Dragon Circle

One mans insanity and hatred exp

Posted in: Millis
beefats Jul 21, 3:27 pm show options

From: ''beefats'' - Find messages by this author
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:27:16 -0700
Local: Thurs,Jul 21 2005 3:27 pm
Subject: Re: a few of my favorite things
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Why must you spew you're hatred. I've been following this site for a
couple of months and actaully joined it from www.beld.net. I openede
the site today and being a Thayer alum (I thought I was pretty clear
about that) and I didn't like the way the school was being represented.
That's why I decided to join. You were probably one of the same
Braintree High kids who 'mooned' us everyday as the bus drove by our
fields. That was classy. Really made me think highly of Braintree High.

Now a Braintree resident, I can't afford to send my kids to Thayer,
yet, seeing the state the town is in, I'm not sure I can send them to
Braintree Public Schools either (which I was hoping to do). I live
right down the street from Liberty, yet the schools are so screwed up
my daughter will have to attend kindergarten at Highlands next year
(that seems to make alot of sense?) Hopefully my kids can get into
Archies, BC High or Notre Dame or I don't know where they'll go.

From: ''THO'' - Find messages by this author
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:53:28 -0700
Local: Thurs,Jul 21 2005 3:53 pm
Subject: Re: a few of my favorite things
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hatred,hm is that what it is?really.i don't hate you
thayer,rufus,charity dogood,thomas,megimoo.
outrage best somes up the feeling i get when some
one like rufus in this example suggests that we all give a very wealthy
influential special interest group
who pays no property taxes extra consideration in the hopes they will
allow town folk to not only look over the fence in awe of the majesty
of their highness
thayer academy but with a little more give on our part maybe they will
allow town folk special consideration in return for building a
entertainment facility on an already overbuilt parcel of land that
gives abbuters fits
whenever there is an activity there now.there is no parking sufficient
at present to stem this tide and proposing removing existing parking to
build said building is both ludicris and short sighted.the overflow
chokes the flow of traffic now.what will it be like then,hm?oh and by
the way isn't it ironic that thayer has agreed to care for the island
of property
at the field's rear for the town.there are always vehicles parked on
that island for these events.
say what you will but this much is true-Thayer academy is terrible
neighbor to those who surround that area.enough is enough.you can get
over this anytime you want.this complaint has nothing to do
with envy-it's about an arrogant neighbor asking
for Just One More Favor. i've driven by those new soccer fields off
washington street in the highlands-
where is the parking there?when that opens there will be such a traffic
nightmare song will be song and volumes will be written.good planning

By The Braintree Tyrant

From: ''Rufus'' - Find messages by this author
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 14:02:59 -0700
Local: Wed,Jul 20 2005 5:02 pm
Subject: Re: a few of my favorite things
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I doubt I even know who BeeFats person is albeit must be a Thayer alum
who hung around long enough to rub some wisdom on domoThoJoes of
Braintree. Welcome aboard BeeFats and as the saying goes, ''Give em
Hell, Harry''!

From: ''THO'' - Find messages by this author
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 14:57:48 -0700
Local: Wed,Jul 20 2005 5:57 pm
Subject: Re: a few of my favorite things
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bravo Rufus.now if this ''group of people '' ( actually one person in
need of additional pastime pursuits )who bust my chops grow some gut
to do so under one name,I'm all for it.like you or Bill or Big Brother
or Yelnam or DW or
Batista i know where you're coming from so i can respond accordingly
that really isn't asking much.just another parade of one anonymous
after another.

more noise from the exiles

well what do we have here?more noise
from talk about it's version of siberia
maybe when you grow up you can start your own web site.recognizing that some have computer limitations does not give them the right to commandeer
sites set aside for other communities.
that is a conceit shared by selfish
losers who have never learned to converse intelligently or fairly.
every discussion is a battle that MUST be WON!thats why they warble here-because no one else will have them.

By tho
what Bean Bag should really be

worried about is when the seam on his cross section lets go.they'll all be talkin'that day when Poor Bean Bag spills whats left of his half eaten
beans.he's a canibal,don'tcha know!
thats the story i heard and i'm passing
it along to y'all.cause i care.i really do!

By one who knows the truth
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