A clean neighborhood becomes a safer and crimefree neighborhood. Studies have shown that a neightborhood that has signs of decay such a broken window, trash in the street, abandoned auto, debris in yards, weeds and overgrown grass,graffiti, will have more crime because it gives the appearance that the residents do not care about their neighborhood; thus people feel that they can get away with criminal acts. For more information about this theory; go to a search engine such as google and type in Broken Windows theory. Additional information is contained in a recently published book; ''The Tipping Point'' which tell how seemingly small acts (picking up trash in front of your house or immediately get rid of graffiti) can have a large positive impact and lower the crime rate. If you want the Cully Neighborhood to become a pleasant place to live; then you must participate and encourge your neighbors to clean up their street and yards too. We cannot just depend on the police to do everything; I have found them to be hardworking, but there are not enough of them and they get frustrated when there is not enough of jailbeds for criminals and have to just write a citation for a serious crime. Lighting around your house and yard does deter crime. A compact florescent bulb uses very little electricity and you should leave one on all night above your front and back door to deter some creep sneaking around your house. A car prower or home invader will be reluctant to commit a crime on a street in which all of the front lights are on. These lights give the appearence that the people living there care about there neighborhood and could be watching the street ready to report any suspisious activity. I am frustrated with the crime here, but am willing to stay and not sell my house if me people get involved to make this a better place to live. Thank you for reading and please share your thoughts. I would like the Cully Neighborhood Association to do an organized street by street evalution of zoning violations of private property such as trash in yards, graffiti, broken appliances in yards, illegal busineses at homes, cars parked on grass, abandoned autos on the streets and report all of these violations to the city of Portland which is quite responsive to complaints and will these eyesores cleaned up.