphill, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Evin Vasily, Patty Vaccariello, Mark van Milligan, Jim Varnadore, and Brian Wintz formed a quorum. Rahmo Abdi and Sussan Ornelas were absent.


2. There were no corrections to the minutes of December 4, 2023.


3. The agenda were approved unanimously.


4 – Assembly-member Weber’s staff member, a mayoral staff member, a member of Council District-9 staff, and the Supervisor of Area Managers at the Parks and Recreation department gave updates.


5 – Patty Vaccariello noted that the Mobility Master Plan is being briefed to the Communities and asked to have a presentation at a coming CHAPC meeting.


6.1 Mr. Michael Walsh requested Committee support for his application to have a street dedication vacated on Parrot Street. After discussion, David offered, Russ seconded a motion to support the application. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion passed.


6.2 Mr. Mohson Maali from the Transportation and Stormwater Department offered a power-point presentation about current and projected work on University Avenue between Highland Avenue and Euclid Avenue. After discussion Russ offered, Maria seconded a motion to continue the matter to the mid—Month meeting. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion passed.


6.3 Mr. Ari Isaak offered a power-point presentation about lowering street lighting to the amount needed and directing it more accurately; and requested a letter of support. After discussion Wendy offered, Brian seconded a motion to send a letter of support. The Committee voted 1/7/8 with 5 abstentions, and the motion failed.


6.4 Mr. Greg Correia requested support for a map waiver on a condominium conversion at 4254 34th Street to create a 3-unit project. After discussion Edwin offered, María seconded a motion to support the map waiver. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion carried.


6.5 Mr. Alex Wong offered a power-point presentation about a people-mover between the Santa Fe Station and the airport. After discussion, no motion was offered.


6.6 “Parents Empowered” requested a letter of support for its campaign to increase buffer zones between smoke-shops. The Committee noted that it has approved such a letter in 2023. No motion was offered.


6.7 The Chairman requested volunteers for the 2024 election sub-committee. Wendy, Alexander, and David volunteered and were empaneled.


6.8 The chairman called for a volunteer to fill the District 4-25-1 seat. There was no volunteer.


6.9 The chairman called for a volunteer to fill the District 4-25-2 seat. There was no volunteer.


6.10 The chairman called for a volunteer to fill the District 2-25 seat. Jennipher Hager responded. David nominated, Denisse seconded the nomination of Jennipher Hager. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion carried. The Chairman seated Jennipher Hager in the District 2-25 seat.


6.11 The chairman called for a volunteer to fill the S/NP-24 seat. There was no volunteer.


7. The Chairman offered no comments.


8. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:45PM.




C.H.A.P.C. minutes for December 4, 2023


 1 The Chairman, Marcellus Anderson, gaveled the meeting to order at 6:36PM and called the roll. Marcellus Anderson, Dan Castañon, Russ Connelly, María Córtez, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Evin Vasily, Patty Vaccariello, Mark van Milligan, Jim Varnadore, and Brian Wintz formed a quorum. Rahmo Abdi, Francisco García, Alexander Hemphill, and Sussan Ornelas were absent.


 2. There were no corrections to the minutes of November 6, 2023.


 3. The agenda were approved unanimously.


4 – Assembly-member Weber’s staff member and a mayoral staff member gave updates.


 5 – There was no public comment.


 6.1 The committee received a staff presentation about the planned update of the Mid-City Communities Plan. There was a discussion of zoning updates and land use restrictions. María noted the potential for a “Purple Line” trolley on the SR-15 corridor through City Heights.


 6.2 José López from Engineering and Capital Projects reviewed the City’s street pavement plans, chiefly in Council Districts 2, 3, 7, and 9. The Committee and the staff member discussed the plans. The Committee offered suggestions.


 6.3 Christobal Navarette of the City Heights CDC reported on its program to prevent evictions of renters and discussed some of the details.


 6.4 Harold Thomas of ATT described its application to re-new its cellphone license at 3060 54th Street. Jim moved, David seconded to recommend approval. The Committee voted 14/0/0 and the motion passed.


6.5 Mazda Mehraz described the difficulties encountered by businesses along University Avenue between 45th Street and 47th Street resulting from street repairs. After discussion, Edwin moved, María seconded to send a letter to the mayor and council urging faster action on the project.


6.6 The Chairman noted the need to form an election sub-committee and solicited volunteers.


6.7 There was a report from the sub-committee on Operational Rules.


 6.8 There was no volunteer for vacant Seat 4-24.


6.9 There was no volunteer for vacant Seat 4-25-2


6.10 There was no volunteer for vacant Seat 2-25


 6.11 There was no volunteer for vacant Seat S/NP-24


 7. The Chairman offered no comments.


8. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:23PM.




C.H.A.P.C. minutes for November 6, 2023


1. The Chairman, Marcellus Anderson, gavelled the meeting to order at 6:33PM and called the roll. Rahmo Abdi, María Córtez, Francisco García, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Sussan Ornelas, Mark van Milligan, Jim Varnadore, and Brian Wintz formed a quorum. Savannah Bradley, Dan Castañon, Russ Connelly, Alexander Hemphill, Wendy Miller, Carolyn Tran, Evin Vasily, and Patty Vaccariello were absent.


2. There were no corrections to the minutes of October 2, 2023.


3. The agenda were approved unanimously.


4 – The CD-9 staff member reported that District-9 is discussing the University Avenue project with City staff and will offer a presentation to CHAPC.


5 – Mr. César Jávier offered public comment.


5.1 Julietta Ornnelas offered a presentation including a handout about smoke shops and their effects on communities. After discussion the Committee authorized and directed the Chairman to send a letter to the City urging a 1,000-foot separation between smoke shops and facilities for children; and urging increasing the age for legal purchase of smoking materials to 21 years.


5.2 Moriah Gaynor of the City’s Performance and Analytics Department reviewed the City’s plans to improve its digital sites and make them friendlier.


5.3 Rob Knudsen from SDG&E reported on the rehabilitation of the electric sub-station near 54th/Streamview. The project is expected to complete by 2027.


5.4 After its introduction, Jim offered and David seconded a motion to continue the discussion of “Asphalt Overlay Group-230” to the December meeting. The Committee voted unanimously and the motion was passed.


6. Francisco reported on meetings about the status of the Mid-City Communities Plan update project.


7. The Chairman had no comments.


8. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:51PM.

Posted by fmpark on 11/28/2023
Last updated on 02/06/2024
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