For some reason, our web page listing paid/unpaid 2003 homeowner fees is not accepting my entries. After the 2003 listing, I have listed the delinquent lot numbers who will be receiving their final notice for payment. I have also added the letter being sent to each of them. Hopefully, these homeowners will pay their 2003 dues immediately. Unfortunately, if they choose not to, there is no other recourse than to place liens on their property. As stated before, the homeowners at the annual meeting (by majority vote) passed the motion to do so. After, the processing is complete on the 2003 delinquent fee payments, work will begin on collecting the delinquent 2004 fees (which are many). It will also mean the Associations funds will have to be spent to place the liens, thereby leaving no money for mowing. If and/or when that happens, the entrances will not be maintained, the access lot nor the detention area. Please urge your neighbors to pay their fair share of the upkeep of our community!
2003 Fee Listing