This year's block party will take place on Saturday June 16, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. and will last until who knows when. As in the past, we will havea bouncer toy for the kids, burgers, hotdogs, Chicken breasts and non-alcoholic drinks (bring your own alcohol), corn toss, badmitton and music. We also have an offer from a park neighbor to host an after-party poker (or other card game) party! This year we are trying to go with a GULF COAST PARTY THEME--JIMMY BUFFET sounds, Bushwhakers and anything else that would take us to the beach, so if you're stuck on what side dish to bring, think of something tropical!
(Also, if you have props decorations or other cool tropical, gulf coast or caribean theme stuff, let me know so we can set it up!
Thanks and see you there!
Dan Neilsen
(Also, if you have props decorations or other cool tropical, gulf coast or caribean theme stuff, let me know so we can set it up!
Thanks and see you there!
Dan Neilsen