looking to relocate to charlotte what is the crime rate or activity in zip code 28273
looking to relocate to charlotte what is the crime rate or activity in zip code 28273
The majority of crime in 28273 is property crime, the majority of which is committed by juveniles. There are also new elementary schools opening this year (August), new grocery stores, health centers, etc.! Lots of new jobs and new families. The cost of living is fairly low too... Where are you moving from? |
You might also check out this discussion in the Madison Park Neighborhood about break ins-I believe that are a few miles south west of the area you are looking in. Also here is a link to some other crime discussions in the Chalotte area: On the North Side of town in the Forest Pond HOA Also here are some other links that might be helpful in checking out crime stats in Charlotte: Charlotte Chamber Of Congress Mapping Tool http://www.charmeck.org/Departments/CMPD/Prevent+Crime/Crime+Statistics/Home.htm http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/places/Charlotte_NC