Dogwood Creek

Amplified Noise Ordinance

Posted in: Montgomery Area

so should construction equipment. Some of them are louder than dogs. That equipment keeps me up during the day because I work at night. The building of new homes and offices are disturbing, so lets stop it all. The noise ordinance should respect us also. But no one gives a damn about night workers.

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Personally, I don't care if there is noise outside, it's outside. However, if I am in my house, and it takes away my enjoyment within my home, then it is too damn loud. There needs to be some restrictions. Could you imagine being woken from a sound sleep, having to go to work the next day because someone has no respect for those around them? 

That is the issue here. There is noise, and there will be noise outside. So for the one who used the train, the semi's and what not. Please, that is not what anyone here is discussing. 



I've got news for all of you, or anyone who hasn't read the noise ordinaces completely. For a year & a half I have lived next door to a family that owns a rescue Pit. I moved in during the winter when Lubbock was one big ice sheet so I had no idea about the nuisance dog until it warmed up.


I grew up training dogs & have a very good grasp on their psychology, & it is painfully obvious this dog has serious boundary issues & likely more. Such as, being paid no attention to, getting zero exercise, basically being fed, watered, and sheltered outside, which is ALL Lubbock, TX cares about.


So, for over a year & at all times of day or night I have been sleep deprived, very stressed, & unabable to live my life with any PEACE, SERENITY, REPOSE, & can not even take a step in my backyard without setting off a barking frenzy that can last 4-5 hours. I've listened to this mis-treated dog bark, on many occassions, until she goes hoars and can barely bark at all. Yet, she does still try.


I've spoken with the neighbors, offered to train the dog myself, written them letters, dealt with LPD & animal control (a huge joke), & The Humane Society trying to get any help in resolving this life disrupting problem. But, to no avail. The ONLY option I am left with is to sue them, which I have no desirer to do, nor do I wish to see the dog taken from the family.


However, NONE of this matters to anyone of those I mentioned above. If you read the ordinance's concerning noise, they have the EXACT same language used for loud music & nuisance barking. They are both equally wrong for anyone who is responsible for the noise. LPD, animal control, & The Humane Society have all confirmed this to me yet say they can do nothing.


In other words, a dog has more rights than you or me. So, please just shut it about loud music because that just happens to be the only thing I have, other than a law suit, to drown out the noise or try to send a signal to the ingrates who live around me.


And, I have been, and will continue to, drive with my windows down & music blasting ( and I've got a booming system), simply to demonstrate to the 'locals' of Lubbock how it feels to hear something they find obnoxious. Call it a protest because that's what it is. I'd be happier than dog poop to be as quiet as a mouse, at home or when driving, but I refuse to be forced to have to sue a neighbort simply because they, & the rest of Lubbock, refuse to even attempt any cooperation.


Loud music? HA!! Try living with what I've had to live with for over a year & see how much you despise loud music then. Who am I kidding? I'm speaking to the same jerks who allow this to be a serious problem in their "city".


I grew up in Houston, TX & have lived in San Antonio, San Marcos, Livingston, Clear Lake, & League City; and I have NEVER encountered people so thick-headed , disrepectful, & inconsiderate as those who reside in this town. Thank God I am out of here very very soon.


Y'all are pathetic, & the vision I've always had of west Texas is shattered forever. Keep moaning about music & anyone who didn't grow up here, & continue to watch your town never moving forward & staying 30 years behind the rest of Texas. Enjoy it, because you deserve it.

The city ordinance is not for pigeon holing people that play music, but for people that play it so everyone else has to be subjected to their favorite music. They want be noticed by everyone around, I guess  you can say its their personal falic symble. This is why most loud music is played by immature persons. There is a man across the street from my complex that works on cars in his yard which is supposed to be illigal with in the city limits. No one cares if you work on the occasion car but he brings out the cutting torch and grinding wheels at midnight the sound echoes right in my back bedroom while I'm trying to sleep.  I actually think the east side police department is scared of this guy I've seen them standing at his gate while his 5 pitbulls bark their heads off but nothing ever changes not when he is punching out his wife nor when shooting off his guns at night....So what good are the noise ordinances ?

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