Crestfield Manor


Posted in: Superstition Foothills
Why do we have 2 trash companies?? We have cans out 4 days a week to look at!
As far as I can see they both do about the same job. Perhaps the Board could even negotiate a lower price if we all went with the same company......just a tho't......
for author of TRASH

ABC at 602-268-5060 is working with the HOA and lowered its rate for residents here. The HOA did negotiate to try for one trash removal company in this area. Please go to ''Kinney Management Negotiates Lower Refuse Rate for SFCOA'' on the home page (go to where is says ''more'' under pages.) There also was an article in the SFCOA newsletter.

By Michelle
weekend w/o cans

It would be great if everyone would switch to the only company that was willing to negotiate a rate for the residents of Superstition Foothills and the company with the best rate doesn't pick up on weekends so the commuity looks better without all of those cans along the street when visitors or prospective home buyers are in the community. Come on folks and get with the program!
ABC Changed Name

Just a areminder that ABC is now Arizona Waste.

By Pat
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