City Services
Trash collection: Spring Valley provides trash collection once a week on Mondays. Pick-ups include separated trash and lawn waste. Pick-ups of recyclables occur every other week on Mondays. See the Rumpke pickup schedule and link to the Rumpke web on this site.
Holiday Schedule: When a holiday occurs on a Monday, pick-ups will be made on Tuesday.
Bulk waste: Special pick-ups are help semiannually, enabling residents to dispose of large or unusual types of trash. Notification is provided to residents in advance of these pick-ups.
Chemical waste: Chemical waste may be taken to Louisville Metro’s Household Hazardous Materials Collection Center, 7501 Grade Lane. The center is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9AM to 3PM. There is not charge to Louisville residents.
Other services: Spring Valley also provides for general road maintenance, signage, and repaving, snow removal, street lighting, entrance enhancement, common area upkeep, and the payment of residents’ MSD Drainage fees (funded from the collection of insurance taxes).
Police protection: Police protection is provided by the Louisville Metro Police Department. If special patrols are warranted throughout the City, they can be provided – based on an Interlocal Agreement with the Metro Police Department – at added cost.
Fire protection: Provided by the Worthington Fire District.