Cook & White

Vandalism, Stolen Wheels & CC&Rs

Posted in: Arrowhead Ranch Phase 2
Criminal activity:

Within the last few weeks I have seen street signs, walls and mail boxes vandalized by graffiti. Now I have seen 2 cars left on blocks while during the night the wheels were stolen. Someday people will finally learn to park their cars in the garage, it is much cheaper to rent a storage unit then replace 4 tires and rims if they don?’t take the whole car. Don't give the criminals any targets in our neighborhood or they will find reasons to stick around.

CC&R Violations aplenty:

Garbage cans left out for days. Bulk trash placed out 2 weeks early. Commercial vehicles parked in more and more driveways. Violations of our CC&Rs should be reported by everyone to the management company. We need to take back our neighborhood from the lazy homeowners, disrespectful renters, and disobedient landlords. Every time you overlook your neighbors violations of the rules it deteriorates the neighborhood, eventually if no one cared we would have no beauty left here. If we allow this to continue, telling your friends that you live in ''Arrowhead'' will no longer be a status symbol but a curse.

By Robert
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