Hello all! My plan is to use this space to keep everyone updated on all the Neighborhood Watch news on a weekly basis. At this point, I am not planning on generating a full scale newsletter, but if someone is interested in taking this on... by all means, let me know and we will set it up!
I have put up some tentative dates on the community calendar for our meetings. I was thinking every other month for the meetings? Any thoughts? Please also let me know if there is anything you think we should address at the meetings. I would like to put an agenda out a week or so ahead of the meeting (probably in this space again) so that everyone knows what to expect at the meetings. These meetings can be whatever we want; if we would like to try to get any knd of guests or speakers (ie. police officials, community leaders, politicians), let me know and we will se what we can do.
Also, the same goes for this website. Let me know what you want posted here. Please visit the site often and encourage all your neighbors to do the same!
Finally, I encourage everyone to go to the Shadco meetings on the first Monday of every month. For more information on Shadco, go to http://www.coj.net/Departments/Sheriffs+Office/Community+Affairs/Citizen+Involvement/Sheriffs+Advisory+Councils.htm, we are in Zone 4. If you have a crime or safety related concern or complaint, this is the place to address it! Get involved!
I look forward to seeing you all around the neighborhood and at the next meeting!
Josh Pressel
771-9897 (home) -or- 553-2594 (cell)