Dragon Circle


Posted in: Millis


A NEW TOPIC : Do we need a new Moderator?

From: ''Brie's Daddy'' - Find messages by this author
Dealing with THO is like trying to rationalize things with my 4 year
old at 1000 pm and her diaper is ripe.
I asked simple questions .And he/her pulled that divertion and last
words stuff and I called he/her on it.
THOs last post to me was Shameful. I thank you for FINALLY answering a
question, and what do you do you classless bum. Insult me.Nice,You
should pass the baton to someone who can carry it.This area might only
be a step up from a blog to you but its all we here in town have thanks
to idiots like yourself.
Your a disgrace, but of course thats just my opinion(freedom dont you
know)your just a big baby with a keyboard and a dictionary.IM sure Im
not alone in my thinking.But i dont care anyway. Im done with you,Its
time I moved on
Grow up
Bries Daddy
From: ''THO'' - Find messages by this author
nonsense from my two favorite bookends.
both elitist snots sitting in judgment.
sorry guys(or gals) you both represent what's wrong here and in
braintree:all you do is complain and yet offer nothing that approaches

From: ''Brie's Daddy''

By the way are you using another identity???? Not me why would I
bother, does he really feel I have to hide from him ???? I think he did
the background check thing he does and realized Ive lived in this town
since the 60s there are many in town hall who dont prefer my company.
Who cares, thats why we are here isnt it???? not to make friends but
air our gripes and see if anyone else feel the same
Anyone ?? Anyone?? am I correct?? Join in please Id be interested to
Your lunatic bookend friend
Bries Daddy

THO:BOTH brie and rufus know the selectmen& have lived in braintree since the 60's
and are presently defending each others postion
against mean ole THO. OH WOE IS ME!

From: ''Brie's Daddy''
See, I told you ..this guy is so neurotic.Did you catch that
''infiltrating the rank and file ???Where the hell did that one come
from? Any how I believe Thos losing it.Rufus was trying to explain to me
that we should let him alone and wham he comes out with that kooky crap
Stay Tuned Folks Its Getting Weird
Bries Daddy.

From: ''THO''
that's right.keep sucking up to rufus.

From: ''THO''
it's gratifying to know that when posts tell the real story,the only
way that truth can be
removed is by the postee or the moderator.very cleansing and
telling.that's how we find out when people change their names,protest
they just joined,then claim ignorance
of all discussions starting 4 weeks and beyond.like prior to august
10th.check out those posts.i'm tired of doing your homework for you.big
test tonight.be ready!

From: ''Brie's Daddy''
Did anyone notice he did exactley what I said he would, divert, divert.
I asked 3 questions and made one statement regarding my kissing
somenone arse. Did he answer NO..
Freedom ya know.Maybe
I just liked to read intelligent posts and then I noticed the insanity.
Or maybe Im just shy.Who cares, your really reaching huh??
Look go to the refrigerator grab a beer and relax.Or just take your
meds whatever,just do it.
Bries Daddy

From: ''THO'' - Find messages by this author

you needs some attention brie. i'm not here for that sorry.that's up to
your family.


TO: My moderator ,THO,or Mr Moron.Whatever..

From: ''Brie's Daddy''

You little wuss...When did I ever talk to you about what I do At town
meeting. Lying bastard....You dont have what it takes to stand up for
this town anywhere but from your cowardly keyboard.Your just an
anonymous piece of neurosis.
How would you know how many times Ive had the floor at town meeting
you dont know who I am.Loser
If people here let you have some type of job thats fine but dont ever
put words in my mouth or ever give anyone the impression I would share
anything with someone such as yourself.You make me sick.
I have said nothing to you or any of your personalities that I havent
said to others. Ive told you I dont suffer fools,Its the same old
rhectoric, the emphassis on old with you.When I write to the others
they dont go crying in there pillows saying I have some type of
vendetta going on .
Why then do you brag about me and you having some type of on going
argument???I come home from work tonight only to find you making up
some kind of imaginary conversation about town meeting. The only time I
mentioned TM was about the mayor type of goverment going on the
ballot.Thats it.
I cant imagine Barnabas, DW or any poster getting this bent over
anyones comments, nasty or not..
Grow up, take your meds whatever...Find someone else to put words in
their mouth not mine Loser.Is that the only way you win an argument,
you come to the table way too unarmed.
Your a Disgrace,you make me sick pulling such a childish move.
Also the stalking is getting old,whenever I post you chime in about
some type of legacey thing, no comments just legacey.If your so
concerned maybe you should concider your own.Theres a laugh
Your like a rabid poodle niping at my pants.Grow up and move along,
go back under your rock if you have too just go away .
If the majority of this group let you moderate its cool. Maybe they
are just lazy like me and figure let the idiot do it ..But dont push it
little man,woman whatever.
By the way just to shut you up my daughter joined this blog, she used
the name victoria as a password or screen name.Any how I am Bries Daddy
you nosey freaking idiot.
Id say you should be ashamed of yourself but I know you.Youll come
back with some other type of nonsense, Spare me...Enough is enough go
bother somebody else before I have to get my swatter.

Running low on asprin and patience. Bries Daddy

my kingdom has no boundaries

in'it great?

did you tell them why you are

here and not there,fraud?don't possess the gut do you? attention: Thomas is and was a fraud!he joined multiple times and argued ceaselessly about minutia.when he would not relent,well he was sent here.oh he joined frank report also but isn't sophiticated enough to figure out bill's forum.that's why he posts here and sits there silently.
hoping someone will explain it to him.
why not ask megi? he gets it so well he is one of its only poster.

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