Dear Ernest,
Thanks for the nice letter. I do hope that I am with you for the potluck next year. I would also enjoy the opportunity to come to future meetings if you have any before the March election.
I wrote a letter to your chairman regarding the wall along Broadway. Irealize that it has been an un-funded project for a number of years. I would be happy to come to talk to your association about how the Date Palm Manor Neighborhood Association was able to get their wall project done. I know they wrote a grant propoal to the Arts Commission for partial funding because it has the artist designed elements on the wall itself.
Whe nthe city sees a willingness of neighbors to partner with other groups to complete a project, they are more likely to fund the request. I will be happy to help put you in contact with people who can give you guidance in this matter.
I requested that our Cultural Services Department send you a copy of the Art Talk, which has an article about the Date Palm Manor wall. (editor's note: We received the article with a note from Ms Carter "Your effort will have my support." I will bring it to the next neighborhood meeting.