Greetings to all Danbury Residents
This is the first installment of our new electronic newsletters. The bulk of our neighborhood activities occur in the Spring and Summer so we have much to do and discuss in the next few months.
We have received a permit from the Dept. of Conservation to oil goose eggs in our neighborhood.
Destroying goose eggs is illegal and encourages the same goose to lay more eggs somewhere else. By oiling the eggs you trick the mother, keeping her from laying more eggs all season, and the oiled eggs never hatch. This is the most effective method of monitoring and controlling geese populations. Our current goal is to find all the nests in the Danbury neighborhood. Geese are pairing off and building nests now in early March. The nest may not necessarily be by the lake. If you see or know of a nest please let the Trustees know through the email system or by phone. We will handle the procedures for oiling the eggs with the help of the Geese Peace organization.
The current (original) Danbury Lake sign has finally seen the end of its life. The top board is rotten beyond repair. We must now make a decision regarding its fate and we would like your input. There are three possible scenarios. Please reply to us and let us know your preference, if you have one.
We will try to do what the majority wants.
Choice #1. Cut down the sign and leave the area with no sign. Cheap, clean, easy.
Choice #2. Replace the top board with exact style that is currently up.
Minimal cost, keeps sign like it always has been.
Choice #3. Replace the entire sign with a modern municipality style sign.
Expensive (about $1000 or more) but has classy modern look. **
**If the last choice has the most support it may take a little time to come up with the funds from our current fiscal budget, but it will be possible by 2007. This is because we have ordered two new benches for the lake.
Email System
We hope the email system works well. Please discuss it with your closest neighbors to see if they are receiving the newsletters. If not, tell them to contact us. Check the website for additional information and contacts.
Topics of future newsletters: Pool furniture, Spring Cleanup and Annual Meeting, Danbury committees.
Email us