East Central Neigborhood Association

Fort Wayne-Allen County THANKS!

Posted in: Rudisill-Plaza


Yesterday, I watched as Bethlehem playground became, again, the "place to be" for families and children of all ages on, especially, Sunday.


Without subsidization from government with mostly volunteers, Bethlehem Lutheran Church manages to be instrumental in consolidating 3 less-than-capacity gradeschools into Unity and upgrade Concord Villages to the point of building another in City, North. It’s board members not only control budget/finances and on some level manage, but work outside this private instruction to assist City and County in their endeavors, especially related to schooling. Some, such as Kathy Friend, now with FWCS, was also an full-time board member and others, Confirmed-graduates of it’s gradeschool and still members of it’s church, have gone on to become prominent leaders in the police departments, City and County, neighborhood communities, etc.


For the most-part, all playing and enjoying the beautiful day and facilities, were well-behaved, respecting others and neighbors..even reinforcing the social rules like not trespassing on another’s property even through as a shortcut.


I see a more-recent working together with building and uniting of City and County, and even departments of some, thought to be disconnected and separate, for a common goal. City brings in money to help owners rebuild residences, making area more-appealing for outside money to continue streaming in from outside states. Scott Wetlands now encourages wildlife, keeps ort basements from flooding and our homes from deteriorating, and allows the average resident to personally-observe nature-in-the wild at local parks and backyards.


I could go on and on, listing the accomplishments and love pouring out above and beyond from City and County employees, during and after working hours. It is, though, too, the countless hours and sacrifices which must be acknowledged by volunteers, those recognized and those behind the scenes, who must also get a shout-out once and awhile; for without them, none of the efforts of salaried employees would have much of an effect. SO THANKS!!!


I applaud the efforts of all today and look forward to even more accomplishments of the residents and leaders, from days of my ancestors who helped settle this area to those now in office, in days to come. This is TRULY a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family..and stay here after graduation to building businesses and homes, continuing our wonderful efforts and growth.


Keep up the great work, everyone! Keep working with our newest residents to make them feel welcome and learn our language and ways. Keep assisting those who come from broken homes and the poorest section of our population, in helping them know people care. Education with basic respect for themselves and others and REAL desire to learn and make a better life ARE the answers..for our area and nation. One day, hopefully, our schools will stay SAFELY open 24/7 to assist children AND stressed/over-stretched families with food, shelter, basic medical care, and opening up that light of learning and community in us all.


Thanks to all of you from all of us around here..for miles. Keep up the great work!


Have a most-wonderful day! May you all stay safe and happy!


Very sincerely,


Corinne A. Nahrwold

Rudisill-Plaza Neighborhood

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