East Hill Neighborhood Associationn

Association Meeting Minutes


Minutes from Most Recent Meeting

The following minutes are a draft and should not be considered final until approved at the next meeting of the general membership.

>> 5/16/05 – General Meeting agenda
>> 5/5/05 – BOD Meeting
>> 4/18/05 – General Meeting agenda

General Meeting – 5/16/2005 agenda
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: May 16, 2005 @ 6:30PM

== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas, Bruce Wilkins, Kaycee Wagg

== Special Guest ==
Buddy Holshouser, Traffic Engineer for City of Pensacola

== Closed Issues/Assignments ==
>>>>> LeaP commemorative bricks on order

== Open Issues/Assignments ==
>>>>> Minutes read, motion to approve and vote by EHNA members to approve
>>>>> Treasurer’s report – 72 paying members, account balance of $1924
>>>>> Correction of boundaries according to bylaws (please refer to maps), motion to approve and vote by EHNA members to approve… exclude precinct 50 area (9th to 12th, Lee to Lakeview)
>>>>> Lakeview Avenue Median Project update
>>>>> Yard signs displayed
>>>>> Fund Raiser Leader position open!

== New Business/Agenda of Traffic Calming ==
>>>>> Guest speaker is Buddy Holshouser, Traffic Engineer for City of Pensacola, resident of East Hill and a member of EHNA --- 17th was identified as an area of significant opportunity --- distributed notepads for individual input --- EHNA BOD will review these suggestions at the next board meeting on Thursday, June 2, 2005 and present the cumulative responses at our members meeting on Monday, June 20, 2005.

== Wrap-up: Summarize Issues, Identify Open Issues and Assignments ==
>>>>> Open invitation to those who would like to participate in the fundraiser workshop after the meeting is adjourned tonight please stay and give us your input!
>>>>> Fish fry @ McIlwain pink house on blount & 12th --- Saturday, may 21 at 4-8pm
>>>>> Meeting is adjourned.

== Notes from fundraiser workshop: Home Tour ==

>>>>> mike-t, need for liability insurance? --- no update yet
>>>>> co-chairs for this fund raiser --- mike-t and david-d
>>>>> ticket sales – will be sold for $10 day of event
>>>>> mike-t --- will act as keeper of applications
>>>>> Charity Andersen --- working on sponsorship and weaving this into home tour brochure
>>>>> goals --- 400 participants… $4000;
>>>>> expenses to be estimated --- brochure design & print (500-1000 brochures) - $1000; homeowners gifts (sign with house name and year built) - $250-500; signage - $150; misc - $50

BOD Meeting – 5/5/2005
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church Pink House
When: May 5, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas, Mike Idoni, Kaycee Wagg

== general ==
>>>>> EHNA brick at Toledo park donated by LEAP!
>>>>> fundraiser position is open – will seek to fill at next general meeting
>>>>> 72 members with a $933 account balance and $700+ in reimbursements due from the City grant fund!
>>>>> Lakeview Avenue median azalea project to begin in mid-May
>>>>> Colleen will e-mail PNJ to announce next meeting
>>>>> Reminder to place signs out for next meeting
>>>>> Need a motion at next meeting to clarify boundaries so they exclude precinct 50 neighborhood association area
>>>>> may meeting – Buddy Holshouser from the City Traffic Engineering will discuss traffic issues
>>>>> june meeting – fundraiser planning
>>>>> july meeting – tentative topic of energy conservation through landscaping
>>>>> august meeting - will establish BOD nomination committee
>>>>> september meeting - elections
>>>>> discussion on heritage oak program: 587-5123, craig iverson
>>>>> 75 hours of work donated by Advanced Construction towards gazebo at Toledo Park!
>>>>> McIlwain block party… May 21

General Meeting – 4/18/2005 agenda
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: May 18, 2005 @ 6:30PM

== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Idoni, Kaycee Wagg

== Special guests: LEAP and Ed Spears from the city was on hand ==

== General Meeting ==

>>>>> Colleen reacquainted everyone with how the association started in 2004 and how it enables grants to be tapped to benefit our neighborhood
>>>>> David discussed focus on park improvements and traffic management based on member input
>>>>> Mike-I discussed the Toledo Park improvement project with LEAP this past weekend
>>>>> Kaycee discussed her background in community development and how this experience assists in seeking grants and working with through local requirements
>>>>> Mike-T discussed his experience in North Hill neighborhood association and how this experience assists in this young start-up association group

== Open Forum ==

>>>>> Kudos to LEAP!
>>>>> Question regarding abandoned vehicles… contact Colleen and she will communicate the need.
>>>>> Membership: 62
>>>>> Dues: half off currently since we are beyond mid-year
>>>>> Ed Spears on local options sales tax… expires in 2007 and will be voted upon again in the fall 2005… neighborhood grants and special park improvement projects are funded through this tax
>>>>> May 21… McIlwain block party

== Notes from fundraiser workshop: Home Tour ==

>>>>> theme… holiday in East Hill
>>>>> homes in tour… will seek applicants and then board will vote on 5 to be included… Mike-T is developing application forms… next meeting each person identify one perspective home (with whom contact has been made)
>>>>> date… tour will be one day, Saturday, from 10-4… Nov 5, 12 or 19
>>>>> cost… $10
>>>>> coordinators… need volunteer coordinator and overall coordinator
>>>>> media… David is working on brochure… brochures will include ads of various sizes
>>>>> raffle… will include a raffle with ticket sales… Charity Anderson will coordinate this
>>>>> volunteers needed: money booth, raffle booth, central refreshments, assist at homes as owners note a need
>>>>> background on included homes… each home should include history of home which will lend to the overall history of East Hill
>>>>> liability insurance… Mike-T will follow up to determine requirement

Archive of Minutes from Previous Meetings

Archive of Minutes from Previous Meetings

>> 4/7/2005 – BOD Meeting
>> 4/4/05 – Fund Raiser Workshop
>> 3/21/05 – General Meeting agenda
>> 3/3/05 – BOD Meeting
>> 2/21/05 – General Meeting agenda
>> 2/3/05 – BOD Meeting
>> 1/17/05 - General Meeting
>> 01/06/05 - BOD Meeting
>> 11/15/04 - General Meeting
>> 11/04/04 – BOD Meeting
>> 10/18/04 - General Meeting
>> 10/14/04 - BOD Meeting
>> 09/09/04 - BOD Meeting
>> 08/16/04 - General Meeting
>> 08/12/04 – BOD Meeting
>> 07/19/04 - General Meeting
>> 07/08/04 - BOD
>> 06/21/04 - General Meeting
>> 06/03/04 - BOD Meeting
>> 05/17/04 - General Meeting
>> 05/06/04 - BOD Meeting
>> 04/26/04 - Initial General Meeting

BOD Meeting – 4/7/2005
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church Pink House
When: Apr 7, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas

== Open Assignments ==
>> LeaP, requests EHNA list of members for brick sale mailout
>> LeaP, "idea" for volunteers to wear logo t-shirts on April 16
>> PNJ freelance reporter, Barbara Todd to have photographer at April 16th workday in Toledo Square then will interview several of the EHNA volunteers after our April 18th meeting
>> EHNA, treasurer's report
>> Lakeview Median, soon as FEMA jobs are complete
>> Logo invoice to be submitted to City of Pensacola
>> Sale of t-shirts and decals this Friday from 5-8 p.m. at Bayview C.C. Open House
>> Street Captains, need 6 more for Lloyd, Lee, Moreno, Avery, Lakeview, and the Escambia - Osceola area
>> Review Fund Raiser Workshop notes
>> Picnic, Bayview cancelled
>> Bylaws, dues need to be described in detail under Article 6, page 3
>> Bylaws, boundaries need to revert to original placement to not encroach on Precinct 50 Neighborhood Association

Fund Raiser Workshop – 4/4/2005
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Mar 3, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== in attendance ==
Frank Godwin, Pamela Straub, Allison Cary-Hannah, Bruce Wilkins, Gwen Crosby, Charity Andersen, Mike Thomas, David Del Gallo, Margaret Rocheblave, and Colleen McDonough.


>> Application for homeowners to have tours, Mike Thomas
>> Program and teaser ticket development, David Del Gallo
>> Marketing, teaser ticket distribution, program advertisers receive complimentary membership with different levels of donation status, Pamela Straub and Charity Andersen
>> Sale of programs at Bayview on day of tour, Bruce Wilkins
>> Sale of t-shirts and window decals at Bayview on day of tour, Gwen Crosby
>> Open committees: Volunteer Coordinator and Fund Raiser Coordinator

== Basic Ideas ==
>> Volunteers wear EHNA t-shirts
>> Holiday theme
>> Homeowner gifts
>> Refreshments at homes if homeowner wishes (outside exit door)
>> Possible dates of tour; November 5th or 12th (Saturdays)
>> Possible duration of tour; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
>> Possible admission price, $15.00
>> Possible number of homes, 5
>> Program to contain location map, history, photo of homes, human interest story of owners history, advertising, and be the actual "East Hill Door Pass" (ticket) not to be actually sold until the day of the tour at Bayview
>> Possible title of program "Holiday in East Hill Home Tour"
>> Fund raiser committee to review applicants for home tour and present to association for voting at our June 20th meeting per the agenda on most recent flyer
>> Publicity write up in PNJ, Neighborhood Notes, radio, yard signs, flyers, etc.

General Meeting – 3/21/2005 agenda
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Feb 21, 2005 @ 6:30PM

== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas, Bruce Wilkins

== Open Assignments ==
>> reading of minutes, motion, second, and approval by members of EHNA
>> t-shirts for sale at $15.00 each, with one free window decal to each of the first 100 EHNA members
>> yard signs… brought signs and handed ones out to participating members
>> number of members and number of dollars
>> plan for flyers to be ready for distribution to street captains by April 8 for delivery to East Hill residents… We are still working on this due to a change in plans for the bayview picnic
>> update of plans for Toledo Square… Will Worth, Rob Bell, Michelle Horton, Kirk, and Meredith were there for the presentation and the group was enthused asking if this is the park their children and/or grandchildren call the "blue park". No new volunteers. Colleen will be emailing and phoning to remind the volunteers before the event. Also, memorial bricks are available for $50. to help fund the project.

== New Business / Open Discussion ==

>> April 8th, Friday, 5-8 p.m., Bayview Community Center Open House, EHNA was invited to attend and a table will be set up for us to display information about our grouop and sell our t-shirts and window decals, spread the news!
>> April 30th, Saturday, picnic at Bayview Park, two pavilions reserved on the hill above the community center, hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments and set ups provided, spread the news to your neighbors!
>> New change in plans since March 21, David will be out of town at his daughters RN graduation, Mike T.'s wife is graduating with her doctorate, Nolee is out of town for work, and I have prearranged flight plans for vaca. So we will discuss an alternate time and place for a picnic at our next b.o.d. meeting on April 7.

== Wrap-up/Assignments ==

>> Colleen will have EHNA t-shirts and window decals for sale after meeting is adjourned
>> Volunteers for fund raiser committee (all welcome) will have their first workshop after meeting is adjourned

== Adjourned, then followed with initial fund raiser workshop ==

>> Commence first, fund raiser committee, workshop session!!!!
>> Attendees: Mike T., Bruce, Gwendolyn Crosby, Allison Cary-Hannah, Pamela Straub, David, Margaret Rocheblave and Colleen.
>> Colleenn= brought an article from the April edition of Old House Journal.
>> Discussion centered around planning for publicity, ticket sales, history of homes for brochure, and the next meeting was set for Monday, April 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the McIlwain pink house.
>> We need a secretary, publicist, and at least two coordinators besides volunteers for the big day maybe to occur around the holidays with Christmas decor being the theme.

BOD Meeting – 3/3/2005
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Mar 3, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Thomas, Mike Idoni, Kaycee Wagg

== Open Assignments ==
>>>>> EHNA T-shirts: Colleen showed the completed t-shirts to the group. They will be available at next general member meeting… $15 each.
>>>>> EHNA Yard signs to communicate meetings: Will order 24 signs to leverage a quantity discount… $190.
>>>>> LEAP update: Colleen went with group on Saturday and obtained supporting signatures for park project.
>>>>> Street captains: Will be distributing flyers which will announce next few meetings and park get-together.
>>>>> Fundraiser committee: Next general meeting will be initial fundraiser committee meeting and will be a brainstorming session.

== New Business / Open Discussion ==
>>>>> Nolee out of town for extended time performing insurance adjustment in Central Florida. This is viewed as a leave of absence, but she is still an active board member.
>>>>> Pensacola News Journal: Colleen will communicate our coming park event and work with LEAP
>>>>> Flyer: Mike Thomas will prep flyer, and then Colleen will handle print/copies.

== Wrap-up / Assignments ==
>>>>> Colleen: Make t-shirts available at next general meeting
>>>>> David: Order yard signs
>>>>> Mike-T: Prep flyers
>>>>> Agenda for March general meeting: t-shirts; LEAP project update; yard signs update; apr 30th park event update; general discussion of fundraiser committee and solicit participation; adjourn general meeting and commence project fundraiser session… current fundraising focus is on park beautification
>>>>> Discussed needs identified by earlier surveys, parks and traffic… will continue to advocate with City on these areas

General Meeting – 2/21/2005 agenda
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Feb 21, 2005 @ 6:30PM

== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Idoni

== Special guests: LEAP, Kevin Cowper, Ed Spears and Michelle Atkinson from the City were also on hand ==

>>>>> minutes from previous meetings
>>>>> 58 members, $616.53 in bank and $75 to deposit
>>>>> LEAP: Revitalizing a park in East Hill, Toledo Park (17th & Gonzalez)… would like to build something in the center that could be used as a picnic area… covered area + extended pavers + landscape… project date is Apr 16… looking for volunteers to assist… motion was made and all approved to conceptually support the project… LEAP will also share all plans so EHNA can do this in the future for other East Hill parks
>>>>> T-shirts, yard signs, decals: being made
>>>>> Street captains: the role will be to act as central point of communication for their assigned area
>>>>> EHNA picnic: Apr 30th, Bayview Park at the pavilion area
>>>>> Fundraiser committee: solicited participants via sign-up sheet
>>>>> Lakeview Avenue azalea beautification grant was approved: this did not cost the EHNA anything… it allowed us to focus available funds on a project within our Association area
>>>>> Promoted use of web page discussion area to identify and join in on hot points

BOD Meeting – 2/3/2005
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church Pink House
When: Feb 3, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Thomas

== Old Business ==
>>>>> T-shirts, decals, signs
>>>>> Park beautification grant/vote

== New Business: agenda topics for general meeting ==
>>>>> Neghborhood Leaders Roundtable, February 22, 2005, Vickery Community Center
>>>>> Pensacola News Journal, interview by Kimberly Blair regarding Lakeview Median Avenue Project
>>>>> PNJ, meeting blip, Colleen will do
>>>>> Community Development handbook available around March 1
>>>>> Zoning Board of Adjustment, new agenda not available yet.

General Meeting – 1/17/2005
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Jan 17, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Mike Thomas, Kaycee Wagg, Mike Idoni

>>>>> 18 members in attendance
>>>>> reviewed/approved minutes from previous meeting
>>>>> membership/financial report: 52 members, $1315
>>>>> planned condos on 17th and trestle: revising plan to be 5 & 3 stories
>>>>> home tour: postponed until later in year to enable better planning and preparation
>>>>> received money for approved grant: will use to print t-shirts and produce yard signs to announce EHNA meetings
>>>>> Applied for grant to plant azaleas on Lakeview from 12th – 20th; awaiting approval
>>>>> Special thanks to those who assisted in distributing meeting notices!
>>>>> Solicited street captains
>>>>> PCIP grant:
>>>>>>>>> Kaycee Wagg described the grant – money designated for neighborhood associations – must be requested for a specific project and must be matched with funds or in-kind services – maximum request is $10,000 with 50% match
>>>>>>>>> David Del Gallo discussed using material contributions and in-kind services to cover required match and minimize out-of-pocket expense; discussed some possible park projects
>>>>>>>>> votes on projects: bayview park sr citizens landscaping – 3; gazebo – 0; irrigation/landscape – majority approved – will decide park at next meeting (17th & Gonzalez, 10th & blount, 17th & blount
>>>>> LEAP (Leadership Pensacola): planning to beautify Bayview Park sometime in early Spring
>>>>> adjourned

BOD Meeting – 11/04/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church Pink House
When: Jan 6, 2005 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Thomas

== Old Business ==
>>>>> PCIP Grant contract/$ for logo application… ready to place order of 5 dozen shirts in 5 sizes (s, m, l, xl, xxl) and 100 decals… Kacey will discern if Ron the Sign Man is still in business
>>>>> 17th Avenue Condo update/weekly newsletter
>>>>> Treasury report… $1,200. Plus 5 new members

== New Business ==
>>>>> Biweekly newsletter/community development provides info from associations/link on web site
>>>>> Form fundraiser committee at next meeting of general members/need 2 B.O.D. to lead
>>>>> postponed home tour until June... to better organize and market
>>>>> David will make presentation January 17 and offer ideas on park beautification for members to decide on the goal of our fundraiser
>>>>> Mike T. North Hill contact for info on home tours
>>>>> Mike reported on contact with Diane Walker of North Hill Association for info on home tours
>>>>> Suggestions: charge $2.00 per house, 1 docent in each room of each home, background history of each home in ticket book, 3 business to sell ticket books,
>>>>> seek local business as advertising sponsors, serve complimentary refreshments, and plan very well in advance
>>>>> January 9, 2005, 1905 East Strong Street, Showhouse home up for redesign to benefit the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra, open house 1-3 p.m., neighbors will be meeting at Colleen's home at 1p.m. for a walk (weather permitting) en masse to tour the open house/see flyer/www.pensacolasymphony.com/details 435-2533
>>>>> Flyer creation/distribution/Colleen, Mike and Trish I. ?
>>>>> Phone chain/divide list of members among B.O.D…. phone numbers of members were divided between the five directors present to call and remind of meeting January 17
>>>>> New Members/4… Valerie and Chip Sloan and Valerie's mom, Scarlett Crawmer (Colleen's sister), and Buddy Holshouser
>>>>> Cite members/map/street captains
>>>>> Colleen presented map with address locations of members for volunteer street captains
>>>>> Web site/calendar !!!!!! Thanks, Mike Idoni … gave Mike T. the calendar
>>>>> PN J/news blip/Colleen will write … sent to Claudine Kriss by email on 1-8
>>>>> CERT Training for Colleen/Tuesdays, January 25th - March 8th

General Meeting – 11/15/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Nov 15, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Thomas, Nolee Howald, Mike Idoni

Special guest: Bob Lane, Chief Fire Marshall
City presence: Ed Spears, Community development

== Bob Lane, Chief Fire Marshall ==
>>>>> ensure smoke detectors have fresh batteries
>>>>> it is time to have heating appliances inspected before heavy use kicks in
>>>>> plastic covers on roofs (i.e. blue roofs) are not flame retardant
>>>>> check condition of cords and Christmas lights before using
>>>>> be cautious not to overload circuits with too many lights
>>>>> if using a live tree, re-cut bottom before placing in water and keep well watered
>>>>> be cautious and use common sense
>>>>> bob provided handout on fire safety
>>>>> will do home inspection at no charge

== Ed Spears ==
>>>>> our first grant was approved by City… for logo printing… $1753
>>>>> goal is to complete debris clean-up by Christmas

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Reviewed minutes from prior meetings
>>>>> Treasury report – 47 members, $1,195 in account
>>>>> PCIP grant update… Pensacola Community Initiatives Program
>>>>> Infrastructure grant – will apply during next cycle, around Feb 2005
>>>>> CPTED seminar – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design – colleen attended
>>>>> City Roundtable, including demo of website – Nov 30th, 5:30 @ Vickery Center
>>>>> Flyers (2,000) to announce first quarter of 2005 meetings to be distributed after New Year’s
>>>>> Fund raiser East Hill home tour being planned for Apr 16-17... soliciting homes for participation
>>>>> Adjourned.

BOD Meeting – 11/04/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Nov 04, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, Mike Idoni

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Colleen is going to call members to remind them of Nov 15th meeting
>>>>> the Nov 15th meeting will be short, light, and fun… a little sharing, socializing, snacks… introduce the holiday season
>>>>> discussed landscape project at bayview park… will present plan and proposal at nov 15th meeting for member approval
>>>>> discussed member registration form, with logo… will be introduced at Nov 15th meeting
>>>>> 45 members, $1195
>>>>> Bob Lane, Chief Fire Marshall, will be at Nov 15th meeting
>>>>> will distribute a luminary to each member who attends Nov 15th meeting
>>>>> will use January 6th BOD meeting for Jan-Mar agendas, distributing flyers, and fund raiser (planning our tour of homes Apr 16-17)

General Meeting – 10/18/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Oct 18, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Nolee Howald, Mike Idoni

Special guest: John Ewing, Parks
City presence: Michelle Atkinson

== John Ewing ==
>>>>> Working on FEMA forms, and park clean-up and repairs
>>>>> Michelle noted the City will provide $10,000 in unmatched funds for post-Ivan improvements. Can apply for this grant on Oct 22. John suggested improvements to the landscape around Bayview Park senior center.
>>>>> If trees are in the easement area, the City can be contacted to address trimming, etc.

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Reviewed minutes from prior meetings.
>>>>> 44 paid members… $1,120 in account.
>>>>> PCIP grant: Discussed use of some grant funds for t-shirts, car logos, fridge magnets. Distributed examples of t-shirt and auto logos.
>>>>> Discussed Yahoo listserve group.
>>>>> Discussed fund raiser… home tour in the spring.
>>>>> Announced post-storm q&a public meetings hosted by Marty Donovan, district-4 councilman.
>>>>> Question on pouring new sidewalks to complete streets with partial sidewalks… we are on the list, but our sidewalk needs are lower on the City’s list since our area has already been addressed.
>>>>> Adjourned.

BOD Meeting – 10/14/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church, Pink House
When: Oct 14, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, Bruce Wilkins, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, David Del Gallo, Mike Idoni

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Based on recommendations from the City, will modify and resubmit grant request.
>>>>> Discussed neighborhood issues since Ivan, including disputes between neighbors… will address with City.
>>>>> Discussed printing of flyers to communicate meetings for Jan-Mar (3rd Monday, 6:30, McIlwain Church)… will distribute in early January
>>>>> Discussed use of yard signs to communicate upcoming meeting.
>>>>> Discussed recognition of charter members… free decals.
>>>>> Discussed volume of transient workers in neighborhood and need to exercise care… will touch base with the City to identify any increase in crimes after the storm.
>>>>> October 18th meeting… 6:30 at McIlwain Church
>>>>> Discussed attending first Friday in November. (park on Lakeview and 16th)
>>>>> November 4th… next BOD meeting… 6:30 at McIlwain Pink House (corner of Blount & 12th)… will flesh out the flyer content.
>>>>> November 15th meeting… seasonal refreshments and kick off season of lights.
>>>>> Will work up 3x5 car decal with oak tree
>>>>> Will work up t-shirt design with oak tree, no pockets
>>>>> Discussed a possible tour of homes in Spring 2005 (April)
>>>>> Discussed taking pictures throughout the neighborhood to document the clean-up and recovering faces
>>>>> Discussed use of listserve (i.e. YahooGroups) to enable communication with members

BOD Meeting – 9/09/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church, Pink House
When: Sep 9, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, Bruce Wilkins, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, Kaycee Wagg, David Del Gallo

== General Notes ==
>>>>> The PCIP grant was submitted on time… HUGE thanks to Kaycee Wagg!
>>>>> Discussed estimates for signs, decals, t-shirts, magnets, hats, and samples to show
>>>>> Need to communicate to PNJ for advertisement of Sep 20th general meeting
>>>>> Confirmed presentation by Jody Skelton, parks, for Sep 20th meeting
>>>>> Discussed phone call from district-4 councilman
>>>>> Parktoberfest: need flyers… “One Stop Copy” 2000 @ $.022 each = $42.50 + paper… also need drinks, set-ups which BOD will provide
>>>>> Mike-T is developing a membership application
>>>>> Need new flyers announcing: Sep 20th meeting, Oct 18th meeting, Oct 24th parktoberfest picnic, and Nov 15th meeting
>>>>> Kacey will open Sep meeting with discussion of park kiosk
>>>>> Colleen still seeking vendors estimates to make certain we have best quality for least cost
>>>>> Next BOD meeting: Oct 14th at McIlwain pink house @ 6:30PM
>>>>> Meeting concluded

General Meeting – 8/16/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Aug 16, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Kaycee Wagg, Mike Thomas, and Mike Idoni

Special guest: Officer Donohoe
City presence: Ed Spears

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Officer Donohoe addressed safety: stay aware, know your neighbors, never hesitate to report suspicious circumstances, motion sensor lights are helpful deterrents.
>>>>> Reviewed and approved minutes from prior general and BOD meetings.
>>>>> 43 paid memberships… $1,095 in bank.
>>>>> Traffic survey on web to collect specific needs.
>>>>> Condo proposed for 17th & trestle: Ed Spears noted that the original design was rejected by the City and there has been no further action yet.
>>>>> 7 parks in our area… provide BOD with input on needs.
>>>>> Fundraiser ideas: Logos passed around for group review… could be used on decals, t-shirts, etc. Members approved pursuit of a grant to fund the logo and its use. Members approved the tree logo.
>>>>> Copy card for use in making affordable copies: membership approved.
>>>>> Next meeting: Sep 20… parks & pride with presentation by Parks Director.
>>>>> Discussed signs to be placed around neighborhood to communicate coming meeting.
>>>>> Round table meeting for presentation of web site: Sep 28.
>>>>> Adjourned.

BOD Meeting – 8/12/2004
Where: Residence of BOD member Mike Thomas
When: Aug 12, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, Bruce Wilkins, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas
== Special Guest ==
John Ewing, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Department

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Safety: Crime stats reviewed
>>>>> Architecture/Neighborhood feel: City Planning department will send BOD a monthly notice of requested variances
>>>>> Parks: John Ewing
======= Park department overview (Maintenance , Athletics, Recreation )
======= Parks within our boundaries: Greenwood Park , Malaga Square @ 10th & Blount, C ordova Square @ 11th & Brainerd, Estramandina Square @ 15th & Lakeview, Operto Square @ 16th & Blount, Toledo Square @ 17th & Gonzalez, Bayview Park and Center @ 20th & Blount
======= Parks in need: Malaga Square, Cordova Square, Operto Square, Toledo Square
======= Street tree planting – more info at Sep 20 meeting when Jody Skelton, Park Director, will present
>>>>> City involvement:
======= Colleen to attend City Council Budget Workshops
======= Colleen & Mike-I to present web site at Sep 28th Round Table at City Hall
>>>>> Fund raisers: Discussed decals/logos

General Meeting – 7/19/2004
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Jul 19, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, and Mike Idoni

== Introduction ==
>>>>> Colleen introduced BOD
>>>>> Mike read minutes and they were approved.

== General Notes ==
>>>>> Bylaw change for boundaries: David requested that bylaws be revised to align with our intent: Cervantes-to-Lakeview and 9th –to-bayou with exclusion of Scotland Yard. Membership approved change.
>>>>> Crime statistics: Colleen discussed crime statistics which she summarized based on detail provided by City.

Crime prevention: You can call police for a non-emergency (435-1845) situation to request that they perform a drive-by for unusual behavior/situation.

>>>>> Survey: discussed survey results
>>>>> Sidewalks: Colleen identified 89 corners with incomplete sidewalks.
>>>>> Future projects: Colleen invited thoughts on future projects.
=====----- Park maintenance: Parks in our area that need general grounds maintenance … trees/scrub plant clean-up, etc.
=====----- Traffic: City traffic specialist was present and requested specifics on what was desired. Mike-T noted we would survey traffic needs to gather specifics.
=====----- Underground utilities
>>>>> Fund raisers: Invited input.
>>>>> Future speakers: Parks rep at next BOD, safety officer at next general meeting.

== Wrap-up ==
>>>>> Sidewalks: Sought approval from members to approach City about completing corners noted above. Members approved.
>>>>> Request from members: condo proposed for 17th and trestle… write letter of opposition. Voted and approved. Miles will draft letter for presentation at August general meeting.
>>>>> Meeting adjourned.

BOD Meeting - 07/08/04
Where: Colleen McDonough residence
When: Jul 8, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Kaycee Wagg, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, and Mike Idoni

== General Notes ==
>>>> Discussed handouts… we ran short and need some re-prints so we can distribute to missed blocks. Colleen will coordinate with City for re-print.
>>>> Browsed minutes from last general meeting…
---------- sidewalks – colleen will gather a sidewalk list to present at next general meeting
---------- survey results – david felt participation was low but felt main issues were on target with what we have been discussing / colleen noted that main issues identified were traffic control, infrastructure and property maintenance--- these intervention… we can address parks and plan a project at one (perhaps some basic ground maintenance at Bayview Park)
---------- oct 18th meeting/party
---------- intersections and traffic… request that City conduct analysis
---------- robberies/crime… colleen received crime statistics report from Michelle Atkinson – colleen is going to summarize/generalize data and make attendees aware… officer jimmy donohough will be at august meeting to address back to school safety

== Action Items ==
>>>> colleen – organize sidewalk list for review and vote at next general meeting
>>>> colleen – add’l handouts from city and then BOD will distribute to missed blocks
>>>> mike-t – contact john ewing the parks director (or his designee) to come to our next bod meeting to discuss parks, planned improvements, needs we might fulfill, and some general brainstorming
>>>> at next meeting, need to revise our boundaries to be as intended… 9th to bayou and Cervantes to Lakeview with exception of Scotland yard
>>>> fund raisers – yard sales, secret garden / home tour (perhaps like last year’s winterfest), cookbook, bike relay, walk-a-thon, magnets, decals,
>>>> next bod meeting – mike-t’s house
>>>> bruce – provide bod with roster of members including address, etc
>>>> trish – work up some logos and prices

General Meeting - 06/21/04
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: Jun 21, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Kaycee Wagg, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, and Mike Idoni
== City Staff in Attendance ==
Kevin Cowper, Director Community Development Department

== Introduction ==
>>>> David Del Gallo facilitated this meeting in Colleen McDonough’s absence.
>>>> David introduced the BOD members.
>>>> David invited new members and then stepped into the general meeting discussion.

== General Notes ==
>>>> Kaycee Wagg discussed the sidewalk projects
------------- There is an annual city sidewalk project budget and there are grants that can be pursued.
------------- Members were directed to contact Colleen or Kaycee with questions or interest in regards to sidewalks.
------------- Kevin Cowper, City, encouraged planning and communicating with the City in an organized, group manner.
------------- David emphasized the value and need for gathering neighbor buy-in with a petition/list to facilitate acceptance and action by the City.
>>>> Mike Idoni demo’ed the web site, used the site to read the minutes from the last general meeting and the last BOD meeting, and the minutes were approved.
>>>> Bruce Wilkins reported on membership and funds:
------------- 38 paid members (32 at last meeting and 6 at this meeting)
------------- revenue: $835 in member dues collected
------------- expenses: none
------------- fund balance: $835
>>>> David reviewed the survey results.
>>>> Nolee Howald discussed future meetings and their themes:
------------- Need to help others who are unable to maintain their own property because of various ciscumstances
------------- The City neighborhood safety group would present at a future meeting
------------- Oct 18th will be a party at Bayview Park – great time to meet others
------------- The intent of Light up the season is to create a holiday feel throughout the neighborhood and facilitate group activities
>>>> David recognized Dan, the administrator from McIlwain who was in attendance and had joined as an Associate Member… exceptional community involvement!
>>>> David identified the need for block captains and noted that there would be a deeper discussion and probable solicitation for interested parties at the next meeting.
>>>> David also noted the probable use of e-mail groups and phone-chain groups to better facilitate communication.
>>>> David opened the floor to those in attendance:
------------- Two members wanted to add a Whaley block party to the Community Calendar. Mike-I provided them with needed information after the meeting.
------------- A couple of neighbors from the Scotland Yard Neighborhood Association were in attendance and were very interested in the web site. Mike-I provided them with needed information after the meeting.
------------- One member brought up the inconsistent traffic signage in the neighborhood (stop signs, yield signs, no signs) and noted the need for attention.
------------- One member noted significant traffic problem at 12th and Gonzalez… danger to children
(from nearby schools and neighborhood) and other pedestrians who use park area… suggested a 4 way stop
------------- Other members noted the need to slow down traffic on 17th so a neighborhood feel was restored… perhaps more stop signs
------------- One member noted that numerous robberies had taken place within the neighborhood but there was no communication from City, newspaper or other media. Mike-T noted that the police could come to a future meeting to address this. A member noted that Eric Goss at the Pensacola Police Department could do this. Kevin Cowper noted that Michelle Atkinson from the city could provide monthly crime statistics… Mike-I will follow-up with Michelle and post these to the web on a regular basis (if desired).
------------- David thanked everyone for there attendance and participation and adjourned the meeting.

BOD Meeting – Jun 3, 2004
Where: Residence of Brian and Colleen McDonough
When: Jun 3, 2004 @ 6:30PM

== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Idoni, Nolee Howald, Mike Thomas, and Kaycee Wagg

== General Notes ==
>>>> Yards/appearance of neighborhood: The City is enabling Neighborhood Associations with local code enforcement. We want to ensure that this is approached in a friendly and positive manner. There are 2 forms, a Courtesy Notice (to communicate the need to the individual) and an Appreciation Notice (to thank the individual for resolving the need). In a future general meeting, we will present this concept to the members and, if approved, rework the forms to be friendlier and plan a friendly implementation. We also need to consider individuals who may have special circumstances that inhibit their ability to care for their property and identify needs that neighbors can fill for temporary or ongoing assistance.
>>>> Reflective address numbers on each house: Need to promote this to assist in identification during emergencies.
>>>> Discussed a fall block party (around October). Thought is to use Bayview Park as the location and possibly arrange for alternate use of the center in the event of inclement weather.
>>>> Survey: A summary of the results will be presented at our next general meeting.
>>>> Sidewalk project by City Public Works: If desired, we must sign up for specific actions (new, modify, repair) at specific locations. This will be discussed at the next general meeting.
>>>> Meeting announcements: City to print notice that will identify next 6 meetings. We will distribute by hand soliciting assistance from others in the neighborhood.
>>>> General meeting dates through the end of 2004: With the standard in mind of the 3rd Monday each month, the dates are Jun 21 (theme: survey results… what the people want to determine future direction), Jul 19 (theme: building blocks), Aug 16 (theme: back to school safety), Sep 20 (theme: parks and pride), Oct 18 (theme: parktoberfest ), Nov 15 (theme: light up the season), Dec (no meeting). Each of these meetings will be at McIlwain at 6:30PM.
>>>> East Hill car decals: Will work up some conceptual designs for presentation to members.
>>>> August BOD meeting: MT’s residence , Aug 5th at 6:30PM.
== Jun 21 general meeting ==
>>>> David will be acting President in Colleen's absence.
>>>> We will announce meeting dates through 2004.
>>>> To manage the length of the meeting and respect the time of everyone in attendance, we will enforce use of the sign-up sheet and the 2 minute speaking rule.
>>>> So that all can better hear comments made by speakers, we will request that each speaker stand when speaking.
>>>> We will discuss the use of e-mail and phone chains.
>>>> We will work with the City to be listed in the City Neighborhood Association Resource Guide (to be printed again around September 2004).
>>>> We will discuss the sidewalks list and deadline (end of June)... neighborhood coordinator, Helen Gibson, repairs larger than 30' and extensions to corners for handicap access... if we wish to
>>>> We will discuss greeting of new residents… possible use of a welcoming committee.
>>>> Chicken coop ordinance follow-up: this is allowed as long as they are properly contained and within specific distances of property lines.

Association Meeting - 05/17/04
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: May 17, 2004 @ 6:30PM
== Board Of Directors, BOD, in attendance ==
Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Idoni, Nolee Howald, and Mike Thomas

== Introduction ==
>>>> Colleen introduced the BOD.
>>>> Colleen targeted support of local businesses and joint participation of both groups, the Neighborhood Association and the business groups, to improve the area.
== Old business ==
>>>> Mike Idoni reviewed the minutes from the prior general meeting and the BOD meeting, and these were then approved. Mike also noted that the web page included notices of all meetings, minutes for completed meetings, and a copy of the bylaws.
== New business ==
>>>> Colleen introduced the membership dues proposal and made a motion for approval. It was approved as noted with no opposition. The dues will be: $25 for a regular member, $15 for a regular senior member (age 65+), $75 for a business, and $10 for an associate member. There was a question on dues paid now: Colleen explained that dues paid at this time will cover the period through September 2005.
>>>> Colleen provided Bruce with a copy of Quickbooks Pro.
>>>> Bruce discussed bank account. No fee if minimal balance maintained. 3 signers… Colleen, Bruce and David.
>>>> David discussed printing and postal costs. The City has been assisting, but this will be phased out. To manage costs, we will use e-mail where available and will post to web to minimize cost. Colleen discussed block captains and how they could communicate information one-on-one and reduce costs.
>>>> Colleen discussed the survey, available through the web page and via paper, and she promoted input to assist in initial direction setting.
>>>> There was a question on the purpose of this Association: The bylaws define the purpose. Colleen explained that it is to meet one another and member driven, and that is why we need input. One benefit is that we can be eligible for grants from the City to implement desired improvements. Another benefit is that there is effective leveraging with the voice of a formal group. Mike Thomas clarified that this is not a homeowners association… it does not have the jurisdiction to regulate building codes.
>>>> There was a question on livestock in neighborhood, specifically chicken. Colleen educated that this should be handled as a call to the City for resolution.
>>>> Ed, from the City, explained that we are the largest association in Pensacola. He noted that there is great value in defining our needs within this cohesive group and then taking that refined list of prioritized needs to the City. Ed also noted that he would handle the preparation and cost of one more mail-out if it included notice of 6 meetings. He also joined as an associate member.

BOD Meeting - 05/06/04
Where: Del Gallo Residence
When: 6:00-8:00 PM
== General Notes ==
>>>> David & Tanya Del Gallo most graciously hosted this initial meeting of the Association Board of Directors
>>>> Those in attendance included BOD members Colleen McDonough, David Del Gallo, Bruce Wilkins, Mike Idoni, Nolee Howald, Kaycee Wagg and Mike Thomas, and the wonderful hostess Tanya Del Gallo
>>>> The main intent of this meeting was for the Board members to get acquainted and to plan the next general meeting.
>>>> Each BOD member took a few minutes to tell a little about themselves, and it was obvious that everyone had a love for the area and a real interest in building an active and beneficial Association.
>>>> The general meeting will be held every third Monday of each month, location to be determined.
>>>> As a value-added item, at some future meeting we will invite a representative from the City Police Neighborhood Watch team to present a safety discussion to the Association

== Regarding the upcoming May 17 general meeting ==
>>>> It will be May 17 at 6:30PM at McIlwain Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
>>>> With respect to everyone's time, the goal will be to start promptly at 6:00 and end promptly at 7:00
>>>> During the meeting we will discuss and vote on dues. The dues which will be proposed will be: $25 for a regular member, $15 for a regular senior member (age 65+), $75 for a business, and $10 for an associate member
>>>> We will also invite individuals into membership
>>>> There will be some time at the end for open discussion. To assist in maintaining control over meeting time, Colleen will discuss limiting open speaking to 2 minutes

== Assignments ==
>>>> Colleen will prepare an agenda for the May 17 general meeting.
>>>> To ensure accuracy and completeness, Mike-I is to print the bylaws as they appear on the web site for review and approval by Colleen
>>>> Colleen will contact Craig Vigodsky to take him up on his offer to communicate our May 17 meeting during his weekly BLAB show.
>>>> To enable members to communicate information about themselves, Mike-T will web-enable a member preference survey, then Mike-I will add a link to the survey from the Association web page. This information will be secured, used for internal Association purposes only, and not made available to any outside persons or agencies.
>>>> Colleen will coordinate with the City to print out a batch of notices for the May 17 meeting and then these flyers will be manually distributed as follows: Colleen (Cervantes, Strong, and some business along 12th), Kaycee (Desoto), David (Gonzalez), Nolee (Brainerd & Lloyd), Mike-T (Blount & Lee), Bruce (Mallory), Mike-I (Avery & Moreno), Mr. Rosasco (Lakeview).
>>>> To eliminate manual hand-outs in the future, David will research the cost of mailouts.
>>>> Colleen will acquire an Accounting software package for use by Bruce. Bruce recommended Quick Books Pro.
>>>> Bruce will gather information on opening an Association bank account
>>>> Bruce will acquire a receipt book for recording all cash receipts

Initial Association Meeting - 04/26/04
Where: McIlwain Presbyterian Church
When: April 2004 @ 6:00PM
> This was the initial meeting since drafting of the bylaws was concluded.
> 53 individuals attended this meeting.
> During this meeting, bylaws were approved and Board of Directors were elected.
> Dues and membership will be addressed at a future meeting.
> There was a lively discussion of neighborhood boundaries, but an overwhelming majority vote of those in attendance was to leave the boundaries as is. This may be a future topic, and if change is supported by the then voting membership, the bylaws will be changed accordingly to reflect the revised boundaries.
> The next meeting will be announced on the web page under the Community Calendar.

Posted by easthill on 05/23/2005
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