January 2025 Storm Water Newsletter
Happy New Year, Volunteers! 2024 was a great year for volunteering! Last year 4800 volunteers collected 58,000 lbs. of trash, marked 1800 Storm Drains, collected 180 volunteer monitoring reports, and planted 355 trees! Thank you for all your hard work this past year!
We’re excited to highlight Terracon as our January Volunteer of the Month! Terracon has an awesome group of environmental stewards that have participated in every VolunThursday event since March of last year. This teams dedication to keeping our waterways healthy through Tree Maintenance, Storm Drain Marking, and Stream Cleanups over the year has been wonderfully impactful and is greatly appreciated by our team. Thank you for showing us that you can make the earth a little better just over your lunch break. Way to go Terracon!
Save the Date: Creek Week 2025! |
Mark your calendars! This year Creek Week will be held March 22-29. There will be events for all ages centered around caring for your creeks. More details about Creek Week will be in next month’s newsletter. We are looking forward to celebrating with you all!
The Adopt-A-Stream program is a great opportunity to get your group to get involved in improving the health of streams and keeping an eye out for potential surface water pollution. While there are many volunteer groups working hard and collecting tons of trash from streams each year, there are still many stream segments available for adoption all around the county. Many segments along Ramah, Long, Gum, and Sugar Creek near Pineville are available and in need of some TLC. If you would like to see what other segments are available near you, check out our Adopt-A-Stream Map and visit us at our Volunteer page to find out how to get involved.
Visit StormWater.CharMeck.org for more information about stormwater pollution prevention, projects, volunteer programs, and much more!
Follow us on social media! @StormWaterCM