Columbia Park Neighborhood Association

Neighbors United??

Posted in: McKinley
Go Pro Neighborhood

Ask not what your neighborhood can do for you but what you can do for your neighborhood.

We to experienced these types of things when we moved here a little over 2 years ago.

Drug dealing on the corners, random gun shots nightly,ppeing toms looking into our windows and even getting a ladder to look into our upper ones.

enough is enough and the police were doing very little to help so we took matters into our own hands.

Being we hadn't heard from our block club leader the first six months we called a meeting of our own. We sent flyers out asking anyone who felt the same to please come. We invited city council candidates to the meeting. And we protested loudly. Low and behold in a couple of days we were being invited to those block club meetings where again we protested loudly and made a call for action.
And you know what those drug dealers got the message and the corner cleared and the nightly shootings slowed to a trickle. And now we celebrate National night out every year. Everybody has a civic right and duty to make there neighborhood a safe place to live and remember there is power in numbers so MAKE A STAND DON'T JUST STAND THERE.
Cautious Investments

Ouch?… again?… before I moved to McKinley three summers ago from south Minneapolis, I called my SAFE officer and found out who my block leader was. When we arrived in the neighborhood and got our stuff moved into the house, I took a few minutes to go over to the block leader's house and introduce myself.

I have a McKinley sign in my yard. I hesitate to approach new residents until I see what they are up to. Two drug-filled rental properties have taught me to keep my distance for a little while. I will admit this can be an intimidating place to live. However, if a new neighbor were to knock on my door to say, ''Hi, we just moved in'' I would welcome them with a smile, let them know how to contact me and ask if they had questions.

We are a bi-cultural household and I have never felt that there was racial hatred, or ethnic hatred behind things going on around here in McKinley. This is one of the most diverse areas of the entire city and we chose to move here for that reason.

Admittedly more of my actions these days are governed by FEAR that I would like. I don't want to hang out with people who are doing drugs, or engaging in other types of crime... I approach situations with a bit of caution, which is warranted whether you are living in McKinley or Beverly Hills.

I am sorry that you felt you were not welcomed. I am also still stinging a bit from your letter which I first read in the Camden News.

It is unfortunate that your neighbors did not ask you whether you would like to come to the meeting on the block to get to know you a bit before passing judgment. Maybe some of us are a bit guilty of being cautious and apprehensive... maybe your neighbors made some snap judgments.

The rest of us didn't get much time to prove ourselves before you issued your condemnations and accusations.

I can only hope that things have improved since you cleared up the misunderstanding.

36th & N. 6th Street

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