I love dogs, I own 2, however, my lovely new neighbors leave theirs out all hours and in all weather, which causes them to bark- a lot. I could not even hear the Superbowl on my television over those dogs! The Superbowl people! Since I knew there was not a covenant in the neighborhood regarding barking dogs, I knew the association could do nothing about it, so I contacted the city. There is a barking dog ordinance (cities think of everything!).
If a dog is barking between the hours of 9 pm and 7 am, you can call the police-7542550, and they will send someone out to ticket them. I guess after three tickets they start getting fines. I also found out that in Wilson county, if a dog is left out without food, water, or a shelter, they can be removed from the residence by Wilson Co. Animal Control. I hate to go that route, however, I feel bad watching those dogs out in the rain with no shelter all the time. The guy that lives there has a bad temper, what would you do?