Eastburn Acres Civic Assn.

March 2008 Newsletter

Mar 05, 2008

Although snow events can occur in March, we?’ve been fortunate to have a mild Winter. Now comes the yard work of Spring and with it the disposal of last seasons yard waste, so consider composting or use the new facility for recycling yard waste on Polly Drummond Road. Free mulch is available while supplies last at the facility.
One of the highlights of living in a well established neighborhood is the landscaping that has occurred over the years. Shrubs and plants have matured over the years and when blooming occurs, the colors will pop out. Many of our residents have lived here since the neighborhood was built and can remember when we had a Garden Club. I still have a scrapbook from 1968 loaned to us by Tom Clark that will be at the meeting if anyone would like to see photos from 40 years ago and how the neighborhood looked and when the park was landscaped. Please volunteer to help our elderly neighbors with yard maintenance.
Vandalism and crime remains low on our streets because of the communication
of our residents. If crime occurs call 911 or for mischievous activity/loitering dial the County?’s non-emergency hotline at 573-2800. The Civic Association would like this information documented to follow up and prevent further events from happening.
A law was recently passed by County Council requiring that dogs be leashed while off of the owners property. We?’ve had a great number of calls regarding loose dogs threatening neighbors or their pets and I?’ve seen it firsthand. If this should occur or if a loose dog is seen, immediately contact Animal Control toll free at 1-888-352-7722. Although their office is in Kent County, they do patrol New Castle County. As listed in the last paragraph, the Civic Association would like this information documented to follow up and prevent further events from happening. Please be a good neighbor and keep pets in your yard to prevent these issues.
Frequently at our meetings the subject of our Block Party, or an Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween or Holiday Party come up. We agree with you and would like to see some of these events occur, and volunteers are needed to make them happen for our kids. If anyone could donate some time we?’ll work with you.

Our Community Yard Sale will be held Saturday May 10th ?– rain date will be
May 17th. Time to clean out the clutter, collect some extra income and invite others to tour what a proud neighborhood is all about. It?’s a great way to show off our community. Team up with a neighbor for a few hours or offer snacks or candy to help make your sale a success.
Thank you to everyone who have paid their Annual Civic Association Dues, however we still have some neighbors yet to participate. Annual dues are again only $20.00 or $15.00 for Seniors as they have been for a few years now. After hearing what other communities pay, ours is a small investment that we ask from our neighbors. To remain a strong community your participation is needed. There are 220 homes in Eastburn Acres. Strength in numbers will keep these rates down for all.
Nominations for officer positions with the Civic Association will be held at our March 12 meeting and my position will be open. I will be resigning as your President at the end of the meeting for family, health, and job reasons. My dad will be 80 this year and has moved to Lewes so visits now take a little more travel time. Grandchildren have arrived, being a Pop-pop has been great experience. Job responsibilities have increased in recent months and extra time is needed at work. Spare time I once had has eroded greatly and I can?’t provide the time to be effective for the position. Thank you to our officers for understanding this and working with me to keep us strong. Our community is fortunate to have your leadership.
I?’ve been a volunteer for Eastburn Acres since 2002 and have met many people around the County who compliment us for being such a great neighborhood to work with. When they asked how this is done, the answer is our active officers and neighbors in an established community. There are many ways to resolve issues. Word of mouth spreads quickly. Phone numbers and websites have been provided for you to contact your officers and handle issues that occur. Special thanks should also go to our street captains for distributing the newsletter to keep you informed.
We?’re fortunate that our elected officials and police actively participate in our meetings. That says a quite a lot about maintaining a strong community. They always provide solutions or options to handle our issues. It?’s been a pleasure and an honor to work with them.
For the reasons I?’ve listed above, it?’s a great time to volunteer as a community leader. I?’ll be glad to help whoever fills the position. I?’m sure you?’ll find it as rewarding as I have.
The sounds of Spring will be here soon ?– the race calls from Delaware Park, baseball games from the Midway complex and kids playing in Eastburn Acres park.
You?’ll see us pushing our granddaughter Emily in her stroller. See you on the 12th.

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