Dolores Street Triangle Neighborhood Association:
A neighborhood organization comprised of Residents of this very unique and lovely last block of Dolores Street. We are bounded by 30th Street on the north, Dolores Street on the west and San Jose Street on the east. Because we are surrounded by three distinct roadways our problems are unique. In addition the Muni streetcars that navigate up and down 30th st. and San Jose St.., Our major area of concern is the fact that DAILY 26,000 cars travel by our homes! The result is excessive trash, commuters speeding by forgetting we're a neighborhood, traffic accidents, pedestrian/car accidents, and excessive noise and pollution.
16,000 cars travel San jose Street
4,400 cars travel Dolores Street
6,000 cars travel 30th Street
We are dedicated to the following objectives:
- working with San Jose Guerrero Neighborhood coalition on Randall to 30th : to promote adding wider, landscaped sidewalks, pedestrain bulb-outs at interesections and adding features to make the area feel like an elegant southern entrance to the City.
- Promote a green, pleasant and safe neighborhood.
- Lobby to have the San Jose St. Median planted with native plants in Pots to help reduce traffic speeds by showing drivers that they are in a neighborhood--and not on a freeway. ( Currently, average commuter speed on our block is 36.6 mph !)
- Maintain a good working relationship with Department of Public Works to increase mechanical street sweeping on San Jose to twice a weekly.
- Encourage a close working relatiomship with the Ingleside Police Station
- Work with surrounding neighborhood organization to strenghten quality of life issues for the entire area ( including San Jose/Guerrero Coalition, Upper Noe Neighbors, NorthWest Bernal Alliance and 30th Street SAFE Program).