playing, we have beautiful deer, elk, fox, and people walking dogs. Thank you!
Ooh! The Mountain Pine Beetles (MPB) are killing our pine trees. This is an insect pest native to the forests of western North America.
Periodic outbreaks can result in the losses of millions of trees. MPB?’s develop in lodge pole, ponderosa, scotch and limber pines. According to the Colorado State Forest Service, preventative bark beetle spraying needs to be done between May 1st and July 15th on an annual basis during the years when the risk of beetles is high.
Please do something about this before they infect your neighbor?’s trees! Dead tree foliage turns yellowish to reddish brown throughout the entire tree crown. The pine beetles leave the dead trees in late summer seeking out living green trees to attack so the trees MUST be cut down, then covered with plastic for approximately one year prior to burning as the life cycle for the pine beetle is 1 year.
Any residents having their trees sprayed please let your neighbors know so that all windows may be closed and animals may be taken in before the spraying starts. Thanks! Pam will be leaving information on the pine beetle by the
chalkboard for any wishing to have more details.
Aah! Thank you everyone who remembered to put Holiday lights on his or her property this past winter. How about a contest this year?
Aah! A great big Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Jack O?’Brien for letting us use their meadow for all of the past years for the annual summer picnic.
Aah! Sometimes we forget to say ?‘thanks?’ to people who put themselves out to help others, e.g. people who shovel/plow in front of your mailboxes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board members for their time and efforts to see that we the residents live in such a safe and beautiful area.
WORD FOR TODAY: Enthusiasm: "Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm!"