Colgate-Northbrook-Eastpoint Improvement Assoc.

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Real Estate, Property Values and Homeowner Resources

Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...
Tags: HomeownerCreditMortgageForeclosure
Loan Modification: Is it Right For You?
Scalehousesm What is loan modification? How is it different than refinancing a mortgage and what does it take to qualify for a lenders loan modification program. What is loan modification? President Obama recently...
How To Buy A Short Sale Property
Shortsalesm You’ll need time and the right temperament to purchase a short sale property, but you could save thousands if you do. It’s no secret that some great real estate deals are out there, thanks to our...
FHA Loan Requirements Are Changing
Fha FHA reform is changing the rules for securing an FHA-insured mortgage loan, but FHA loans still provide the best opportunity for those who don’t meet the requirements of a traditional home loan. By now...
Tags: Staff PickFHA LoanHomeowner
HUD Manufactured Home Fact Sheet
Mobil_th Description of Program The Manufactured Housing Program is a consumer protection program that regulates the construction of certain factory built housing units, called manufactured homes, formerly known ...
Tags: HousingHomeownerHUD
FHA Home Loan Financing and Benefits
Familyhome120 FHA Home Loan Financing and Benefits FHA home mortages have many advantages from lower downpayments to stronger protections. Benefits of an FHA insured Mortgage How can the FHA help you buy a home? FHA...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty
Obama Loan Modification Plan Explained
Pastduesm The key components of Obama's foreclosure-avoidance program are loan modification and loan refinancing. The details of this provision has created an extraordinary opportunity for millions of people to either...
Tags: HomeownerThriftyMortgageStaff Pick

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