Deer Creek Mesa Neighbors

Be a Fireworks Free Neighborhood

Posted in: Willowbrook
Be a Fireworks Free Neighborhood and Family!

West Metro Firefighters are encouraging people to have a safe 4th of July by helping promote fireworks free neighborhoods. Thanks in part to a grant from State Farm Insurance and Preserve Sight-Colorado, FREE yard signs are available for Homeowner?’s Associations,
neighborhoods, and families wishing to curtail the use of fireworks in their communities.

The yard and window signs remind people that fireworks are illegal, dangerous, and that they should leave fireworks alone and see a professional display.

West Metro is also offering four $250 gift certificates to the neighborhood / HOA that has the most yard signs up by June 2. The money can be used by the HOA or neighborhood for block parties or other designated purposes.

To get your FREE yard signs, call West Metro Fire Rescue at 303-989-4307, ext. 523 or 547.

By Michelle Frongillo
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