* Mary Ankeny of Kavanagh Rd. for soliciting Dundalk Florist & Poor Boys Garden Center for our garden contest.
* Theresa Cowger of Searles Rd. who gets up very early on Wednesday mornings after garbage pick up and puts all our neighbors garbage cans back in their yards (including mine).
* To the neighbor on Wareham Rd. who gives soda?’s to the garbage men during hot weather.
* To Anna Bender of Denbury Road who has maintained the Stansbury Park flower bed along with Linda Packham & Mary George for their contributions & help.
* To Rosemary Weiss of Searles Rd. for maintaining the Eastfield rowhouse community's sign and garden by Merritt Park Shopping Center for many a year.
* The two senior citizens who take their daily walk throughout our neighborhood and also pick up other peoples trash at the same time -- now that's what I call caring for a neighborhood. Care to take their idea and walk with it?