Manhattan CB4 Newsletter September 2000
In the Neighborhood
14TH STREET & 8TH AVENUE 9/12/00 8:00AM-9:00AM
14TH STREET & 8TH AVENUE 9/26/00 8:00 AM-9:00AM
23RD STREET & 9TH AVENUE 9/14/00 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
23RD STREET & 9TH AVENUE 9/28/00 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
42ND STREET & 9TH AVENUE 9/11/00 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
42ND STREET & 9TH AVENUE 9/25/00 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
59TH STREET & 9TH AVENUE 9/11/00 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
59TH STREET & 9TH AVENUE 9/1/00 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
For further information call MetroCard Customer Service at 212-638-7622.
RAT COMPLAINT LINE sponsored by Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields. Please call 1-800-728-1550 to report your complaint.
CB4 COMMUNITY LEADERS The CB4 office is trying to maintain a current Public Information List of community and tenant leaders. Put your group on CB4’s mailing list. Faxes and e-mail addresses are most useful as they enable us to disburse information at a more rapid pace. Please call the office at 736-4536 with your information.
Around the City
THE MAYOR'S OFFICE OF GRANTS ADMINISTRATION'S list is available in the CB4 office. Call 212-736-4536 for further information.
COMMUNITY TRAINING AND RESOURCE CENTER is registering for their Fall semester. Please contact Vanessa Louis at 212-964-7200.
THE DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION is offering free compost. Saturday October 14, Noon-4PM, Tompkins Square Park (East 7th Street & Avenue A). For further information call 718-817-8543
HELICOPTER COMPLAINTS can be reported by calling 212-312-3964.
THE HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION has a new Infoline. This toll free number is the community's passport to all information about HRA programs and other available services in New York City. It operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The number is 877-HRA-8411.
THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS has a new central complaints number. Please call 212-227-7000 for all your DOB complaints. Remember, you must have the exact address of the location of your inquiry.