
Architectural Standards


Without the prior written approval of the Association acting through the Board of Directors, no person shall make any modifications, additions or alterations to this Residential Unit or any structure thereon or improvement thereto. The foregoing shall include the erection of fences, retaining or other walls, mailboxes, and driveways. Plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, color, size, materials, and location of such modifications, additions, or alterations shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval as to quality of workmanship and design and harmony of external design with existing structures, and as to location in relation to surrounding structures, topography, and finish grade elevation. No permission or approval shall be required to repaint in accordance with an originally approved color scheme, or to rebuild in accordance with originally approved plans and specifications, including as-builts and builder field changes not included in the original plans and specifications. The right of an Owner to remodel and paint the interior of his residence is exempt from the conditions and limitations of this Article. In the event the Board fails to approve or to disapprove such plans or to request additional information reasonably required within forty-five (45) days after submission, the plans shall be deemed approved.

The Board of Directors may designate a committee to exercise its authority under this Article and shall promulgate detailed standards and procedures in implementing the requirements of this Article. The Board and any committee it may designate may not discriminate between Owners, and upon a written request for a hearing submitted to the Board, an aggrieved Owner shall have the right to a hearing before the Board in accordance with the applicable procedures set forth in Article XII, Section 3. The Board shall have the standing and authority to enforce in courts of competent jurisdiction its decisions in connection with this Article. This Article shall be effective, and may not be amended without the prior written consent of Declarant, so long as Declarant owns any land subject to this Declaration or subject to annexation by this Declaration.

Architectural Guidelines - Revised January 1994 & March 1995

It is the goal of the Architectural Committee to keep the grounds and property in Copperfield Addition as natural and unobstructed as possible and in line with the original English theme of the founding corporation and resulting Association.

AN APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: The Copperfield Homeowners Association, c/o Timmons Properties, 2200 Hillsboro Rd. Suite 200, Nashville, TN 37212 FOR THE AREAS NOTED BELOW. Requests will be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting (which normally meets monthly) after the Architectural Committee review.

1. Basketball Goal
2. Cutting Trees
3. Deck
4. Doghouse
5. Fencing - Invisible
6. Fencing - Visible
7. Hot Tub - External
8. Lamp Post
9. Landscaping - Elaborate
10. Lighting - Exterior
11. Mail Box
12. Paint Color - Exterior
13. Patio - Addition/Cover/Enclosure
14. Satellite Dish - Exterior
15. Storm Doors
16. Swimming Pool
17. Swingsets
18. Walls


1. Building Material Storage - External
2. Clothesline - External
3. Commercial Business
4. Dog Run
5. Flagpole - Free Standing
6. Signs - External
7. Solar Panel
8. Tennis Court
9. Tree House
10. TV Antenna, Radio Aerial, Satellite Dish (except as noted herein) - Exterior
11. Windmill

Neither the Architectural Committee or the Copperfield Board of Directors shall not be liable to any owner in connection with the exercise or non-exercise of architectural control hereunder, or the approval or disapproval hereunder for any improvement or addition. Any approval of any plan or specification by the Architectural Committee or Board of Directors shall not be deemed to be a determination that such a plan or specification are complete or does not contain defects, or otherwise complies with any applicable governmental requirements, and the Architectural Committee or the Board of Directors shall not be liable for any deficiency, or any injury resulting from any deficiency, in such plans and specifications.

NOTE: When installing or changing any item or article, remember our children are our greatest assets in this community and strict measures will be required of owners to assure the safety of the children in the area.

SPECIFICATION DETAILS FOR ITEMS REQUIRING APPLICATIONS FOR APPROVAL - detailed drawings or sketches must be provided where applicable, but in any event a written request for approval must be submitted for all of the following.

1. Basketball Goal - Is acceptable only if installed behind the front corners (street side) of the house. A basketball goal may not be attached to the house. Placement is subject to Architectural Committee approval. The equipment should be in good condition, maintained at all times, and hidden as much as possible from the street.

2. Cutting Trees - No live trees in excess of 3 inches in diameter may be removed from the property without written approval of the Architectural Committee. No trees or foliage shall be removed from the common areas without written approval of the Architectural Committee.

3. Deck - Drawings/sketches must be sent to the Architectural Committee for approval. Information concerning style, materials and location on Lot with regard to lot lines and the approved building envelope must be clearly defined. If the space underneath the deck is to be used for storage, it must be neatly enclosed.

4. Doghouse - The doghouse must not be seen when viewing the front of the house. The structure must be made of lap siding, redwood, cedar, or pressure treated materials and painted a dark color to blend with the natural landscaping. Dimensions may be no larger than 3 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 3 feet in height. Erection and placement is subject to Architectural Committee approval. It must be kept in good repair and provide an unobjectionable view to neighbors.

5. Invisible Pet Fencing - The Architectural Committee strongly recommends the use of invisible pet fencing. It may cover your property boundaries or the perimeter of your home, with no exposed wire to keep your pet safely within your yard.

6. Fencing - Visible - The Architectural Committee strongly discourages the use of visible perimeter fencing around Copperfield homes. However, in the event fencing is required, the following is applicable:

- Material is to be wood of the treated type and not painted. However, it is recommend that a clear sealer be applied to keep its like new look.

- Height is limited to a maximum of 6 feet.

- Exterior side of the fence must be the best side of the fence.
- Fence should not extend past the front corner of the home.

7. Hot Tub - Hot tubs shall be permitted subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee and must adhere to the following guidelines:

- Hot tubs are to be screened from view on all sides.

- Hot tubs must be of a permanent nature and set into a deck or into the ground.

- No piping, pumps, filters, or other mechanical equipment shall be exposed to view.

- No water is allowed to drain onto adjoining property. The hot tub owner will be held liable for any and all repairs for damages to property due to runoff or drainage damage to adjoining property.

- No lighting of hot tubs shall be allowed to “spill” onto adjoining properties.

- Hot tub location must be located in the rear yard and directly behind the house.

- Hot tubs must be fenced along all sides that are not connected to the house so as to totally enclose the tub. The fence must be of wrought iron (or an imitation bronze aluminum alloy) and may be 4 feet or 6 feet in height. Posts must be of wrought iron type or brick to match the house. Posts must be set 18 to 24 inches deep. Spindles must be a maximum of 4 inches apart. All metal parts of the fence must be painted black. Wrought iron must be of high quality. Landscaping may be used for privacy, but not excessive; OR a privacy fence made of pressure treated lumber with 1x4 boards, 2x4 runners, no spacing between boards. Posts should be set 18 to 24 inches deep and should be 4x4 or brick to match the house. The decorative side must be visible from the outside of the fence. The fence should be natural in color and quality to match fencing guidelines.

- The fence may be no more than 5 feet from the edge of the hot tub, but no further than 20 feet from the back of the house. For wrought iron type fences the fence may not extend past the back corners of the house. For privacy fences the fence may be no closer than 10 feet inside the back corners of the house.

- One gate is allowed in the perimeter of the fence. The gate must be self-closing and locking. Great care must be exercised to prevent any unauthorized access to the area that could result in an unfortunate accident. The gate must remain closed and locked securely at all times. The latches and/or locks on the gate must be inoperable from the exterior except by key owned only by the homeowner. The gate must be inoperable by reaching over the top of the fence from the outside.

8. Lamppost - The post should be 7 feet tall and painted black. The fixtures should match the house fixtures or compliment them.

9. Landscaping - Elaborate - Excessive amounts of landscaping must be approved by the Architectural Committee from submitted drawings/sketches. In-ground sprinkler systems are permitted. Hoses should be kept out of site from the street view.

10. Lighting - Exterior - All exterior lighting must be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval.

11. Mail Box - Must conform to design of all original mailboxes.

12. Paint Color - Exterior - Changing the house exterior paint color must be approved by the Architectural Committee. Color chips must be submitted. The Architectural Committee recommends that the original paint color or similar color be used when repainting.

13. Patio Addition/Cover/Enclosure - Must be of a permanent nature and be in harmony with the design of the house. A patio must have the design and specifications submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval. Patio cover/enclosure must be of wood design or canvas in keeping with the English Garden design of Copperfield.

14. Satellite Dish - Must be no larger than 18 inches in diameter and must be attached to the main structure in good taste.

15. Storm Door - Must be the full view type and approved by the Architectural Committee.

16. Swimming Pool - Above-ground swimming pools are limited to a maximum of 1 foot in height above ground on any Lot.

17. Swimming Pool - In-ground pools shall be permitted subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee and must adhere to the following guidelines:

- No piping, pumps, filters, or other mechanical equipment shall be exposed to view.

- No water is allowed to drain onto adjoining property. Pool owner will be held liable for any and all repairs for damages to property of others due to runoff or drainage damage to adjoining property.

- No lighting to pools shall be allowed to spill onto adjoining properties.

- Pool location must be located in the rear yard and directly behind the house.

- Pools must be fenced along all sides that are not connected to the house so as to totally enclose the pool. This fence must be of wrought iron (or an imitation bronze aluminum allow) and may be 4 feet or 6 feet in height. Posts must be of wrought iron type or brick to match the house. Posts must be set 18 to 24 inches deep. Spindles must be a maximum of 4 inches apart. All metal parts of the fence must be painted black. Wrought iron must be of high quality. Landscaping may be used for privacy, but not excessive.

- The fence may be up to 10 feet from the edge of the pool, but no further to the sides than the back corners of the house.

- One gate is allowed in the perimeter of the fence. The gate must be self-closing and locking. Great care must be exercised to prevent any unauthorized access to the area that could result in an unfortunate and unnecessary accident. The gate must remain closed and locked securely at all times. The latches and/or locks on the gate must be inoperable from the exterior except by key owned only by the homeowner. The gate must be inoperable by reaching over the top of the fence from the outside.

18. Swingset - These include jungle-gyms, playhouses and similar yard equipment. They may not be placed, installed or maintained without prior approval of the Architectural Committee. In any event, they must be of wooden construction.

19. Walls - May not be constructed along the front lot line or perimeter boundary of any Lot. Front terrace walls must be approved by the Architectural Committee, must be made of the same brick as the house, and must be aesthetically consistent with the Copperfield development. All other types of walls or structures must be approved by the Architectural Committee.


1. Automobiles/Vehicles - Except as provided herein, no commercial vehicle, trailer, truck, motorcycle, camper, camp truck, house trailer, motor home, boat or the like shall be kept or used upon the property unless totally enclosed within an approved garage/structure so as not to be visible from the exterior of the house. No junk vehicle, inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle, structure of a temporary character, mobile home, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding, shall be kept or used upon any Lot, nor shall major repair or extraordinary maintenance of automobiles or other vehicles be carried out thereon.

Light repair or maintenance of an automobile or other vehicle should be carried out within the homeowner’s garage.

2. Flagpole - While free-standing flagpoles are not permitted (as addressed previously), those attached to the house are permitted.

3. Firewood - Storage - A maximum of 2 chords of firewood is acceptable on any Lot. Firewood must be neatly stacked, free of unsightly debris and kept in the rear of the house.

4. Garage Sales - No more that 2 weekends in any 12-month period is allowed. The Board of Directors must be advised of an upcoming sale at least 2 weeks prior to the garage sale.

5. Gardens - Vegetable or self-contained flower gardens shall be no larger than 300 square feet and must be maintained so as not to be unsightly.

6. House Pets - No more than 2 outdoor pets per household. Dogs, cats, and caged birds are permitted provided such pets are not kept, bred, or maintained for commercial purposes. No exotic pets are allowed. Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times or kept on the owner’s property by an invisible fence (as addressed earlier).

7. Leasing - No unit may be leased without the notification of the Board of Directors. All rules and regulations contained in this document must be part of the lease agreement. The lease must be a minimum of 1 year and the owner has the obligation to maintain the Lot. A Lessor shall provide to the lessee a copy of these rules and regulations.

8. Nuisances and Unsightly Materials - No house or other structure on any Lot shall be used for any commercial or business purpose. Each owner shall refrain from any act or use of his or her Lot which could reasonably cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No noxious, offensive or illegal activity shall be carried on upon any Lot. No offensive trade shall take place on the property or in a dwelling. Boats, recreational vehicles or the like may not be stored on the property.

9. Signs -As addressed earlier, no sign shall be erected, posted, or displayed upon any Lot except street signs and other such identification as installed by the Board of Directors. A temporary Real Estate sign not to exceed 6 square feet may be erected upon any Lot advertising same upon the market for sale or rent.

10. Trash Burning & Storage - No burning or storage of trash is allowed. No accumulation or storage of litter, new or used building materials, or trash of any kind shall be permitted on any Lot.

11. Trash/Garbage Containers - Not permitted to remain in the public view except on days of trash collection.

12. Window Treatments - These shall consist of draperies, blinds, decorative panels, or other tasteful window covering. Sheets or other temporary window treatments are permitted for a reasonable time period, not to exceed 60 days on windows facing the street.

NOTE: Copperfield is a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and is legally bound to adhere to all applicable rules & regulations as set forth by the Commission.

Posted by jepayne517 on 08/18/2003
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