Cooley Highland Neighborhood Association

November Monthly Meeting

Dec 11, 2008

I. Call to Order:
President Dennis Tedford called the meeting to Order at 7.00 PM at Avondale UMC

II. Roll Call Of officers and Board Members:

President- Dennis Tedford Present
Vice President- Tim Arnold Present
Secretary- Daina Kennedy Present
Treasurer- Kellie Waldron Absent

New Board Members 2008-2009

Terre Arnold-Mary Clark-Harriett Linscott
Tim Arnold-Herschel Foster-Vern Linscott
Don Cain-Harold Foster-Loyd Lininger
Narzat Roe-Henry Clark-Daina Kennedy-Bill Sherwood-Dennis Tedford

III. Approval of October Minutes:


IV. President's Remarks: Dennis Tedford

Presented a grant check from NSHF for 1150.00 to the association for needs of the neighborhood.Gave special thanks to Vern Linscott and Harold Foster for working with the Youth Work groups during the months from May thru August. They painted the exterior of 5 homes and did lawn and maintenance work on 10 more properties in our neighborhood.

I would also like to thank all those that have helped deliver our newsletter this year. Tim Arnold, Henry Clark,Narzat Roe,Daina Kennedy,Dennis Tedford and a Special Thank You to Harold Foster who has done 60% of our neighborhood by himself.
Thank You all.

V. Secretary's Report:
Read Minutes of October meeting

VI. Treasure's Report: None

VII. Committee Reports:
Dennis ask for input for newly created committees

Clean Neighborhood :

VIII. Old Business:

Two of Our members were named volunteers of the month by Northland Neighborhoods Inc. for the hard work they have put in organizing and supervising the Youth Works Program. This program is made up of youth from all religions and brought over 1000 youth to work in different neighborhoods of Kansas City Missouri. We were blessed to have been chosen and to have two of the Greatest Neighbors in the Northland Mr. Vern Linscott and Mr. Harold Foster


IX. New Business:
Discussed having Pot Luck dinner at January 2009 meeting

X. Announcements:

XI. Adjournment:
Meeting was adjourned at 8.30 PM

XII. Attendance:
24 Members

XIII. Next Meeting: December 30 2008 ( Weather Permitting )

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