On January 9, residents from our neighborhood gathered at Joy Baptist Church to organize a Crime Watch Program. Officer Dixon from the Marion County Sheriff Department addressed the group with information about crime and crime watch programs. Some of the topics he covered are highlighted below.
There are three elements to every crime:
1. A Victim or Target who is selected by the criminal.
2. A Criminal who has control over his/her own skill and experience.
3. An Opportunity for the criminal to commit the crime. This is the only part of a crime that we have any control over; therefore, our best defense to crime is to reduce the opportunity for it to occur.
We can reduce the opportunity for crime in our area by keeping our houses well lit at night, trimming our shrubs and bushes so criminals cannot hide in them and calling the police every time we see any suspicious activity. If criminals keep seeing the police in our area responding to calls about suspicious activity, they will eventually leave the area. Send out the message that residents are watching and the police are available to stop any crimes.
Only call 911 when there is a crime in progress or there is a life threatening emergency. Do not use 911 to report a crime that has already taken place. Non-emergency
situations like car break-ins, suspicious activity, or traffic hazards should be called
into the Sheriff Department at 327-3811. Be sure to use the correct number because
911 is often overwhelmed with calls that could be handled by the Sheriff Department.
Crime Watch Program
A Crime Watch Program is simply a communication network to inform neighbors
of crimes in their area. Being aware and watching for crimes is the best way for us
to keep our families and homes safe. The Program can also help us learn how to reduce crime.
The Program works by dividing the neighborhood into small sections. Each section will have a Block Captain and all the Captains report to the Coordinator. When a crime has been reported, the Coordinator will call the Captains and in turn the Captain will inform the residents in their block. Each resident should be informed and aware of the reported crimes and hopefully will be more watchful of the neighborhood.
Very little time is involved in this process yet it can make a substantial difference in our community. If you are willing to be a Block Captain, please contact our Crime Watch Coordinator, Alma Walker at 297-1197 or dawalk65@gaithernet.com.