Country Club Historic Neighborhood

Guests at CCHN Board Meetings...

The CCHN Board of Directors Executive Committee has passed the following policies related to guests at our regular board meetings.

The intent of this policy is to ensure that our board business gets first priority at our meetings since we only meet once per month and have a limited amount of time in our room at the bank.  This procedural rule also will help the board to be prepared to respond to guest comments and  to help facilitate a productive interchange with meeting guests.


Guest Comment procedures for regular CCHN Board of Directors Meetings:

Anyone wishing to make comments at the monthly CCHN board will need to request to be on the agenda no later than 24 hours prior to a meeting and must notify a member of the executive committee (President, VP, Secretary or Treasurer) of their intent to address the board and the topic of their comments. 

Guest comments will be held at the end of the agenda just prior to adjournment after all agenda items have occurred.

Guest comments are reserved for CCHN Members, with non-members being allowed to address the group at the discretion of the chair and will occur after any CCHN Member comments.

The table is reserved for board members, guests will be allowed to sit at the table if space is available and should relinquish their seat if there is not room at the table for a board member who arrives later in the meeting.

Posted by dbachner on 02/10/2014
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Denver, Colorado