Curran Shores North

Police for Bayshore Gardens????

Posted in: Bayshore Gardens Park - Recreation District
After sitting and listening to neighbors complaints for more than a year now, regarding speeding and lack of motor vehicle operators regard for signs and such. Increase in break-ins etc., etc., etc.

And ......If the Sheriff's department does not seem to be able to spend enough quality time in and on our streets ..... in our opinion!

I pose this question?

Do we need to hire a full time law enforcement officer to police our Bayshore Gardens area? Maybe a rotating schedule of days and nights? Do you think that would help curb the problems?

Let me know your thoughts.

Ray Schweiger
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bayshore vandalism


thanks for your ideas on this subject. i know this problem is increasing in our area as i have had to call the sherrif dept numerous times over the last year or two. as dockmaster it is my job to enforce the rules passed by the marina board. the results of this enforcement have been the arrest of 10-15 juviniles trespassing or vandalizing the marina and park area over the last 1-2 years. i occasionally check the marina area at various times and nites during the week. what i have seen going on there i cannot put in this reply. although the theft and vandalism in the marina has come to a halt, the people using the rec center areas after ten o'clock closing is increasing due to no one there to deter the illegal activities going on in the wee hours of the nite. the damages caused by these people are costing us all as we each own a small piece of the rec center as bayshore home owners. maintenance people have numerous repairs to the park area due to vandalism. just ask them.
i have not seen the crime watch people in the rec center area after they close the gate to the south park access at dusk. if we cannot get this area under control, the rec center area will continue to be a nite hang-out where everyone knows is not patrolled.
your idea of a bayshoe cop is good, or maybe video cameras can catch the perpetrators in the act and the board can then prosecute to the full extent of the law. i would also be willing to be part of a home-owner's patrol to cruise the area as needed, if our current neighborhood watch people can't do it or are stretched too thin.
so if i can be a part of the solution, let me know.

dave martin
Bayshore Vandalism

Thanks Dave for your reply.

Although I don't know all the answers but I think collectively we can come up with some ideas. Crime watch is just part of the answer, and a good one to help deter some of our problems.

Maybe we can come up with some suggestions at the next HOA meeting on Tuesday the 14th of June. Yes the HOA meetings are now slated for the second Tuesday of the month ... please pass the word.

Thanks for your input and continued vigilance of our challenges here. Your offer of helping patrol shows great pride in what we have here as residents of Bayshore Gardens.

By the way there is a crime watch meeting today the 18th up at the rec center. Please pass that word also.

I'd be glad to work with you cruising the neighborhood and starting momentum of positive change here also. See you today at 6PM for crime watch meeting at rec center.

Bayshore Gardens Police

I can understand and empathize with your frustration. At a recent Crime Watch meeting, Sheriff?’s Deputy Dawn Strout indicated the proper way to ask for enforcement in our area. I followed up on her initial information and found the following information to be correct and appropriate.

1. Call the Sheriff?’s Office at (941) 747-3011 and ask for Crime Prevention.
2. Request a patrol for a specific complaint, for a particular period of time during the day, at a particular location, over a reasonable period of time. (Say two weeks).
3. Request the case number, the supervisor?’s name and an extension that the supervisor can be reached at.
4. After a week, call the supervisor and ask when the area was patrolled for that particular case number.
5. After the second week, call the supervisor and ask when the area was patrolled, for that specific case number.

Any resident can accomplish this. I am reluctant to spend money on services that we are already paying for. Having a case number and coercing feedback from the supervisor is a must for results. Be polite, professional and above all, remember you are talking to a law enforcement professional.

You?’ll be amazed at the results of the second week, when the supervisor realizes the complaintant is following up on the request. Once a case number is assigned, an audit trail exists. That supervisor will not risk looking like a fool or derelict to duty. If we report the case number to the Office Manager here at the Rec Center, we could have a log available in a central location and we can be aware of the presence of law enforcement.

Most complaints, say for ?“speeding?” end up being done Saturday morning, instead of Monday afternoon, when it is needed. We have an excellent Police Force in our Sheriff?’s Office. We as a community need to make specific requests and follow-up on the case.

Let?’s try this first. With case number statistics--we have leverage--should we have to resort to political or economical solutions in the future.

Steve Van Cott, Treasurer
Bayshore Gardens Recreational Taxing District
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