Crystal Cove

Meeting Minutes, Crystal Cove Subdivision

Apr 21, 2003

April 19, 2003
Adamsville Recreation Center

?· What is happening in the community
?· Home Burglaries
?· Crystal Cove Website
?· Your voice in the community
?· MARTA coming to M.L.K.
?· Why we need to meet regularly
?· What can we do differently
?· How to get information in the neighborhood

?· What is happening in the community

Scholarships available. Our councilman H. Lamar Willis (Post 3), has arranged to make available two (2) $1,000 scholarships to every high school student in his district. Applicants must apply by May 9th, 2003. For more information, call Councilman Willis?’ office at City Hall or go online at

Arbor Day, April 26th. H. Lamar Willis and Home Depot have partnered to provide shrubs, plants, mulch, etc. to neighborhoods organizations to beautify their entrance way. Volunteers are needed to help pick up the gift and to plant these items at both entryway. Please contact Saundra Hunter (404) 691-1346 for more information.

April 26th, Clean District 10 Day. Volunteers needed to meet to District 10 Councilman C.T. Martin to help clean up the area. Those interested should meet Councilman Martin at 9:30am at Wayfield Foods, located at Fairburn and Martin Luther King.

April 26th, Free Fishing at Sweetwater Lake. The authorities at Sweetwater Lake will be stocking a portion of the lake with 5,000 catfish. Beginning at 10am, you and a child can fish for free. No fishing permit is needed; your child is your permit. Fish can be cleaned and cooked right on the premises. For more information call, (404) 465-8167.
What is happening in the community (Cont.)

Property Assessment for Seniors. Representative Emma Darnell has a bill to protect rising property assessment rates for Senior Citizens. If you are 65 years or older, you must apply before June 5th, 2003. Applying for this protection assures your assessment below $40,000. For more information, contact the Harriet Darnell Senior Multipurpose Facility, 677 Fairburn Road, (404) 699-8580.

Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) Meetings. NPU Unit ?“H?” meetings are held once monthly at the Darnell Center. These meetings are important because it allows you to become involved in the decision making process that effects your community. The NPU was developed to allow citizens to actively participate in the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). The CDP is a planning tool that is used as a guide for the growth and development of the City. Additionally, it identifies the City's present and planned physical, social and economic development activities. For more information on the meeting call Mrs. R.R. Harris, chairperson (404) 699-5786 or Mr. Eugene Smith, Planner (404) 330- 6626.

New Bulk Rubbish Plan
The Department of Public Works has established a new plan for pickup of bulk rubbish items such as furniture and appliances. You must schedule an appointment for collection by calling 404-330-6333. Also, a schedule has been established for pickup of yard trimmings. For more information, you can visit the City's website
Yard trimmings must now be placed in brown paper collection bags, not to exceed 50 pounds. Plastic bags are no longer acceptable. Yard trimmings will only be collected twice monthly - on the 1st and 3rd Monday.

New Laws regarding Code Enforcement
In the City of Atlanta, there are new laws regarding maintaining your property. Whereas in the past, a neighbor would have to call about another neighbor last of maintaining their property (i.e. overgrown grass, broken-down cars in the driveway/on the property, etc), the city now has an active code officer that rides through neighborhoods and issues warning and fines. First offense yields a fine of $1,000 and 8 hours of community service. For more information on code enforcement, contact Mr. Reed at (404) 330-6190.

?·Home Burglaries
Since December 2002, Saundra Hunter has received three (3) calls regarding burglaries in the subdivision.

?·Phone Listing/Email Update
Call or email Lisa Oliver (404) 691-5183, with your current contact information. Please include your
1. Full Name
2. Address
3. Home Phone
4. Cell Phone
5. Emergency Contact Name and Number

In the subject line of the email, please put ?“Crystal Cove?”

?·Crystal Cove Community Website
The Crystal Cove community has a website. Go to Type in ?“30331?” and then double-click on ?“Crystal Cove?”. There you can find information relevant to the subdivision. At present, the moderator /coordinators of the site of Saundra Hunter and Lisa Oliver. As time permits we will update the site to the point that all communication will be handled through the site. For those neighbors who don?’t have a computer or Internet access, just let us know, we will inform you via hard copy.

?·MARTA coming to M.L.K.
Marta is considering a West Line Transit Expansion from H.E. Holmes Station to Fulton Industrial Blvd. There have been 3 or 4 meetings with MARTA at the Adamsville Recreation Center and at the Jackson Memorial Church. At this point it is known that MARTA is coming west to Fulton Industrial, but how it is getting there (i.e. straight-down MLK, through Crystal Cove subdivision, etc) remains to be seen.

?·What can we do differently?
Meaning ?“what can the neighborhood do to get more participation out of the neighborhood??”. A typical neighborhood meeting will yield 5 representative households out of a possible 87. Why don?’t people participate? What can we as the coordinators do differently? We want to hear from you - Saundra Hunter - and Lisa Oliver -


Jeff and Lisa Oliver?’s Garage
3827 Kenner Drive

3:00 - 4:00pm

Refreshments will be served
Please bring a chair

Please be prompt so that we may end on time

Agenda will be sent out closer to the date of the meeting. If you would like an item on the agenda, please contact us at

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